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DALL-E 3 / Stable Diffusion / Voice Cloning / Chatbot AI General Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:46:04 Id: 73833d No. 925563 [Reply] [Last]
Like tears in rain edition Last one got moved to >>>/ais/2422 Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya and help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE GENERATION DALL-E 3 >What is DALL-E 3? DALL-E 3 is a text-to-image model which is built upon DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT. >Links http://www.bing.com/images/create https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator >How does it work on Bing? In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

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>>983574 >Any recommendations? Pony Diffusion v6. Unquestionably. You'll need some Loras to go with it, either style Loras, or character ones (which tend to contain the original style of the char in them). Know in advance that Pony is suck a tweaked version of SDXL that the Lora compatibility between regular SDXL and Pony is spotty at best, which is why there's a filter on Civit just for Pony. >>983736 AOM3 was my favorite when I was still poking around on 1.5 (Puffy was my second favorite), but after stepping up to Pony I can't go back.
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Spent a couple hours fucking around trying to make a loli 2B, but I can't seem to do much better than the image I made within the first 30 minutes, and I must have some fundamental misunderstanding about how inpainting works. I thought I had it figured out when I fixed some deformities in the first image in >>983667 in just a couple tries, but for the life of me, every attempt at evening out the symmetry of her leotard results in the inpainted area looking like shit.
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>>984273 This is as good as it's going to get. For some reason, I can no longer inpaint sketch this image. I was able to edit it before without issue after I had just made it, making fixes to the hair that I forgot to save, but now the program gets fucky when I try to copy it by any means to the inpaint sketch page. It will fail to load, or it will load off center even if zoom is reset to normal, causing weird cursor issues where the mouse warps from the right edge of the canvas to somewhere in the middle right, blocking off a chunk of the image from being editable. I also now run out of memory if I attempt to generate from it even at 1:1 scale, with the program suggesting a max size of around 1300x1300, despite this 2048x2048 image having been made from it.

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Web and Flash Games Anonymous 11/15/2023 (Wed) 19:12:14 Id: 802c50 No. 907196 [Reply]
Usually these kinds of threads begin with the mandatory "back in my day" type of post, but I really wanted to know something about the anons who were too young to be there when web-based games were the undisputed kings: have you ever played any of these games, and if so, what's your stance on them compared to your other gaming experiences? Also, don't forget to check out the Flashpoint Project at https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/ and the very large collection of games they have.
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>>938871 swfchan and flashpoint
I played way too many Flash games growing up to remember them all but the one that really stuck with me was Dofus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmMSPyp-LvM
I played way too many Flash hentai games.

Mike Bodie, prolific voice actor and absolute dumbass, just leaked a bunch of games with dates on his résumé. Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 19:01:06 Id: 89935d No. 980375 [Reply]
Anybody familiar with video game leaks knows it's relatively common for actors to accidentally leak projects on résumés. This one isn't entirely accidental though, he clearly knows he can't name them as they all begin with "NDA", so he writes the games down in abbreviated codenames. These names were so masterfully obfuscated as "AC8" (Ace Combat 8) and "DE X M2" (Daemon X Machina 2). People have gone through the list and tried to work out what he's talking about. He listed studios alongside them which makes it much easier. I'll go over the obvious ones first >63D, Destructive Creations, 2025 <63 Days >AC8, Bandai Namco Studios, 2025 <Ace Combat 8 >AOM, Microsoft, 2024 <Age of Mythology remake >AOW, Three Whales, 2024 <Age of Water >CWRKRV, InXile, 2025 <Clockwork Revolution (he is really not smart about these, also this might suggest the game was delayed)

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>>980375 < Scam Citizen He's an idiot (for believing that anything he did for CIG is ever going to be published) or he's lying.
>>980763 >He'll never get more work after this, will he? He'll get work handling all the lawsuits he's served when ten different companies take him to court.
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>>980767 Do not lewd the Prez, shes for torturing with high G turns and maneuvers and yelling about missiles.

