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Share Thread: Please Remember the Abused Chaikas Anonymous 11/24/2021 (Wed) 19:58:58 Id: 3cc00c No. 476242 [Reply] [Last]
READ ME BEFORE ASKING FOR ANYTHING YOU FAGGOT FUCK gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/OP-Pasta Previous Thread: https://archive.ph/ldX0N How to Contribute Post ITT, make a pull request (git client or gitgud IDE) or raise an issue. If you do not have you own gitgud.io account: tough shit because the public account is busted. Before requesting first check THE GITGUDS YOU COLOSSAL COCKGUZZLER, THEY EXIST FOR A REASON DEAD LINKS ARE CURRENTLY BEING PURGED Anons have experienced shady shit with IGG (e.g. miners and extra files that served no purpose in terms of running the games) and they're from Vietnam gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/CheckingBeforePosting gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/PC gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/GOG.sha256 gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/Consoles gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/LewedGames

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What's a good source for older Blizzard games? I am only interested in Warcraft and Starcraft games' singleplayer components. I only was able to find Warcraft 1 & 2 from fitgirl as far as reputable uploaders go. Warcraft 3 reforged seems to be easier to find than the old version for some odd reason. SC2 torrents I was able to find so far miss newer DLCs and updates.
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I have a Custom Sound Track version of MvC2 for the OG Xbox. I think it was made in 2008 based on the file dates. I would like to archive it for nostalgia and posterity's sake, where would be the right place for that? This was the only version of MvC2 I played back in the day. When the MvC collection got announced, I got inspired to go and find this burnt disc I had just sitting around for years. For anyone curious, these are the songs I was able to figure out the titles too when just listening to each stage's music. >Opening - Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine >Character Select - New Noise - Refused >Training Room - Guerrilla Radio - RatM >Desert - Come To Daddy "some mix of it" - Aphex Twin >Swamp - Funky Dealer - JSRF >Air Ship - Bubbles - System Of A Down >Cavern - some rock remix of Batman NES Streets of Desolation >2nd phase of Final boss - Grace & Glory - JSRF I played this specific version of MvC2 so much, this simply IS the soundtrack to me. Unfortunately, the Xbox Emulators XEMU or CBXE Reload aren't currently in a state where MvC2 is fully functional, so the only way to play this properly would be to have a modded Xbox console I suppose. If there is some community or website out there that would be interested in this, I'd like to upload it there.

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>>985429 Physical discs. I've still got my battle chests for WC3 and Starcraft right here on my bookshelf.

Vidya robots Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 19:55:27 Id: ead442 No. 969812 [Reply] [Last]
>Robots, machines and other related things. Hello metalheads, what are some bots you like in games? Games about robots or just characters. I know BT is cheating, yes.
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>>985077 Wouldn't anyone who believed that tripe change their tune to robots bad due to "AI stealing work from artists"?
Reminds men that the newest not-Souls game has a robot loli enemy that doesn't appear near enough.
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>>970087 >>970091 X1 Alpha my beloved

The Video Game Industry is imploding Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 18:35:05 Id: 0c7012 No. 940732 [Reply] [Last]
I wanted to make a thread for this since it seems every day there's either a massive amount of industry layoffs or some publisher splitting off. Most recently Toys for Bob and Saber Interactive have split from their previous holders with rumors of Gearbox being sold off or going private after splitting off from Embracer like Saber just did. Additionally 505 have just shut down a bunch of offices in Spain, Germany, and France. Since just last holiday there have been over 15,000+ layoffs in the video games industry with a lot of companies restructuring like Embracer and Sony after deals with the Saudi's and the Chinese have basically gone sour. This is in addition to games like Spider-Man 2 (2023) costing over 300 million dollars and with the constant failures of live service games, it makes sense why the industry is experiencing a soft crash as it were. It remains to be seen what will come of the video games industry and what will rise from the ashes. I'm expecting to see more smaller publishers pop up while the current publishers will focus on making smaller games with tighter budgets. That being said no one really knows where the industry will go from here. sources: https://archive.ph/YI6OK https://archive.is/ZzK5C https://archive.ph/3z9RF
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>>985275 Nipponese people finally abandoning snoystation is great for the industry. Very well-deserved too.
>>984406 Remember a few months back when the CEO,or former one I forgot, had this "out of the blue" idea "while playing" that gamers should tip the devs
>>985265 Don't forget the oldest lie in the industry: >"muh fastest selling game" Which is always proven to be a lie, with manipulated numbers used to deceive retards/investors. >Consoles are already dead Yes.

