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Killdozer Day Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 20:52:00 Id: 9e83e9 No. 975491 [Reply]
Happy Killdozer day /v/! Which games let you use a bulldozer unreasonably as a weapon? Terminator Defiance the recent Terminator RTS game lets you use a Bulldozer as a weapons platform, including adding heavy armor to it!
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Not just Killdozer day, it's also the twenty year anniversary >>975496 A real legend. I just realized, his face looks a lot like mine, if I was 20 years older.
Only game I remember playing with a bulldozer was LISA.

Anyone else play this masterpiece? Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 15:28:32 Id: 0b6049 No. 974745 [Reply] [Last]
This game is amazing I wasn't into LOTR before playing this, anyone else try this? If so what are your thoughts?
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>>975192 No, Aragorn and Eowyn are opposites. Aragorn never wanted to be a warrior, and did so reluctantly because it was required of him. Eowyn was needed for other roles that the story tries to teach her were just as important, but she feels the only important role is that of warrior. The story isn't saying that warriors are bad, it's saying that it's a role that you shouldn't want to have, it's a tragic but sometimes necessary fate. You shouldn't revel in it or yearn for it. And it's not the only way to be a hero. Sometimes the way to be a hero is to be meek and humble, and though sometimes warriors are needed, sometimes warriors are not needed, and trying to be one when you don't need to be only makes things worse. That's part of the problem with Thorin, as opposed to Bilbo. It's the whole point of the hobbits. Aragorn bows to them because he understands what they did and how important it is, even though it's not the big flashy warrior role.
>>974745 >two button glitchy combat >ai broken as fuck >painful voiceacting >linear beyond belief >what you would call retardedly grindy My thoughts are that you should kill yourself.

Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 06:33:23 Id: 6a74b3 No. 974966 [Reply]
A bunch of internal Club Penguin documents leaked. https://gofile.io/d/DdRSnR This link hosts 400MBs of PDFs. I've attached a few samples here too.
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>>974966 tl;dr?
>>974984 It's mostly just character bio sheets and old Club Penguin related print media. It's a nice trip down memory lane if you're a Club Penguin fan, but other than that it's nothing incriminating.
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>CP Magazine #1.pdf

Kazuma Kaneko leaves ATLUS after 35 years, joins COLOPL Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 15:19:33 Id: 677508 No. 961040 [Reply]
Kazuma Kaneko, who is known for his character and demon designs across the Megami Tensei series, left ATLUS in 2023 after 35 years and has joined COLOPL to develop a new intellectual property. The news comes via a newly published creator interview with Kaneko, in which it is revealed that the new project is an original title that depicts a worldview created by Kaneko, and that the “game experience” will incorporate the latest technology. Actual details about the title were not revealed, as it is still in development. Because I didn't know who COLOPL was, they're a Japanese gaming company that's focused on mobile gaming and VR content. Some speculate that Kaneko will be working on an NFT game or some kind of mobile focused project. Personally I can't say I'm surprised considering that ATLUS is run by retards, but I figured this was worth a thread anyway since it's finally official. Fuck ATLUS https://archive.ph/a0PEN
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>>969804 Living in their own bubble where they can't do no wrong, being old doesn't mean infinity wisdom, in fact they get rusty and their brains start to shit themselves to the point of getting dementia and die 20 years prior before the body. That's the main issue with the japanese: They idolize fossils wether or not they gained enough acknowledge about life.
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>>961224 >even if I think Persona 5 while not god's gift to man isn't nearly as awful as some anons here make out to be It was shit. To summarize, >Combat's too easy, a much simplified version of older Persona games, and harder modes just ramp up how often you get fucked by RNG rather than change enemy behavior or something more creative >Puzzles are way too easy and the game is constantly holding your hand on top of this >The whole theme is about being rebels against society, but you're all goody two-shoes to a fault, and the theme is dropped towards the end for some other shit >Except for the fact that you brainwash bad people into being good, that's morally dubious, but no one ever questions the morality of this because everyone you brainwash is black and white cartoonishly evil >The only grey morality villain in a minor assassin character in some sidequest, who you brainwash without hesitation >Your guns are all toys that only do real damage in magic pocket dimension land because breaking the law for a good cause is something bad people do, not good well behaved rebels like you, who want avoid upsetting Japan's politicians with positive depictions of minors engaging in law breaking behavior >Constant unskippable pseudo-cutscenes to pad out playtime metrics in a game where you're supposed to go through NG+ >Tons of high level personas to unlock, but only a couple of superbosses in NG+ for you to actually use them on >Calendar makes you think there's another dungeon, possibly a good use for all those mid-to-high tier personas, and then there's a fucking time skip All it has going for it is some catchy music, which gets repetitive fast, waifufaggotry, and a stylish look. It's all dressing, no substance. No, making localizers asshurt does not make up for it being a bad game. No, I did not play P5R, and I sincerely doubt it is worth my time. I had many more complaints that at one point I had written multiple long form posts about this shit game, but it's been a long time now.
>>961044 Over the years due to Persona 5 mostly, they slowly stopped making many games they used to publish. They used to be very big with lesser known titles with porting them and translating with a smaller but dedicated fanbase. It all started to change when SEGA bought them where they focused on normalfags and they stopped doing niche games fully. This is also with them mostly changing the design to the games from being something fun with sexy girls to where the girls are all censored with the game giving you ways to instant win every battle. Even the smaller stuff with Vanillaware is pretty big with the events they have in Japan and isn't as niche. It really doesn't help that they are funding games like Metaphor, which has it's own diversity-based marketing since the protag is brown. The hate is because they are becoming like every other major gaming company when they used to be very niche.

