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Mario Kart Anonymous 07/06/2023 (Thu) 19:11:33 Id: 610882 No. 854418 [Reply] [Last]
Making a new thread since Wave 5's release date was just announced and this is a good opportunity to talk about Nintendo's best selling franchise. I'll be honest, considering they're adding new characters this wave, I would be surprised if Captain Falcon doesn't appear as a sort of hook for Wave 6 since they have a few crossover characters with stages, but he's the only character missing considering they have F-Zero stages in the game. I'd be like adding a Pokemon stage but not having Pikachu as a playable character. Oh and I'm also expecting Mario Kart 9 to be a launch title considering the success of each game since the Wii. What are you looking forward to in Wave 6/Mario Kart 9, and will you be playing Wave 5?
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>>903846 Is more characters inherently better when they mostly all play alike?
>>965739 >they mostly all play alike?
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>>965739 In order to spare the game from becoming a League of Legends trainwreck you have to limit balancing, for example in racing games, you have to bring: >Lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight <Lightweight fast but a pushover to the other classes <Middleweight, balanced for the newcomers <Heavyweight, high risk high reward >Everything else, like car models or character models can be cosmetic for personal choices. The main issue with Mario Kart is that one combo can easily overpower the rest, recent cases being Morton with the Blue Falcon, Waluigi the Wigger and nowadays Yoshi with the Teddy Bear ATV. Clusterfuck balance with the odds against you it's not fun and can easily crumble into biased match ups plus a piss poor anti-cheat algorithm infamous for killing Mario Kart online since the DS era

Fallout: The Amazon Original TV Show Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 15:34:13 Id: 898584 No. 942911 [Reply] [Last]
Welcoms to the dumpster fire This is the thread specifically for discussing the upcoming Amazon adaptation of Fallout which comes out on April 14th. I'm including a few worthwhile pics from their latest trailer which just came out this morning. Watch it for yourself on Jewtube or your favorite invidio.us fork https://yt.cdaut.de/watch?v=V-mugKDQDlg Laugh at it, cry about it, burn in righteous fury about it, help point out inconsistencies and woke shit, whatever floats your boat.
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Started replaying TTW recently, can someone explain to my how the graphics somehow look better and clearer that 4? Sure 4 has more details and nicer lights but it all sort of blends together specially everything in the background if that makes sense, it's hard to explain.
>>957655 There is only one reference, one piece of evidence that, where Vault-tec could have dropped the bomb to start a nuclear war. The bomb in Megaton has a VT label on it.
Can someone better at music styles/history tell me if the tune of Marty Robbins' Shotgun Rider too new sounding for Fallout? The lyrics are, indisputably, a perfect caravaner song.

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/v/ Quest Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 10:50:46 Id: dfc50f No. 900918 [Reply] [Last]
I thought it would be fun for the 10th anniversary to have a quest thread, so I've made one. I doubt anyone here doesn't know what quest threads are, but for posterity I'll explain anyway. never done one of these before, it's pretty straight forward. I draw Anons post suggestions for what the mc does, /v/-tan in this case, and I'll read through them The premise is simple because I have negligible writing experience: >/v/ has woken up to find his gaming pc missing >What will he do? It might take me a few days or even a week to make new pages with my schedule as it is, but I'll keep you informed with how its going. My ip is probably going to be different for each post, but you should be able to tell its me from the art.
Edited last time by Zoom on 10/29/2023 (Sun) 13:27:40.
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>>949760 You already know so much
>>949760 WHO ARE YOU?
>>900918 Continuation plz