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Xbox console sales reportedly flatlining Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 20:40:36 Id: c19dc6 No. 963232 [Reply] [Last]
Does this deserve its own thread? I don't know, but I thought the news was interesting enough for a discussion. https://archive.is/A2pQe The article is only a few paragraphs long but I'll still summarize it. >In Microsoft's recently quarter earnings call they claim Xbox sales are down YOY 30% >It was down 30% YOY last year as well >Xbox Series sales reportedly are only at 25 million, putting it roughly on par with the original Xbox from over 20 years ago >Microsoft is already focusing on their next console, claiming it will be their biggest ever technological leap Is anybody surprised? The system has no games. Even their big one in a generation title, Starfield, was a huge disappointment that vanished from the gaming zeitgeist after two weeks.
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>>985259 >better at it than a PS or Xbox I know its easy to make dumb comparisons, but the Deck is literally 800p and runs on a fucking APU, on top of being nearly the same cost as a PS5/Xbox as its cheapest model with getting basically no storage or accessories (including a dock). The specs are not comparable. Nobody is getting a fucking Steam Deck compared to even a flopped Xbox or PS. You're right about people generally switching to PC (and by extension, Steam) though and your other criticisms about them are otherwise spot-on, but anything regarding the Deck being an actual, relevant competitor to any of the big 3 as of yet is just delusion. Maybe in another 10 years or so it might start to become something of note, but definitely not any time soon.
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>>985259 >Switch still wins on all these fronts, but the hardware isn't as powerful As a personal opinion, anyone who bitches about that being a "legitimate" problem can fuck off for all I care. I'm tired of companies chasing this "endlessly pushing technology" meme when all the games we're getting are just rereleases of games from 10-25 years ago. The Switch is more than powerful enough to play those games. So considering the system to be a "limitation" tells me everything I need to know, that these developers cannot program for shit, which also indicates that they likely won't release a good game worth playing. >Who could do that? The "quiet" part about releasing a game console that very few people consider is the tens of millions that have to spent on R&D. Not in regards to the system specs, but designing things like a functional controller, system UI, and even meeting various government regulations. It doesn't help matters that the EU pushes through regulations in the tech industry at the drop of a hat, intending to harm Apple but wrapping around and kneecapping everyone else from being able to compete.
>>985276 I don't own a Steam Deck and was just being generous. I assume it's more plug n play than most stuff that plays Steam, and that covers basically any game someone would want on PS or Xbox. That's the point. Without exclusives, those brands have nothing. They're chasing third party AAA shit, and even if that's what you want, other options are becoming more normalfag friendly.