Drawthread - Winter Fun Edition Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 14:26:16 Id: 8452f4 No. 937182 [Reply] [Last]
Since the drawfags were too lazy to make a new thread, I decided to make one myself. /v/ Draw Thread Archive of last thread: https://archive.is/aVrsI Last thread: >>851959 Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ REMINDER TO SAVE THREADS LOCALLY (and all the pictures you want to) SINCE ARCHIVES DON'T HAVE IMAGES ANYMORE Relevant Boards And Threads >>>/loomis/ >>>smuglo.li/a/ - Drawing Improvement Club >>>/a/2358 - /a/ Drawthread >>>/drawarchive/ - Mirrored drawthreads with images; living archive Books and Tutorials If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot. Don't worry too much about these as they're info overload for absolute beginners. Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated.

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>>983634 Who's the mouse? I never heard of a board called /xfce/.
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>>984967 libbie isnt a board but some kind of software mascot and it stands to reason the mouse is too; looking into it, her names Xue but i don't see any, you know, porn or her or nothing, not even an established character design
>>984967 >>985529 That's Libbie on the left and Xfce-tan on the right, they're both characters for a visual novel that's in development. See the Libbie VN Thread on Sleepy https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/168647.html Xfce-tan is a new character and, for now, she'll be more of a cameo according to the writer.

Visual Novel General Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 20:20:21 Id: fdb87f No. 965363 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the 8chan Visual Novel Thread Post all visual novel-related news and discussions here if you'd like. Don't feel constrained to post ITT if you want to make a thread about big news related to a visual novel's release or something - within reason. When in doubt, just put it here. Archive of previous thread: https://archive.ph/V2sPk Archive to all VN Threads: https://pst.moe/paste/mtqzct Visual Novel Database/VNstat: https://vndb.org/ (https://vnstat.net/) Visual Novel Starter Kit: https://pst.moe/paste/ypmpss (Includes info for beginners, terminology, recommendations, sources, and downloads [nearly all are dead] for fonts and visual novels for beginners.) Visual novel recommendation charts: http://animu-mango.wikia.com/wiki/VN_Recommendations Nostalgic Visual Novels on-line: http://tss.asenheim.org/ Another online visual novel reading site: http://vnjs.thatplayer.com/ English VN DDL sites: https://www.craneanime.com/wp/tag/english/ - https://erogedownload.com/ English and raw VN downloads for PC and Console: http://www.vn-meido.com/k1/ Rockmandash's Guide to Tablets for VNs: http://archive.is/B3cv5 (outdated but still guides you in the right direction) Fuwanovel VNs on Android Guide: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/1323-android-visual-novel-lets-play-visual-novel-on-the-go/ Machine translation guides: https://amaenboda.wordpress.com/tag/how-to-use-agth/ & http://archive.is/5vgDa The Beginner’s Guide to Visual Novel Development: https://www.twoandahalfstudios.com/2020/02/the-beginners-guide-to-visual-novel-development PC VNs on DS/3DS Guide: https://pst.moe/paste/tediml

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>>979565 >>979566 why hello Important note: most of the girls are your standard monstergirls. 42 is the wildcard gag character. She's also massive, much bigger than you'd think. >>979593 >because they generally give off this aspect to be ironic and quirky rather than something actually sincere. That is such a big problem with western VNs, there are definitely genuine ones (largely by furries, strangely) but so many are either a joke or try to be subversive in some way. Just think of famous western VNs off the top of your head >Doki Doki Literature Club >Sucker For Love >Analogue: A Hate Story >Slay The Princess Not that all of these are bad, but they all have some angle to them.
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>>975936 >I wouldn't imagine you'd want to smooch this fella Shut your mouth!
Is there 寝盗られ in Neues for the PSX?

NES/Famicom thread! Replacing the 72 pin connector for glorious memories Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 02:09:55 Id: 11fe1b No. 978520 [Reply]
I wanna have my NES working properly, and since the cartridge connection seemed pretty precarious (the screen had a tendency to go gray randomly and no cartridge connected well at the first try) I figured it could be the 72 pin connector. Is this gon' be easy? Or will it be impossible? Will my dreams come true? Let's see. Also, let's talk about the NES/Famicoim.
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Does an Everdrive hold all the games?
>>979631 The Everdrive website says it supports micro SD cards up to 32GB which is way way more than enough to hold the entire NES and famicom library.
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>>979658 There's also a wealth of homebrew games, and excellent ROM hacks. The only downside of the Everdrive is that it can't do the FUCKHUGE games like that Legend of Link hack that looks like Link's Awakening. You need an FX Pak Pro or whatever, but if you don't care about the very few games that need it, you're more than set with an Everdrive. I also recommend getting one for Genesis, as it works with Master System and 32X games (requires a 32X for the latter, naturally)