Operation Hard AG Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 19:40:47 Id: e0bd8a No. 962667 [Reply] [Last]
Stellar Blade has been released censored despite Sony's claims it would be uncensored. Rather than just rage blindly about it, why don't we report them to someone who will actually do something about it? In the US every state's Attorney General should have a form for complaints. Why don't US anons all start complaining to their state Attorney General that Sony is engaged in false advertisement (since they are)? As elected officials, the Attorney General of a state wants to do high profile cases against large companies, especially one that is as open and shut as this. It's not partisan to kneecap a giant company for deceptive marketing, and for smaller states its much harder to ignore. As Sony emphasized "all countries", there are likely some counterparts anons in other countries could contact. All of them should have a website (use your search engine of choice to find it) which should either have a webform or a phone number for submitting "Consumer Protection" complaints. Find it and make a complaint. >if calling you'll want your zip code and county handy (its how government phone operators are scripted to verify your location) >use Sony's formal name of Sony Interactive Entertainment >include Sony's address if you're asked for an address of the offending party >clearly note Sony's claim "Stellar Blade offers the same uncensored version in all countries, including the Japanese version" and how it had a dedicated graphic (pic 2) for advertising this fact (so it was not a one time slip of the tongue but a deliberate statement) >make clear there is an uncensored version (the physical disc version) and that Sony's systems will attempt change it to the censored version if the system has an internet connection >state that the outfits were featured in advertisement for the game >emphasize that this advertisement reached into your state >emphasize that this product is sold to residents of your state >emphasize that the budget was in the hundreds of millions and Sony seeks to sell millions of copies <if you don't feel comfortable citing (confirmed by Sony themselves to be true) leaks for budget numbers to the AG, cite the 220 million USD development budget for The Last of Us 2 as that comes from Sony's own FTC filing (their incompetence at redacting it is irrelevant) >skip the Hard R/Crime R thing unless its to emphasize the censorship's late addition meaning it is a bait and switch (you'll be talking to maximum normalfags)

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More censorship
>>974999 Man, fuck Sony.
>>972048 Man, thank fuck DoA is dead and buried but emulable, and DOA5 is modded as hell and back