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Pre-2012 Isekai Games Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 16:51:33 Id: 795017 No. 985217 [Reply]
Let's talk about isekai in video games before isekai was totally ruined by a terrible but inexplicably popular work in 2012. >Final Fantasy Tactics Advance A bunch of kids are sucked into a fantasy world by a magic book, with the weak bullied kid being its ruler. Every character (except some bullies, but their cursed existence in the new world is something only a very observant player will ever notice is a thing) has a genuinely better life within this book so the main character decides to destroy the world and restore the original. The game is legendary for how poorly developed his motivations are, and how the plot sucks from it, and how it (and the law system) ruin the otherwise sold gameplay >Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Sequel to above. Another kid (just the one) is sucked into the same fantasy world. Plot is pretty aimless and mostly him witnessing other people's story and waiting for stuff to happen around him, but it's not the actively broken >Summon Night Japanese high school girl winds up in fantasy world populated primarily by natives of other worlds who have been one way summoned to the world. All future games in the franchise drop the idea of having the main character being from Earth, but do have some random characters who were summoned from it. >Baten Kaitos Unusual execution where the player is summoned to the game's world as a spirit to help guide the main character. The games actually do a lot of interesting things with the framing device. Pretty solid jRPGs with interesting battle systems and worth a play. Don't play the HD re-release because a tranny re-localized it to death. >every Alice in Wonderland/Wizard of Oz game I'm not aware of any that are particularly interesting in execution, but there's a few dozen of these and I mention them for completion.
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>>985359 Maybe? Never actually played more than about an hour or two of any of them. I was always more a fan of Wizardry, and by fan of Wizardry - I mean I played that one nip Wizardry game that had nothing to do with the rest of the franchise. At least Andrew doesn't go around wearing a cape and crown while insisting people call him "Lord Greenburg of Cornell".
>>985217 FFTA Damn the plot is shit in that game considering how great the gameplay is. Even though the gameplay is a noticeable step down from the original FFT, it's still great. And that was certainly due to the limits of the GBA compares to the PS1. I wish the game had mission packs or something available. I played it until there was just no more juice left in that orange and I was still thirsty.
Isn't Touhou technically an isekai for Green Reimu and Gap Hag?

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Best Final Fantasy 11 private server Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 12:57:37 Id: 55aa2f No. 983250 [Reply]
Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most. Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly. So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla. https://www.valhalla.group/home/doku.php?id=start
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>>983888 so did anyone try it yet?
>>984714 this really is the greatest game i have ever played

Ace Combat thread Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 07:58:05 Id: 9e3641 No. 984899 [Reply]
Finished all endings in AC3 the other day and I'm impressed with the sheer ambition and variety that this game has. Love the visual style and the various little touches like blinding lens flare when you look directly at the sun. Now I'm looking for some advice on the best way to play AC04 - which emulator, settings and game version should I use?
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>>985188 Is it so different that I should consider playing through the JP version even if I completed the US version in full?
>>985277 Yes, Japan has branching story, and some missions removed in the american version
>>985277 Yeah, same applies for the opposite situation, the US / EU version just plays better even if it lacks the story.

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The insane defense of the modern state of gaming Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 16:52:18 Id: 4ba64c No. 950740 [Reply] [Last]
I decided to make proper thread about the state of idiots who defend the horrible state of gaming today. Not to be confused with that one retard who is trying to keep his (games don't need anything past the GameCube's tech) argument, I want to talk about the overall defense of shit that is actively ruining our hobby. >The defense of bad localisation Now I'll add a different spin on this on for you anons, I know a few people who think our hate of stuff like UnicornOverlord's localisation is overblown. Why? They think it being flowery isn't the same as sjweeb bullshit like Fates, not understanding removing the intent or tone of the original is bad like injecting pozz. >The defense of horrid optimisation Many a game regardless of platform run like fucking ass due to devs not giving a single fuck about making sure their games run properly. I've seen retards from the Switch to PC making excuses for this bullshit. >The defense of bad business practices Now this is the current talk of the town with Dogma 2's blunders blowing this conversation throughout the web. Now I'll say this some of them do have a some valid points which I'll address >Capcom did this for years and now you give a shit? >Many of the people are doing this because of Twitter or YouTubers and following trends >Sensationalism Now while they aren't totally incorrect about the above, this is still deflecting from the elephant in the room that being none of this shit should be tolerated period. The whole "this doesn't effect me or it doesn't effect the game as it's minor" bullshit you hear from people, is the reason why this shit has gotten worse and worse in the past 15 years. Also Nintendofags do this to a cultish degree for Nintendo. >The defense of the politicisation of gaming Regardless of political spectrum (Right, Left and centre) this politicisation of the gaming industry has fucked the hobby and the retards who try to spin "games have always had political subject matters" ignoring that much of those themes weren't based on contemporary politics like who you hate in office. >The defense of tumblr gender pronouns Need I say anymore /v/? >The defense of the casualising or dumbing down of various game genres The fags who defend this shit to appeal to newcomers need to be fucking shot, as back in the day you either learned the mechanics or fucked off.