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Oldschool Minecraft Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 17:58:19 Id: 6bfe5e No. 979314 [Reply] [Last]
Feeling nostalgic? We can play Alpha / early Beta Minecraft.
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Everyone who wants to play old MC without MS account should use Betacraft like >>980073 said or use "cracked" PolyMC. https://github.com/PolyMC/PolyMC/releases/tag/1.3.2 https://privatebin.net/?fde8035ab8029d6d#CKidJqhqxbaqkUv3fpjUV4dDy9MyvygK2wnr6PMwfUcR >>980062 If you migrated you account, MS only required to set up a 2FA method. If you didn't want to give your phone numbers to glowies, you should have used OTP instead (and avoid giving other personal infornation obviously)
I think Discord as of now doesn't require a phone number for early accounts, but that servers can set themselves to high verification requirement. Which from what I've seen isn't the case with the Alpha Place Server -- you can Whitelist there without high verification besides verifying the email & skipping the tutorial.
>>980245 The problem atm is that cracked users still have to get whitelisted (which requires going on Discord) -- in order to get on this particular Alpha server. Albeit people who already have Minecraft can use MultiMC explained here >>980025 & >>980026 without using Discord (I think).

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Wrestling games Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 20:10:56 Id: 5a8c42 No. 979777 [Reply]
How many have you played? What do you think of the Smackdown vs Raw games? AKI? Fire Pro? Any underrated gems worth playing?
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>>979820 >Rumble roses Nice.
>>979974 I want to rumble those roses!
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More roses.

Fighting Game Thread: God I hope I can change the face in Tekken 8 Edition Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:30:07 Id: ee87eb No. 948995 [Reply] [Last]
>News: <TEKKEN 8 Stream Confirms Iconic Costumes, In-Game Shop, Eddy Gordo on Character Select / Main Menu https://archive.is/SNs8h <Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves released a new trailer and gameplay information https://archive.is/Ltp8b >Project L Officially Named "2XKO", New Gameplay Trailer, 2025 Release Window Announced https://archive.is/7quK5 >Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising 2B Released, New Trailer / Character Guide, Version 1.21 Update https://archive.ph/EtazP <Street Fighter 6: Akuma DLC teased >EVO 2024 Games List Just look at the embeds <MultiVersus will relaunch on May 28 https://archive.is/EysY7 <Under Night in Birth 2 mostly fixed on PC https://archive.is/TicWs

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>>978516 dude looks like an irl Second Life avatar
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>>977726 Are they pulling out the visual gag of her wearing 50 pounds of make up just look like her old self? >>977717 >Echo chamber You don't say, lefties love to play retard until you dish it out raw, that's where they get their panties in a knot and throw another peaceful arson to their globohomo sugardaddies. >>977739 And totally ignoring that democracy's chosen people love to wear what Hugo Boss designed.
>>979471 Because, all of those games suck ass by most metrics. If you want to not waste 4 years of your life making a fighting game you have to have a non-lame aesthetic concept with competitive autism, or else it will be dead on arrival.

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Multiversus General Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 05:25:53 Id: 782626 No. 973401 [Reply] [Last]
WB's FTP smash clone just came out and it's pretty fun. going from beta in 2022 to full game in 2024, multiversus features a colorful cast of characters from fin and jake to jason vorhees. This game can pick characters from any WB property and that's what makes people keep coming back despite the greedy business practices. the fighting feels rock solid though there are some people who feel like they slowed the game down after the beta. WB have also decided to not allow mods after in the height of this game's popularity. Now if you try to mod the game, I'm hearing reports that they'll BAN you for even simple cosmetic mods which i bullshit. you will NEVER get to mod in a cute/sexy/revealing one piece for wonder woman or harley quinn now. I know that disappoints alot of people including myself. FUCK WB. but at the end of the day, the game's still fun. Will it last? well if the stuff about the mods is true, i don't think it will.
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>>979454 >>979463 >Single image meme replies Go back to cuckchan
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>>979689 Kill yourself tourist.
>>973401 NO SCHILLINGER NO BUY That's right I'm regurgating what the 3 guys who give a shit about Panel de Pon have been posting during the autism of Super Smash.