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8chan Mosaic: Orange Box Edition Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 06:00:27 Id: f01828 No. 967656 [Reply] [Last]
IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER MOSAIC This time for the all-time classic Orange Box as it was sold for the Xbox 360 (since I couldn't find the PC box cover). >How does this work? It's simple. The chosen mosaic image will be split into sections (see the second image for how these images will be split) and it's your job as the contributor to pick one of these slides to edit yourself, make sure to announce which slide you pick in the thread so no duplicates happen - draw over it or add your own spin to the slide or work in collaboration with the slide adjacent to yours. It's up to you what you ultimately decide to do. When you're finished with that, post the slide you edited ITT with the name/spot specified. >Do I need to be a drawfag for this? Absolutely not. What you do kind of need to be is creative/imaginative. Don't simply photoshop a dick onto someone's face, use photoshop creatively in some way which fits in with the mosaic and doesn't stand out. You'll see in some mosaic examples how there is always one or two slides with just a random mish-mash of memes pasted on to it, resulting in ZERO lulz. Do something fresh and new with your slide. This does not necessitate being a good artist, let alone a good artist with your mouse. Please await the slides to be posted below.
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>>974617 >The issue is those retards absolutely do get fucking pissy if their "OC donut steel" shows up on this site specifically. That's an extra fun reason to steal it and do donuts
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>>974631 It's fine, I'm just messing with you

Post about games that you just FINISHED Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 04:03:05 Id: 4f157e No. 790791 [Reply] [Last]
I seem to be getting the strange feeling more and more that the Anons who keep posting about the games they're "playing" never actually finish those games. As in they just drop the game after a certain point and lose interest in it for whatever reason (Even if it's a great game). So, to remedy that, let's have this thread, where Anons boast about crossing off another title on the backlog. And, to guilt all the other Anons into doing the same.
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>>973481 Try a trad cozysim like the old Harvest Moon games before they started adding pozz.
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>>941953 Force Unleashed apparently had a really horrible that wound up canning the original plan for a Shadows of the Empire style multi-media event to the EU fleshing out the fairly empty pre-Rebellion empire because there was no way to coordinate the launches. Basically the only remnants of this were in the Saga Edition RPG, where the "Force Unleashed" book is actually just the early Imperial era book and it has a long (and free) adventure set in the era. Also I can never forget that the GM advice for the WEG RPG (which TFU explicitly references by expanding its story of the Alliance's founding) that happens to use throwing around Star Destroyers as something that shouldn't be possible even if the player somehow tricks the rules into getting a high enough value for.
>>973879 I'd say Saints Row 1 is still worth playing, as an alternative to GTA, it did its job better than most copy cats. What Saints Row had over GTA is the cast. The Saints in the first game are all very likeable characters, so you care about what happens to them, Johnny Gat of course became the Fan Favorite because he and the Player were on the same page, they just wanted to go out and kill the enemy because it was a gangster video game, and that's what you do. And Gat is the only true connecting thread to all the series. He and the Player character are the only ones that have managed to make it though everything from beginning to end. They tried to Kill Gat off at the start of Saints Row 3, but nobody accepted it, because you can't just "Kill Gat" especially off-screen. Not a soul was surprised when he came back in Saints Row 4, and if it wasn't for Gat still being around, few would have stuck with the series all the way though. He reminded you of the series Roots, and Gat is actually the character who directly looks at Saints Row the 3rd and calls out that the game is a cash grab. Saints Row 3,4, and Gat out of Hell are fun enough to play casually, but it's clear the series lost the plot, the went for what was going to make them more money, instead of what was going to be a good story. Saints Row became a "Meme franchise" essentially not quite THAT cringy, but it was impossible to get invested in the stakes of the story for Saints Row 3 and onward. Saints Row 1 & 2 are beloved by the fans because you actually get invested in what is happening to the characters. I'll just recommend Saints Row 1 & 2 if you want some solid gangster stories with fun gameplay and activities, where Saints Row 3 and onward is "Fun" enough, but nothing much to get all that invested in.

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Video Game Music Thread Anonymous 01/31/2021 (Sun) 10:54:25 Id: d57bb2 No. 224272 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorite videogame music.
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I miss heavenly chants in vidya

Localization "Discourse" Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 14:13:51 Id: ca67ce No. 939797 [Reply] [Last]
Seeing fags on twitter flinging shit over Unicorn Overlord's translation, I don't speak nipponese but according to defenders its good localization because "it adds flavor", or that you can translate it different ways because of the language. Wonder what your fags thoughts are. Screencaps are from this thread, Yasumi Matsuno also posted his thoughts on it. https://twitter.com/zakogdo/status/1761626628890018155 https://twitter.com/YasumiMatsuno/status/1761962610243830081 https://archive.is/ijDMK
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>>973954 You responded anyways. You knowingly gave him what he wants.
>>973954 >>974012 He's a schizo anyway so any response is just another voice in his head yelling at him. Don't even respond.
>>973949 Like those faggots creeping on youngsters in Persona 5, how well did the flaggot mafia take that?