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>>974787 No, he just likes posting pictures of his asshole on halfcucks /pol/. And also on our /b/ and /vb/. Apparently he's also jewish, hates goyim whites, and hates trump. Other than that idk and idc. He crazy and he spams. Also he's a heretic, which isn't illegal but should be.
>>974771 >Or even worse they've been using ESG to fuck with products in Japan, the only silver lining is that all the free games means that unless your game is actually good most people will just stick to there free gaas slop so all these esg dumpster fires are burning money.
>>950740 That's why I just go offline on steam and play through the game before refunding if it seems shit. Eventually you can just look at a game and feel if its shit though, if others can't then that's on them.

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>984331 Testicles
>>985096 Testicular Torsion

Shoot em up/Bullet Hell thread: Go for broke! Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 19:06:58 Id: 6fd716 No. 984449 [Reply]
From classics like Ikaruga and Touhou to the most recently released Devil Blade Reboot. I just wanted to make a Shmup thread since I haven't seen one in a while, and I've been getting into the genre recently despite sucking ass at these games. Right now I've been focused on beating my high score in Devil Blade Reboot, but I wanted to make a thread for /v/ and see if we could collect and compare high scores and just talk about our favorite shmup games, be it Thunderforce, Gunbird 2, Cotton, Touhou, Devil Engine, Radiant Silvergun, etc. What are your favorite shumps /v/?
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>>984577 Meme dev with well made shmumps while they were active.
>>985177 I'm a small time scrub as well. But i admited that a long time ago and now i just enjoy this games at my own pace.
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Cotton! I just got the CE of Saturn Tribute, I know the ports are shit, but I just needed to get the high res versions of the art from 2 and Boomerang, not to mention the tiny Cotton figure is just the cutest! I hope we get to see gameplay of RnR2 eventually. High Tension seems promising but they've hardly shown off anything besides a few screenshots. >>984577 I think they're great even if I haven't cleared any of their games yet, Deathsmiles is really fun, I love the gothic horror elements that get contrasted with the cute girls, it feels like a homage to Cotton.

Video Game Transformation Gimmicks, Alt Forms, & Variants. Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 00:17:50 Id: 34b5b3 No. 962390 [Reply] [Last]
Been wanting to make a thread about this for a while but I've been putting it off cause I thought there wasn't much to go on but fuck it, might as well try. I want to talk about mode changes for player characters, enemies, and other NPCs and how they affect the game in general. It doesn't have to be a combat-based form but even an NPC having an altered state with visual indications. So give me anything you've got about the subject, the only games I can call at the top of my head that I've played about this subject recently are Devil May Cry 3 and Megaman ZX as part of the zero collection. Minor note: Might as well count super modes like Superstar Invincibility from Super Mario Bros. just in case.
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>>984551 In SF1 you can get only a single form depending on which version of the game you're playing. My favorite is Pegasus. The card will appear during combat... But you probably figured that out on your own by now. In SF2 and SF3 you can have more at the same time.
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>>985141 The mod in question does let you grab the other forms, but its a post-game thing without multiplayer.

EDF6 PC and PS4/5 western release Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:22:23 Id: a424fb No. 895955 [Reply] [Last]
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>>984944 >>The accuracy of Flame Revolver weapons went from B to B+
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>>985041 What my Japanese source didn't mention, unlike on the wiki, is that the Flame Revolvers were granted a buff in minimum damage. Also the new rule for gatling guns (immediately fire but takes time to reach full ROF) applies to the Fencer's flamethrowers too.
>>984943 >All those energy use nerfs to WD Seriously what the fuck. I hope at least all WD weapons start out fully stocked rather than needing to be charged everytime you want to fire cause my fingers hurt playing her