Indie Games Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:22:13 Id: d2aad4 No. 971529 [Reply] [Last]
After years of avoiding indie games like the plague because of how cancerous the community surrounding them is, I've finally decided to give them a try. I really love the 16 and 32 bit eras of games but I've played virtually all of the ones from that period that I would be interested in to death and the only people who seem to still be making games like that are indies. But there are so many out there and I'm certain 99% of them are bad so I need your help. What are the best indie games reminiscent of old 16 and 32 bit games? I'm up for pretty much any genre, 2D or 3D, except horror and roguelikes. They don't have to look exactly like games from back then but I'd prefer something that doesn't push gay/tranny/furry/feminist pozz; at least, not explicitly. I've already tried Undertale and I didn't like it. Also, general indie games thread.
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>autism incoming I really don't like the idea of an "indie game". Firstly it doesn't necessarily refer to actually independent games; Baldur's Gate 3 is independent while Hotline Miami was funded and published by a third-party, but the former is considered AAA while the latter - indie. It's an arbitrary term. indie Secondly, it inherently "others" games not made by bloated big budget studios. It's not just a game, it's an indie game. A prefix. There's this unspoken implication of lesser quality and polish (when compared to "real" games, by AAA studios of course) whenever it's is used. If a so-called indie actually is impressive in the its presentation its often given the nebulous "AA" title. With it also comes a set of negative stereotypes, there's this idea that the people who make and play "indie games" are the 2010 stereotype of a hipster with their handlebar mustaches and lumberjack shirts. How many times have you heard some variant of the joke "Earthbound-style JRPG that's a metaphor for mental illness", now ask yourself how many of those you've actually seen? It's an almost nonexistent genre. There's a wide breadth of games in the indie category, ironically much more so than you'd see in the GaaS and Ubisoft-style open world-filled AAA industry. I understand it's a useful term to refer to a certain style of game, when somebody says indie you immediately know what they mean, but I think it's reductive and limits the discussion around games.
>>974858 I mean, most of those stereotypes were real back in the late 2010s, but indie as an insulting prefix has waned on most other corners of the net (this place is the exception more for culture war reasons than any other anti-indie bias). Lesser quality and polish is to be expected of smaller and underbudgeted teams, in spite of big name indies like Cocoon, Hades, Stray, or It Takes Two blowing the average AAA out of the water. A lot of trends they had then (pixel art, quirky dialogue, genre choices of rougelite and rpg) are still seen today, the same way that AAA as a derogatory prefix still follows a lot of their trends from that time period (GaaS, MTX, Ultra HD, Open World, "CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE"). Anons here mostly hate them because a lot of them being california liberal hipsters made them more cliquish, encourage each other to push diversity, keep the industry regressed, but otherwise they can provide an outlet that AAA can't or won't and for that I partially respect them. >How many times have you heard some variant of the joke "Earthbound-style JRPG that's a metaphor for mental illness", now ask yourself how many of those you've actually seen I posted half of this list on /vb/ months ago: Undertale, Omori, YIIK, Hylics, LISA the Painful, Oddventure, Yume Nikki, She Dreams Elsewhere, and those are just the most mainstream ones. Reason I hate that trend is due to how big a wave of support it got while I didn't care for Earthbound to begin with.
So speaking of indie games, I finally finished Crystal Project. The game's outright incredible for one made by a single guy out of free sprites and music. Well-designed Final Fantasy style combat, 3D platforming world exploration (which I guess not everyone likes), little to no plot, and great archive of tracking stuff for obsessive-compulsive completionists. The only infuriating part is the not-Chocobo racing and breeding. >I would post some pics but them's the breaks of torposting

Printed Advertisement Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 12:40:32 Id: 337df3 No. 977138 [Reply]
Video Game ads, from the days of printed media. TALK ABOUT THEM OR SHUT IT!
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The digital beast destroyed the economic model of gaming mags. When you stare long enough into the gaming abyss, Alyssa Mercante's hollowed eyes thousand-cock-stare back into you.
>>979571 I think the last game I remember seeing advertised on TV was Dark Souls, way back when it came out. I can't remember the last time I read a gaming magazine but back when the first Metro game came out I read an article about it in one, so that had to be at least 10+ years ago too. I like that zzz made a zine project but it'd be nice if print media was still way more popular, I'd kill to subscribe to an actual gaming zine or even something more local.
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>>979571 I'm sure vidya is still advertised on TV, but the last game I actually remember seeing a TV spot for was Borderlands, I think I was this one. That was 15 years ago now. I've probably seen others since then, but it would have been the yearly sportsball and dudebro shit that went in one ear and out the other.