Capcom started adding DRM Enigma Protector to their back catalog of games. Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 15:00:30 Id: 29368b No. 926065 [Reply] [Last]
News just came out that Capcom is adding new DRM to their old catalog of games that prevents modding, disallows cheat engine from running, and reduces performance of up to 10-15FPS. Right now the only game we know for sure that's been affected was Resident Evil Revelations which is an 11 year old game, but granted this could affect other games as well even those that depend on mods for an optimal gameplay experience such as the Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter series. If you've played Resident Evil Revelations before, please review bomb the game and explain that you don't want extra DRM for this game so Capcom gets the message. I don't know if this will prevent Capcom's anti-modding sperg out, but it's better than them thinking that a few articles about Chun Li's tits are worse for the company than outright ass fucking the customer. I hope they stop fucking around and don't pull this shit with Dragon's Dogma 2 since that will be the best game of 2024. https://store.steampowered.com/app/222480/Resident_Evil_Revelations/ https://steamdb.info/app/222480/history/
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>>963851 The DRM is already paid for so there is no financial incentive to remove it. Au contraire, bending to piracy shows ineffective leadership losing revenue, and bad PR over having DRM gets glossed over if it's a popular game like helldivers 2. What would even be the point of caring about bad PR if you're going to get it again when your next game launches anyway, if launch matters the most and people are lapping it up at launch then its a trivial choice to decide to be "that drm company" to reduce outrage.
>>962906 >dmm It's also region locked.
>>963895 That's the problem. DRM isn't a one-and-done deal anymore. Denuvo and most others uses subscriptions nowadays and it costs a hefty sum to boot (usually several million $ in Denuvo's case and hundreds of thousands for smaller companies). The issue comes down to "Does the price of the DRM justify the amount of customers gained from the DRM.", in which case you're targeting the incredibly small group of pirates of opportunity who would buy the game if they can't pirate it. 99% of cases the price of a good DRM like Denuvo would not justify the number of customers gained, but it's very hard to get concrete numbers on this matter so it's very easy to beguile old shareholders with mere promises and fluff of "customers gained" with no hard numbers to back it up. This is also reliant on the DRM not getting cracked in the first place which Enigma does a terrible job of. It's a program that literally does nothing and gets cracked in half a day. Just some Russian scammer grabbing some cash through connections and some tech-illiterate execs. I don't even know how he got the fucking connections for this either.

Early Childhood PC Games Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 13:58:24 Id: 4b3676 No. 956074 [Reply] [Last]
What games did you play during your early childhood? I'm talking mainly from ages 1-5 or maybe a tad older. I'm going to assume you were kept on some sort of a leash as I was and could only really play a certain genre of 'educational' or 'beginner' games like pics related. Personally, besides my gameboy, I had a family PC I could use and I played whatever games my parents happened to bring home to me, or whatever I could rent from the local video store or library. Most of my family had Macintosh but I do remember my old man having a crusty Windows 98 or 95 computer. If I was really lucky, I could pick out a game from the Apple store (yes, back when they carried PC games, curiously not just for Macintosh operating systems). I'm curious if anybody else here had a similar early gaming experience. Those I SPY games were fucking RAD as hell, I think I had all of them.
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>>964862 Shit I forgot about that game and Lego Island. I also remember wanting to play Rock Raiders after I saw it in this Lego magazine I used to get. Never got around to it though because my dad's PC refused to work with it.

The conspiracy against Asian studios Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 00:43:09 Id: b2df59 No. 963050 [Reply] [Last]
The recent sabotage against Stellar Blade by Sony and the localisation drama, along with Asian studios in general getting dealt bad deals or western subversion from the inside. After Hades 2 getting a bunch of praise, and Balding Gay 3 being a massive success, the idea of cracking down on gore, running the localisations and sexual fanservice for Asian games. Really looks like western game devs/publishers, want the games of the Japanese , Koreans and Taiwanese to fail in western markets. They've gone even more masks off then they did in 2017.
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>>964481 >No content allowed that depicts great chinese people as something they were not in reality. Can only depict chinks as the worthless slave race they are then.
>>963492 Anon the entire point of this thread is point out the double standard. Only Asian games get hit with these restrictions. In fact your post simply illustrates how western games can get away with whatever they want as long as they make the necessary dei tithes.
>>964481 >No glorification of people who invaded or colonized China Who does that even leave? Abbos and Injuns?

Game Engines Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 23:16:05 Id: 1aef1a No. 964427 [Reply]
Seeing all the gameplay being posted of Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers has made me rather curious about the state of vidya engines. Looking at just how much the Doom Engine has been modified to the point that there's even a kart racer built using it made me wonder about all the other engines that have come and gone over the years and just how verisitile those could still be if people put in the effort to use them. Are there any other engines actively being supported or have they nearly all fallen by the wayside? Also, what are some "promising" new engines that are being independently developed?
You know Payday 2? That was made in a racing engine.