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Slay the Princess Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 00:39:55 Id: af6767 No. 899282 [Reply] [Last]
Today's the full release of the VN Slay the Princess and it seems like something anons here might genuinely enjoy. For those who are wondering just what the premise of the VN is " You're a nameless Hero whose main goal is to slay a Princess before she ends the world", it's a bizarre horror romance where you'll end up dying a lot. When I saw the first two demos of the VN, I thought it was a unique premise but ultimately believed it couldn't expand upon the choices from the demo, to my pleasant surprise /v/ it has quite a few routes and sub routes within sub routes. For a VN on the cheaper side (by today's inflated prices) of 16 freedom bux or 21 Leaf shekels, there was a lot of love and autism placed into it. I recommend a pirate of this VN for whenever the GoG version is uploaded online.
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It's surreal seeing a game like this becoming so well known.
>>985121 Its literally the same experience as reading a manga while listening to music.
>>985124 I like the ones with branching paths, like a CYOA. Especially if they include that little branching diagram at the end so you can see all the paths and which endings you haven't unlocked yet.

Unicorn Overlord a masterpiece you should not buy Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:42:07 Id: 05097a No. 958103 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ I'm here to say after playing it via emulation of the Switch version that Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece , 10/10 and as the kids would say GOAT. If not for the fact Elden Meme's DLC is coming out and the potential of Metaphor: ReFantazio, I would say this is JPRG of 2024 hands fucking down. This might even surpass Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir , Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim as Vanillaware's best game, it's that fucking good. <But anon you just spend the first bit of this post practically on the knees sucking it off why are you saying not buy it? The localisation of this game is not great and if you're a Vanillaware fag like I am you should not support the English version of this game period, if you want to support Vanillaware go buy a JP copy of this from Amazon jp or other moon storefront. Yes it's not totally pozzed like say FE or others have been but it still changes the tone and intent of the game >WHO CARES IF THE DIALOGUE IS FLOWERY ANON? You should care as it's still an alter of the original work and an utter disrespect of Vanillaware >WHERE IS THE PC VERSION YOU NIGGER? There is none as for whatever reason the CEO of Vanillware is super butthurt towards PC as platform, which is a shame as the mods of this game would be amazing and patches to unfuck the localisation would also be very welcomed. I think this would've added another 500k sales or even more if it was on steam as let's face it consoles are pretty much dying, even in Japan PC has gotten pretty big (not big enough where it's fully taken over like the west and Slavland), even Atlus was scratching their heads on why Vanillaware asked them to not allow a PC version. >DOES THIS GAME HAVE WAIFUS? Yes it does and they are all amazing but if you're a hag lover like myself Yahna is best girl. >WHERE CAN ONE EUMLATE IT? Ryujinx is what I used and I'm unsure if there are others, so perhaps a kind anon could correct me. <Closing notes If you're looking for something that beats modern FE(FE: Three Houses wasn't too bad but I understand why people might not care for it) this next to StellaGlow will fill that Strategy JRPG niche. How many hours you anons put into it and and who were your favourites? Also SCARLETT A SHIT!
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>>974284 >StellaGlow
Recently finished the game, here's my thoughts on it: Its a great game, as expected of Vanillaware. There are some flaws and things that could have been better of course, largely to do with the writing more than anything else, but I highly recommend it to anyone who even slightly enjoys this kind of game. >Gameplay Outstandingly fun, though I can't help but wonder if part of it ended up sacrificing story aspects for its incredible freedom to approach the game. Somehow, exploring the overworld and doing shit like mining and treasure-hunting was actually fun and enjoyable, which I did not expect at all. The level of customization for combat is shocking for a game like this, though I wish there was a tactics option for Rosalinde and Eltolinde with the number of fairies, because its not like you can predict the exact number of actions they will take if they perform actions such as healings. The game starts out pretty difficult in the early stages (and at the beginning of each arc with a difficulty spike), but you eventually get so many tools, resources, abilities, and customization/freedom to do things the way you want that it eventually starts getting pretty "easy". Though that's a weird way to put it. I played it on Expert, and I pretty much never lost except once or maybe twice by accident when I wasn't paying attention. Doesn't mean it wasn't difficult mind you, but the game gives you a lot to handle everything. I didn't use 90% of my consumable resources and I cleared the game without issue, though I do have a decent amount of experience with tactical/strategy games at this point. So many fun mechanics and stuff. The colliseum was a good time. I beat Amalia pretty early on, and I beat Gerard at low-level 30s which was nice. There was so much to find and/or unlock in this game, figuring out and fine-tuning combat was generally a blast, especially with all the items and abilities and whatnot. It is interesting to see how much my squads changed over the course of the game (and how much they didn't too) >Aesthetics and Presentation Vanillaware is above reproach. Most of the characters in this game are at least A-tier designs by Vanillaware standards. However, I do wish they had more S-tier character designs in this game, like what you'd see in Dragon's Crown or Muramasa. You could tell they were constrained by the nature of the game (having to make "standard" characters since you had to control and fight whole damn armies), and maybe the fact that Kamitani wasn't at the head of this game also influenced that. Still, Vanillaware made some incredible stuff as they usually do. The artwork was beautiful as a whole. Animations were good, though a lot of attack styles were pretty standard. I wish there was more flash to them, akin to GBA Fire Emblem animations if possible. >Music Was good. Could have been better but it was fine. I can't complain from what I remember. >Plot/Story writing

