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Desktop Wallpapers Anonymous 06/20/2023 (Tue) 02:43:11 Id: 9aaed2 No. 847228 [Reply] [Last]
Long story short lost my folder of wallpapers and need to scrounge up some new ones, there's a pixel art/skybox thread already up but I'm looking for more general purpose vidya related images. Posting what I managed to salvage to start.
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Contributing. Some of them might not be vidya related.
>>968445 Damn, forgot the coolest one. Don't even know how I got this because apparently they took down the source.

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PlayStation Production head predicts developers will stop focusing on graphics next gen Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 00:07:31 Id: ff3189 No. 971550 [Reply] [Last]
I was going to put this in the minor news thread, but thought there might be enough discussion to warrant its own thread. https://archive.is/f1HFK His exact quote is >In terms of gaming’s future, I envision games becoming more personalised due to advances in technology and AI, enabling customized experiences for each player, moreover, technological advancements will enhance emotional depth in games by allowing characters to be much more emotive and expressive, fostering more evocative storytelling. >That’s going to help a whole generation of creators be able to just create so much more emotion in the stories. The focus is going to shift from graphics or visuals to immersive narratives that resonate long after the controller is set down. I think his AI prediction is off-base, but I do agree focus will "shift from graphics". Graphical fidelity basically flatlined last generation, the PS5 has brought only minor improvements. Spider-Man 2 cost $300,000,000 and visually isn't very different to the first game. I did see an interesting theory about the nature of his comments; the AI and storytelling buzzwords might simply be a rhetorical technique to lessen the blow of a development shift. This quote was said at their corporate strategy meeting, the audience was investor types rather than gamers. The flowery language might be in attempt to not upset them.
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>>971997 This article has me in stitches, this guy's just fucking rambling. >Another one of my favourites actually takes me back to the PS1 days. Anyone remember Fear Effect? <Hey remember this game? Yeah that was good. t. journo supreme I wish I got paid for the random bullshit I posted. >>972142 I've never seen that before, I didn't even know it existed. How did you trip it?
>>972140 <<17. Saints Row Franchise, Starting With Saints Row 2 The only vaguely gay thing I recall in SR2 was when you play as a female boss she agrees with Johnny Gat about putting strippers in their HQ. Though on the minigame where you become a prostitute, Ho-ing, your clients are always the opposite gender of your character. So she probably meant male strippers. >>972291 >Eien no Filena >SaGa Frontier >Summon Night >Wild Arms Maximum SOUL taste right here. >>972465 It's really jarring to see BR2 on the same list as that western garbage. Also weren't the relationships in BR2 platonic at best? I'm pretty sure BR1 was the one that was actually gae. "Game Jurnos don't actually play games, more news at 7" I suppose.
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>>972633 Ho-ing is the opposite of the last preset chosen in character creation. If you make a female character from scratch instead of picking a female preset the NPC will be female. BR2 has pic related and a few other things.

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Legend of Nayuta / Nayuta no Kiseiki Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 22:17:45 Id: 9f9a73 No. 958929 [Reply]
YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING LEGEND OF NAYUTA I often lament that the industry doesn't make games for people like me anymore because everything is either pozzed, shit, or in some genre I don't like gothic horror TPA souls bullshit. And it remains true because this game came out in 2013 in Japan for the PSP. But recently there was a fully voiced, faithfully translated US release on Switch and Steam and this game fucking rocks. Its a spinoff of Trails in the Sky. >2.5D side scrolling action/platformer with very strong RPG elements. >Graphics look like hi-rez Megaman Legends with excellent styling and an absolutely silk smooth 60 FPS. >Story is oldschool - basic but with a couple unexpected twists that were done really well. >Every character is likable, from the tsundere childhood friend to your loli fairy partner to the random shopkeeps and people around town. >The game is about 60% voiced in English and the voicing is done well. >Combat reminds me of YS but simpler and better at the same time. As you unlock more moves it starts feeling like a 2.5D Devil May Cry almost. >Levels are short, tasty, and eye-poppingly beautiful and meant to be ran multiple times each, with varying routes and a solid amount of very well done platforming. >Overall difficulty is middle of the road (I Game Overed maybe 3 times in a whole Normal playthrough) but every level (20+ in all) has optional side goals that ramp the difficulty considerably, and which grant rewards like rare gear and stars that unlock new moves. There's also a Hard mode and a NG+ Very Hard mode where getting hit is instant death. >Boss fights are fun and force you to simultaneously solve a puzzle of :"how do I damage this thing" with no hints or handholding. Very refreshing. >You get a cute fairy loli who follows you around, lets you use her magic and you can collect outfits to dress her up in. >Its one of those games where changing your equipment actually shows on your character, which is something I love. >Quite a lot of customization and also a giant museum where you can display all the collectibles you find