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Known leaker claims that Microsoft's next Xbox won't be a console, but a pre-built Windows machine licensed out to third-parties Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:37:58 Id: f1229b No. 972640 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.is/VfrK0 >The next gen Xbox will allegedly not be a single console but a Windows-based device that other manufacturers can make their own versions of. >Considering the Xbox Series X/S isn’t even four years old yet, you wouldn’t normally expect to start hearing about its replacement for at least a year or two – probably more given the pandemic meant the first two years of this generation started very slowly. >And yet by Microsoft’s own admission they are working on a next gen format, one that will allegedly involve, ‘the biggest technological leap ever in a generation.’ >Given how many unsubtle hints have been dropped about portables, it seems almost certain that at least one variant will be a handheld or hybrid device but the latest insider rumour suggests it might not necessarily be made by Microsoft themselves. >Previously, there’s been some debate as to whether Microsoft would even continue to make new consoles, if it’s pursuing a more multiformat publishing approach, but they do seem to have made it clear that they are. >However, a tweet from Windows Central’s Jez Corden suggests that not only will the next Xbox have ‘a heavy Windows slant’ but that it will be a ‘reference device for manufacturers.’ >Although the wording is a little vague this seems to imply that other companies will be allowed to make Xbox consoles with the same basic specifications but with additional (or less) features of their own. >Multiple sources have suggested that Microsoft is targeting a 2026 release for their next generation hardware, whatever it is, so that should mean that we start getting some official details next year at the latest.
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>>972658 >>972789 >They'll buy up as much of the market as they can and run those things into the ground. Good i have been waiting for a crash for years the more microsoft force consolidation the more complete the burn when the crash come's i just hope the suits stay away from the new growth so we never get back to as bad as things are now.
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>>972834 GameSir G-7, best 3rd party one I've found, good grip texture, buttons are nice and clicky, no faults on triggers or drift on the sticks in 2 years.

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Summer Gamefest Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 14:06:20 Id: c51af4 No. 969115 [Reply]
>22 days for impact
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>>969636 That's fucking hilarious.
Other than Slipknot supposedly doing stuff there, I don't think it will be anything other than slop
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>>973952 Love me some super shilled has beens! Is Ramstein going to be there too in between all the ads with trannies in it?

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Gamers Have Become Less Interested in Strategic Thinking and Planning Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 07:34:40 Id: f8376f No. 970865 [Reply] [Last]
https://quanticfoundry.com/2024/05/21/strategy-decline/ >For this analysis, we used the data from 1.57 million gamers who participated in the Gamer Motivation Profile between June 2015 and April 2024. Respondents from China were excluded because gamers in China have a very different gaming motivation profile (likely due to the historically more isolated development of their gaming industry). >When we looked for long-term trends across the 12 motivations, we found that many motivations were stable or experienced minor deviations over the past 9 years. Strategy was the clear exception; it had substantially declined over the past 9 years and the magnitude of this change was more than twice the size of the next largest change. >Using the starting norm (i.e., the 50th-%tile) as the basis for comparison, the average Strategy score has declined to 33rd-%tile as of April 2024. Or put more plainly, 67% of gamers today care less about strategic thinking and planning when playing games than the average gamer back in June 2015.
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>people don't want to play games that are about memorizing autistic build orders People would rather play games where the skills and way you interact with them are transferable across the entire genre, shocker.
>>973473 Chess sucks ass for this yes.
>>973473 And get bored after day 1? You are delusional.

RTS/Strategy thread Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 18:06:04 Id: 7bce6d No. 787703 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorite quotes, talk about your favorite or old games, shitpost, discuss upcoming stuff. Upcoming stuff: >Company of Heroes 3 >Homeworld 3 >Sins of a Solar Empire 2 >Ratten Reich >The Great War Western Front >WarNo >Broken Arrow >Xenonauts 2 >Touhou Empires >Men of War 2 >Tempest Rising >SeaPower A remaster of Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 much like the OG would be nice, though I doubt they wouldn't fuck up the spritework on them since that has way higher definition and small details than the original.
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>>972262 Old rule of not buying games applies here. Especially for bri'ish companies, that includes Tempest Rising.
>>972262 They're on thin ice due to working with ruskie companies.
>>955617 If they would just add ZK-style unit AI and fix the UI this would be literally the perfect RTS game. Sadly, the devs are retards who actually believe the "ZK is a game that plays itself" memes. Oh well, maybe it'll inspire the equally-retarded-but-in-a-different-way ZK team to finally upgrade their fucking graphics a bit.