Tabletop vs Vidja Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:55:48 Id: 659b91 No. 939531 [Reply] [Last]
Weird thought, What attracts you to vidja specifically? I know personally it's cause while I like board games and own a good few myself, videogames can be played on my own schedule and don't require a third party. I'm actually not at a shortage of ways I could play those tabletop games with people, but having a computer that manages all the rules and just lets me experience the game without having to think to hard is also nice too.
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>>939531 A friend of mine mentioned he really wanted to play Tabletop Simulator / Vassal with me. What are some good games for it? Not just good tabletops, I mean games that have a good port for either engine.
>>946373 love that stuff

Console OS Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:29:32 Id: d4ca62 No. 958101 [Reply] [Last]
As consoles become more like PCs, the OS becomes more important. Perhaps the most important aspect of an OS is the UI. Which console has your favourite OS and UI and overall experience? It can be anything from the PSX power-on THX-like FX to the chunky eject button on the SNES. And how come, how fucking come, of all three current hardware manufacturers does Microsoft, the one company that is known for operating systems, have the by far the worst OS and UI for gaming that I've ever seen? Using the Xbox Series consoles is ridiculous.
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>>964063 Because they went to shit after Blades. Going with the Metro UI was a disaster, but it served ads which Microsoft probably made a lot back on.
>>964068 Actually, can a modded 360 get the Blades UI back? Or at least a less shit option? I've never bothered modding mine, but I'd do it if it meant getting Blades back.
>>964063 Because all their UI developers are hacks and Microsoft hired mobile devs for an All in One (Touchpads, Console, Mobile and Laptots/Desktops) approach trying to be Apple, that failed miserably with Windows 8 and they've stuck with it ever since fucking over anyone who isn't the 5 people using their overpriced trash Touchpads/Smartphones. Look at at all Windows UIs since Windows 8 original release in 2012, absolutely fucking terrible in function and design.

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Todd General - Bethesda more like Bestesda games Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:34:47 Id: c8de27 No. 900026 [Reply] [Last]
This is actually a Starfield/Bethesda games general, the title is a shitpost, Felbot pls understand b4 u go autismo What are the glorious adventures you've had around the same 30 points of interest stretched over 1600 locations, anon? Did you remember to preorder?
Edited last time by Zoom on 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:40:04.
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Thank you all of trying to help me out, but I'm good. I was just venting about how tedious it is, but I don't have any technical problems. I decided to forego the Linux Mod Organizer installer script, instead I run everything in a dedicated New Vegas Wine prefix, that way I don't have to worry about cleaning up in multiple places. >>961458 You Windows 7 autists are truly remarkable.
>>961632 Have fun anon, playing the game for the first time is a great time.
So are there any simple skimpy Skyrim mods that make lolis & shotas at least wear some lore friendly if more revealing outfits?

Witch thread! Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:14:55 Id: f9fa66 No. 898444 [Reply]
Its October! Time to post the cutest witches in all of vidya!
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>>898444 >Its October! October already? Man, the time flies. :^)
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Anyone seen Sorceress? Only a demo so far. I haven't tried it myself, but it looks a lot like dark messiah, also cute feet.
Maple a cutie. You think the old, ugly witches from the Zelda universe were cuties when they were lolis?

Games only you tried and liked Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 17:00:42 Id: b0bfbf No. 894141 [Reply]
This is basically a so-called "hidden games" thread, where Anons bring up games that they've tried but don't think other people have ever bothered playing or ever looked at. The reason I bring it up is that I tried out the game D.I.C.E., based on the made-for-America anime of the same name, and so far I seem rather jazzed about it. Based on my first impressions, it seems like the game is somewhat similar to the Musou games, except it's arena to arena instead of large battlefields.
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>>894141 Tabboz Simulator
>>913407 Never tried, but did play Spawn: The Video Game for the Super Nintendo, and watched the animated series.