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>>959948 I don't either. Let's do a poll. https://poal.me/a4pq8y
>>959949 I'm not touching your poll unless you buy me a drink first.
OP here. I am still playing this. I just hit the 60 hour mark in NG+, got all the equipment and extra mission stars, and I'm level 97 at the second to last dungeon before the epilogue. NG+ is a wild ride, especially if you start on the "Infinity" difficulty like I did. You will git gud or die in one hit to everything for hours but its super satisfying when you master it. NG+ aso adds more story bits, more sidequests, new NPCs, and a special menu where you can raise your level and arts level caps, reduce Gear ability costs (to the point you can make them free), lets you unlock 4 more super hard dungeons with optional megabosses, and more.

XDefiant launches May 21 Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 22:51:16 Id: db53fe No. 964748 [Reply]
After constant push backs and delays XDefiant will finally be releasing on May 21st 2024. For those not in the know, XDefiant is the most recent attempt by Ubisoft to cash on the Call of Duty audience. It's basically free to play Call of Duty for those that just wanna get back from work and play a few round of team deathmatch without having to buy a 70 dollar game every year. Honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this but I sincerely hope that Ubisoft and the former CoD devs that are working on this are able to put pressure on Activision to actually change up the Call of Duty formula to a point where they're forced to take a more lax approach to moderation. I think this will either be a massive success or a giant shitshow. Either way I decided to make a thread for the game since it'll probably be all over the net when the game launches. I just hope they follow through on their promise to support Linux via Proton.
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>>964748 I played it with some friends and had either easy lobbies or got completely destroyed. my thoughts are simple: >ugly women >standard cod gameplay >gamemodes are uninspired
>>971086 Pretty much, I think that for a popcorn shooter that you just wanna put a couple of rounds into it should be fine.
>>964748 Why did you even make this thread? Idiot. As if Jewbisoft is not going to be filled with ugly, androgynous women, niggers, fats, and purple haired troons. Fuck you.

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Summer Games Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 15:19:07 Id: 79b671 No. 970566 [Reply]
Post games that you played or like to play during the season that have that cozy summer feeling, due to setting/aesthetic.
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>>971927 i didn't know funky kong time traveled to nes
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>>971946 groovy baby

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Witcher 3 Mod Tools Out Now Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 12:13:36 Id: 5f36f1 No. 970530 [Reply]
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>>970783 > the gear is scaled to your level which made exploring almost pointless Equipment found in the world felt like an afterthought. Most effort clearly went into the crafted armor and swords. They were much better than almost anything you could find, had more detailed models, and special effects. I only used looted equipment in the early stages of the game before looking for witcher equipment schematics becomes an option.
Call me when someone makes a total conversion mod where you can play a Witcher with big tits.
Call it the titcher.

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Sony reportedly working on new (actual) handheld, can play PS4 games Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 14:18:16 Id: 76d426 No. 969732 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.is/0pWee The leaks are coming from known Sony leakers, including one who revealed that Death Stranding and Horizon were both coming to PC. The leaker compared it to the Steam Deck. The OP is a brief because the article itself of sparse, not much was talked about other than its existence and very rough specs.
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>>969734 >He doesn't want to play Bloodborne on the go
>>970716 >9 glorious inches of Bloodborne
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>>970716 >>971502 Sony should just make a console called Bloodborne that just plays Bloodborne. They Could invite Footman to come back and finish the chalice dungeons and the covenants, possibly expand Painhurts Castle and proto-Undead Settlement too. Maybe add a new weapon and armor every year as mini updates.

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Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 03:28:36 Id: 6cd8d6 No. 968667 [Reply] [Last]
I got a PS5 and I have a good collection of PS4 games and I'm going to get more. What are the essential PS5 games I need to get? JRPGs, shooters, anime games, you name it. What ones do I need in my collection? Planning on getting Stellar Blade and I have digital Spiderman 2 and I have Helldivers 2, but other than that I have no idea.
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>>970887 He's right, not retarded. Touchpads are shit for games that need precision.
>>970893 No it checks out. I did all the high concept mathematics in my lab. I cross-referenced empirical evidence and studies published by professionals who are well respected. He's a retard. The touchpads double as programmable keyboards. Should you fail to see the benefit of that; I remind you casuals to just use the waggle controls instead.
>>970923 >touchpads as programmable keyboards I think I lost braincells reading this.