The Optimization Question Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 01:47:32 Id: 2c5b28 No. 978509 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.ph/3i5k2 What happened over the years with video game optimization? The latest CoD slop to come out will be 306 gigabytes in size on launch. What the fuck is causing such an inflation of space? Back in the early 00's, the PS3 had 160 gigabytes for most models, and that could still fit many games, I recall my fat boy PS3 having about 15 games installed of various sizes, and I could swear I had room for more. Is this a problem with design philosophy? Competency crisis? Something more sinister?
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>>979329 what I'm asking if procedural generation maybe took a giant leap with ai to the point where you would no longer be able to tell the difference between human made and procedural content? on one hand daggerfall used very basic and primitive methods to generate things and ai is clearly advanced enough to replace a writing team but there seem to be still a pattern that humans notice e.g. you can guess if an artwork was made by ai or human
>>979448 >You're not allowed to ask questions that hurt my feelings because I can't answer them! I don't understand the point of your image.
>>979668 It's a Gish gallop that doesn't even bother to make a case for any of his points.

Midna Anonymous 03/15/2023 (Wed) 21:05:07 Id: ce411b No. 799542 [Reply] [Last]
So... if I've found Midna (imp form) unironically sexually attractive phisically, and I've also been attracted to her personality and even her voice since the mid 2000s, what am I? Not a furry, right? She doesn't count as that because she's not an animal, right? This would be closer to finding hot an alien. The thing is, all fuckin' furries must fuckin' hang so I wanna know whether or not I'm one. I hope I'm not. If I am I'll probably have to kill myself.
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>>979455 As far as i know the only official thing they have ever made was the Twilight Princess amiibo with wolf Link. But i've seen some people make some great custom figures
I own a custom Midna cock holster that I keep gripped around my penis.
>>979461 I wouldn't be surprised if there were several garage kits (a huge thing in Japan) of Midna, maybe even some knitted Midna plushies on Etsy

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3D Printing Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 06:18:41 Id: 0ef303 No. 784384 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for anything related to 3D printing and video games: figurines, controller stands, battery covers that keep getting lost, cool cases, mods and enhancements, etcetera. What cool enhancements, whether practical or just aesthetic, should I print for my old consoles? Say, for example, my Sega Genesis model 2?
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>>963995 Oh I didn't know they made these as consumer models.
Are CoreXY printers a meme?
How retarded is it to resin print PETG tubing for water cooling purposes?

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Metal Gear Solid Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:11:32 Id: b8ea2b No. 931193 [Reply] [Last]
I've been thinking about Vol 2 of the Master collection. There is no doubt Peace Walker is going to be apart of it, and MGS4 has to be the main draw of the package, otherwise they don't really have much to sell that people don't already have access to on modern platforms. But that's making me think Peace Walker is built entirely around Co-op so they will be supporting that, and that's making me think if they are working on PW's MP stuff then there is a chance they're also going to relaunch MGS4's Multiplayer, I'm not gonna hold my breath of course they didn't bother with MGS3's MP, still seems like there is a slim chance of it, but it's interesting to think about.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/29/2024 (Mon) 11:10:28.
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>>979267 You misunderstand. I love the games. They play quite well, they're very interesting, and even the premise and themes discussed work well for me. It's just… the whole thing is retroactively the fault of some mary sue whore who could never have existed in the era.
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>>978603 One was created with a modicum of professionalism and knowledge of how modeling an designing a character should be done. Gritty Fake realism for the sake of gritty fake realism is the modern day excuse for the lack of talent. She looks exactly like any other AAA open world sandbox experience side character. Realistic portrayal, either physically or mentally can't stand on its own. See AI art. I'm glad i just did my part and didn't contribute to what has become of gaming and art design in general. Enjoy.
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