Old Video Game Forums 2000s Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 16:29:27 Id: c47557 No. 890142 [Reply] [Last]
Hello /v/ I was going through some old things in my attic and found my og copy of Half-Life and my old PC. looking on it I found my old CS 1.6 stuff. I even found some old custom maps. This hit me with nostalgia for those old video game forums, old clans, and even just gaming from that time period. So /v/ whats some stuff you remember from those forums. Remember any Clans you used to be apart of, or just some old memories of gaming around that time. see ya /v/
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>>945786 Are you delusional? They don't need to push anything because the games are already pozzed and getting more pozzed with each day.
>>945890 If any boards that aren't /v/ are indicative of the overall user base they're /hisparefugio/ and /mex/, those get lots of posts and that bad English is all over /v/ makes it plain they cross over.
>>945760 >Well not really the site itself, but the community was basically taken over by the LGBT plebbit/fujo crowd, on top of moving to discord. Guess it was bound to happen with this series. Why the FUCK is it always these abominations?! Why are they every where? I can understand getting cancelled if it was something open, but how come do forums get infested with these maggots? I understand that places like leddit naturally become a faghive due to corporate interests, but it seems that glow in the dark niggers put an LGBTBBQ abomination in every corner of the web to moderate something.

Palworld: Pokemon/Arc but with guns Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:59:00 Id: f669fe No. 933632 [Reply] [Last]
Here's a new bread since the old one hit 500. As you know this game has sold a shitton of copies on steam to the point where we've officially hit pokemon numbers. We've even see The Pokemon Company threaten Japanese celebrities with blacklisting if they so much as mention the game. Personally I find the massive success of Palworld to be a much needed slap in the face to Pokemon and its dickriders. With that out of the way how is /v/ enjoying the game? ..oh and DO NOT SEXUALIZE THE PALS
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New content update for summer, they haven't abandoned the game, yet. Honestly I hoped they have worked more on the fundamentals of the gameplay, rather than adding more Pals.
>>962544 Literally Genshin but with rejected Pokemon designs and even worse gambling mechanics.
>>963569 Jewtendo shill spotted

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Games based on books Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 07:47:05 Id: d5c3f3 No. 912021 [Reply] [Last]
There are plenty of film and TV adaptations, but what about games that draw from the literary world? Post and discuss games based on books, light novels, short stories, or any kind of literature. In my personal experience, games based on books on average are a lot better than games based on movies, do you agree? If so, why do you think that is? I think the heavily interpretative nature of reading lends itself better to adaptation in general than visual media being adapted to other visual media.
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>>962661 You don't have to kill the bear
Half the ones you posted are dogshit.
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>>963399 >doesn't itemize them fucking COWARD go to the bitch corner where you belong, don't bother doing it now because it doesn't fucking count anymore

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Advance Wars By Web Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 10:34:16 Id: 1b782e No. 864003 [Reply] [Last]
Hey anons, do you also enjoy the Nintendo Wars series? How about making some sort of clan (similar to fullderp's) and beat up other Advance Wars players online, or organize gamenights gamedays? https://awbw.amarriner.com/ Wiki, use it to learn the single units' strengths and weaknesses - https://awbw.fandom.com/wiki/Advance_Wars_By_Web_Wiki Useful channels to learn about the intricacies of the game from some top players Deejus (Standard, Fog) - https://invidious.protokolla.fi/channel/UCdVletBUPnDn3199K_PRLKw Go7 (Fog) - https://invidious.protokolla.fi/channel/UCbHQsp34FNSxkyYZDto6pcQ atrueboss (High Funds) - https://invidious.protokolla.fi/channel/UCyobnXFu3iCr2wRyQl0-4UQ There is also Tinywars, if you're into Days of Ruin instead, but I'm not as knowledgeable of the meta. https://tinywars.online/game/legacy/index.html
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>>864003 >playing tournament match with some 900 ELO >each turn allows for a maximum of 7 days >making a move restores your time limit to 7 days, regardless of how late you end it >no penalty for taking the whole week >this piece of work has prolonged a match for 45 days now and we're barely at the mid game Literally trying to outlast me IRL, people like this belong to the cross
>>962912 >1 week turn limits Good god man. I could see a day or two, but an entire week is brutal.
>>943512 I used to about a year ago, got burnt out and hopped to aoe4. The new live matches seem fun though.

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