Game Phrases/Lines That Will Be Forever Stuck In Your Head Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 20:55:10 Id: e263e7 No. 941061 [Reply] [Last]
Post those bits of dialogue, quotes, or lines that you heard all the time in a game and are now perpetually playing at random in your head. These are lines that you can play back in your head at will and with complete accuracy, but bonus points if the way you remember it after all these years isn't exactly the correct quote. I'll start with some common ones and then get into the ones I am personally more familiar with >Something need doing? >EXCUSE ME, I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION >My faith is my shield >I'll take a crack addict >Come on little one, time to die!
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>>970172 Actually really fucking good
>>941061 one of the bosses from shadow the hedgehog where eggman says "you know what they say, the more the merrier"

>>969634 You can install CFW on New 3DS XL. Read https://www.3dbrew.org/
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I need some help with PS3 backups. I'm trying to load PS3 game ISOs with WebMAN and the games either crash returning me to the XMB, never load and quiting the game causing the system to reboot, OR just freezes the console altogether about 10 seconds upon loading the game and require me to hard shutdown the system. Thus far, the games I've tested this out with are FF13 (JP version), Record of Agarest War (JP version), BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (JP version), and Burnout Paradise (US version). This has happened both on an NTFS formatted drive and a Fat32 formated drive with the ISO split for the former three. What am I doing wrong?
>>970271 Did you try Irisman?

Arcade Nostalgia Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 01:50:57 Id: 3ec55b No. 969958 [Reply]
I'll just be dumping some old nostalgic photos of arcades or malls with arcades in them. Might also post a few nostalgic magazine ads that relate to video games. Feel free to post your own stuff, just remember the thread rules 1. No niggers Or at least, no niggers as the focus of the photo 2. Must be at least kind of old 3. No items 4. Fox only 5. Final destination
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I went to an arcade in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday. Decent place, but about half of the machines had LCDs instead of CRTs, and the few remaining CRTs were on their last legs. The sticks were janky, but eh. The biggest crime was Addams Family Pinball being a dollar per play, and the bubble level for the table showed it had been tilted hard to fuck players. Every other cab was fifty cents, be it Missile Command or Marvel vs Capcom 2. They don't use tokens, which is a bit of a shame. I used to collect arcade tokens. Definitely more fun if you bring a group, because if you're going to play arcade games alone, just use MAME.
>>970157 Shame that the arcade didn't have free plays set on all machines. A lot of retro arcades I've seen these days (the good ones at least) have you pay upfront and then all machines are free to play until you decide to leave
>>970158 This one is set up like a proper arcade. Racing games all along the wall, light gun games dotted around the floor, pinball machines on opposite corners, ticket games on opposite walls and in the center. No pretentious horseshit. Even the carpet is correct.

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The Yuzu story Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 16:51:29 Id: f296a4 No. 942387 [Reply] [Last]
It's one hell of a tale
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So, what's the deal with switch emulation now, did yuzu ever get a successor or is it all ryujinx?
It's all Ryujinx now for real developers. Yuzu is six feet under. Clout chasers forked "successors" but didn't know how to develop a Switch emulator and the "successors" died.
>>951866 That's exactly what I was thinking. Especially yuzu

Super Smash Bros Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 14:18:30 Id: f25944 No. 925294 [Reply] [Last]
Smash Remix 1.5.0 has been released, and I figured this would be a good opportunity to make a post about it. The new update adds in Ebisumaru from Goemon, Banjo, and Dragon King. You can also find another mod that adds in Spider-Man with his MvC playstyle into the game, which I find to be very interesting. Hopefully the Smash Remix team adds in more niche picks from games reflective from that era like Custom Robo, Chameleon Twist, Sin and Punishment, and Glover. That being said, if the team is actively developing the mod then I wouldn't be surprised if Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 or Megaman were ported over from Smash Ultimate since I know the Smash Remix team also likes bringing over Veterans as well. Although it seems Nintendo took down their channel, so who knows if they'll get a C&D after this update. Either way it's not the worst update to end on, if that ends up being the case. I just hope that the dev team doesn't go full Project M and abandon the entire project without a good reason. Other than Smash Remix, I've noticed some rumblings of new developments of Smash Bros as Nintendo and Namco have been hiring for a new 3D game and a 2D game, for their new Studio called Studio 2 or Studio S. No one knows 100% what these games are, but for the 2D game at least, it might be an update to Smash Ultimate that ads new characters and whatnot. Especially since the game has had a rumored update last fall with Amiibo's suddenly getting restocked. That being said, I hope they replaced Sakurai with some younger talent since I've noticed that Sakurai himself has a bit of an ego, and it's good not to have all of your eggs in one basket. Here's an archive to the job listings and the article that goes over it: https://archive.is/nZIiD https://archive.is/cuLXj
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>>967820 They most likely did not, considering that only MM was featured instead of showing both MM and smash 64
https://youtu.be/4Ezg3DwpFFE?si=-Sx1hkE2pFu-YSB6&t=1020 I wonder if that backdoor could be used by wiseguy's tool to recomp gamecube games into C
>>969627 The architectures of GameCube and Nintendo 64 are too different. Possibly for N64 repacks like Animal Crossing.