Game of the Month #8 (May Edition): Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (NDS) Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 10:34:31 Id: eba576 No. 964077 [Reply]
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: A very quirky mix of platforming and puzzle game, Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. >Where do I get this? https://cdromance.org/nds-roms/henry-hatsworth-in-the-puzzling-adventure-europe/ Use the workaround from previous GotM threads to figure out how to grab it >How does it play? A mix between Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon shoutout to Lipfag - stay strong, brother and a bog standard platformer with some light combat. It's definitely an unique type of experience and the British Grand Adventure type vibes it gives are something that feels very earnest, especially considering it was released by EA of all publishers. As a sign of how much we've strayed from the path of dudes just wanting to have fun, the company even released the OST for free ( https://soundcloud.com/gene-m-rozenberg/sets/hatsworth-1 though I am not sure if this is the original upload or a reup). GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: https://poal.me/t9blp3 If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.).

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Edited last time by Zoom on 05/02/2024 (Thu) 07:53:57.
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Before looking it up I thought the game's title was Mr. Domino, and anon had appended the rest as a braggadocious remark. That would have been excellent.
Holy shit I completely forgot I need to make a thread tomorrow Never buy a house, kids

Mouse Injector - Mouselook for Emulation Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 09:23:21 Id: 70e228 No. 944696 [Reply] [Last]
Over the last year and a half a game hacker by the name of Garungorp has been creating Mouse look support for "if my count is right" 102 console games. I just thought this was pretty cool, so I wanted to spread the word. The list of compatible games as well as the Mouse Injector itself, and files needed to help injector compatibility is all here. https://github.com/garungorp/MouseInjectorDolphinDuck He even made a 2 hour tutorial of him going through the whole process of creating a hack. https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=LLtaIrMyQBc You can find more clips of the injector in action in allot more games on his Twitter and Youtube page. https://twitter.com/garungorp https://www.youtube.com/@garungorp/videos The set up process isn't complicated, but it is specific. The emulator .exe must be named correctly for the injector to recognize it, and in the case for at least PCSX2 you need the compatible BIOS. v02.00 for USA, v.02.20 and for Europe and Japan are ones that work.
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>>973372 Steam has it though
>>973387 Half life 1 on ps2 has a custom multiplayer mode and campaign
>>973394 Pretty sure you can play decay on PC by now

Vidya your Brain Refuses to Enjoy Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 23:02:48 Id: 8feaf6 No. 784653 [Reply] [Last]
Post whatever vidya you'd like to engage with and just can't. I can't stand this fucking franchise. The 3D game was a slow ass slog and the fact it came out during the same year as Mario Odyssey just couldn't make me shake off the fact that Nintendo is now lightyears ahead of the Rare crew. They have so much to catch up on, from level design, to the movement, to the lack of marketability from these ugly ass plastic looking fucks, what happened to the character design, having mammals be the main characters was not unique enough? Wheres the funny british humor, where is the cheekyness of this franchise? It's yookucked, lazy. I knew it was going to be a miss the moment the mediocre chameleon twist knockoff was revealed to the public, I really don't feel like I'm playing a game from rare, It doesn't feel like they knew what they were doing or what worked for their collectathons. The impozzible dare is a decent platformer, but golly gosh, I feel like I dissociate the longer my play sessions become, it's like my brain has a negative pull whenever I try to engage with these games and it never quite "clicks", to say I feel dissapointed every time I boot it up is a massive understatement. I wish I could love it like other people, back to tropical freeze I go.
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>>784653 Skyrim. I stopped playing after 2 hours my first time 'round. Then I came back years later and tried again, got about 5 hours in before uninstalling it.
>>951748 Sadly I funded it via kickstarter and couldn't sell my CD key.
>>866805 >My only question remaining is "WHY?"

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