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regarding minecraft Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 13:25:58 Id: 40a447 No. 924352 [Reply] [Last]
tell me which is good- java or bedrock to play minecraft in?
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>>968031 >>968038 In my experience, this is why Gregtech is so popular. It can be more (GTNH) or less (nomifactory) torturous depending on what pack you pick but the main appeal is that it makes sense and it just werks, especially as your base gets bigger and more complex. Yeah, you're going to grind and suffer and probably fall down any number of rabbit holes along the way but you're never really lost and hard gating is considerably less common than in a lot of other tech packs. Even in the low tiers you have options; for setting up increased steel production in LV, for example, you can either leverage the power of your LV machines make a relatively cheap and low-tech coke oven and blast furnace array and put steel on a primitive form of passive early on or you can invest in your power grid and oxygen production and use an arc furnace and EBF to batch craft lots of steel quickly at the cost of a huge amount of power - and you can easily design your power grid around either of these options. When you start making the materials for the next tier, you can either rush next-tier tech to get the most important machines and then circle back around to infrastructure or you can slowly build up infrastructure in your current tier and then enter the next tier already producing plenty of what you'll need to advance and having plenty of power to work with at the cost of needing to use more of those resources more quickly. An example in this case would be petroleum products in late MV and early HV; in MV you can spend your time and resources setting up a robust processing line of single-block machines that put out enough diesel to make the transition to HV easier or you can use all of your early stainless to rush a distillation tower, oil drilling rig, super tanks and a couple of large chemical reactors and automate multiblock diesel production that with a bit of expansion will probably carry you all the way into nuclear power so you don't have to upgrade later - at the cost of then needing to do things like adding another EBF and upgrade your ore processing and do more mining for key resources, which you could have done instead. Or you could have used those early HV materials to set up renewable biodiesel or to automate bees that produce oil for you, or whatever. Same deal with AE2; you can rush to get a small system up in early to mid HV OR you can fiddle around with pumps and conveyors and pipes and then make an AE2 system much more quickly and easily once you start turning out more EV circuits. Anyway, my point is basically that in greg packs progression is extended and non-linear and for the most part just werks and you can choose your favorite form of suffering.
>>924352 Mods+Community content/Singleplayer experience is better on Java and Minetest. Bedrock is okay if you play with frens exclusively for little to no effort, but you can make a much better experience on Java for that if you take some time.
>>969199 (checked) Hmmm I consider this mod pack later then for playing then. That is a thorough explanation of the aspect of this mod. Well I will try to suffer through sky bees a bit more and see if its still grindy or not before I bother switching mod packs. I am at the stage where I can finally get some iron bees so that i can make items finally that requires iron. The manual centrifuge block is a real pain in the ass, why the fuck do I need to manually grind all those material combs per hand instead of being slightly more automated? That's really stupid. Not that i have much use for dirt and wood combs though since I only needed a lot of dirt to get a furnace block running which I have and getting cobblestones through bees is obsolote because the basic gen 1 cobblestone generator makes a lot of cobblestones then I can shake a stick at. I wonder if I can automate the process of harvesting material combs though so that I don't have to walk towards my 3 bee enclosure and harvesting manually with a shear. It seems I need red stones for that? I have never used red stones before so I need to look up tutorials for that.

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AI vs AI: best games where computer fights each other Anonymous 09/28/2023 (Thu) 08:04:44 Id: aa383b No. 891188 [Reply] [Last]
What are the best games where you can set up a match between AI opponents and let them fight? BONUS: >if you can name the AI >If AI is good & wins aren't predictable >customization
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>>896561 Seeing op characters duke it out will never stop being funny
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>>932446 >Dead or Alive (2 to 5)
>>891188 Man, I really want to make a Mario Retardy with party planner and model swaps but I keep losing track of the time

Renewed Mario Paint Thread Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 09:24:27 Id: 3eab93 No. 958116 [Reply]
The old thread was lost. Let's revive it and all try to participate this time, especially since everyone can post again. If someone would be so good as to give a link to the Mario Paint download since I seem to have lost my archive file.
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>>965782 Mario Paint Composer used to be all over YouTube.
Not mine
ms paint so doesnt count but drew this for a half-baked 4cuck thread so here you go just for fun

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