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>>958153 this. you have A waifu. Not waifus. Polygamy is degeneracy

Subliminal Cucking Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 20:45:44 Id: 25152c No. 961544 [Reply]
After spending my weekend binging a few older Obsidian games, I'm reminded of something that's always kind of rubbed me the wrong way about Bethesda's writing. You ever notice how in games like Skyrim or Nu-Fallout, any dialogue option that shows the slightest hint of confidence or assholery (not matter the player's level) is shot down with characters acting like you chose the "wrong" option and suggesting you be more humble? A noticeable example of this is when you join the Legion and suggest that one of the early missions might not be difficult for you. Immediately your Legate is like >Ummm... That sounds like bravado to me. Stop talking like that. She will say this no matter what level you are, or how many other questlines you've completed. She still maintains this attitude towards you throughout the entire Legion questline. And there are lots of moments in Skyrim and other Bethesda games where they'll scold you for being confident, or where the only remotely confident option will intentionally sound cocky as all hell. This was something I noticed when I beat Fallout: New Vegas years ago and realized that the game didn't scold me for talking like an overconfident asshole. It just said >Oh, you think you got what it takes? Alright then, let's see it. And sometimes even rewarded you for taking the dialogue option that doesn't sound like you sit with your legs crossed. But lately I've played other Obsidian RPGs, KOTOR II and Alpha Protocol, and noticed the exact same thing. Likely Avellone's influence, but in AP in particular it's rewarding to be a bit of a douchebag. Being talked down by people, and not being forced to respond "righteously" as if the game is on their side or give direct "No u" responses, is so refreshing. I hate how passive the player character is in Bethesda titles and other AAA titles. What are some other games with charismatic asshole protagonists?
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>>962159 Somebody had to bump this shit thread, of course. Trying to fulfill this prediction. Great fleshlight by the way
>>985107 >Slowly loads >Saw the shoulders <Immediately recognize the the artist <Knew this image was going to have a dick >Sure enough, there's a dick How fucked up do I have to be to almost instinctually notice this?
>>985109 >recognize the artist It's AI-generated, retard.

Steam Next Fest: June 2024 Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 17:25:27 Id: 282ecf No. 978777 [Reply] [Last]
The Steam Next Fest is here, as you know Steam Next Fest is where a whole bunch of games are shown off to the public in order to sell their games to the public. Personally I look forward to these events since there's a lot of cool games that get my attention but don't have the massive bloated budget that other indies might have due to industry contracts or nepotism in the pre existing market. During the Steam Next Fest not only does it give people like me hands on with these interesting games, but it also lets me discover games that I would've never heard of beforehand. This year it seems that there's a good number of interesting games, so if there's anything that stands out feel free to post in this thread about it. Personally Akim Bot and Metal Slug Tactics are some demos that I'll be playing later today, but there's some other games that look really cool. What are you gonna play /v/?
84 posts and 59 images omitted.
I wanna get back into actually playing some damn vidya and wished to buy something on sale on Steam. I have only three main caveats: 1) The game must be multi-player focused, justifying a purchase rather than a pirate, and not any of that Game as a service bullshit 2) The game must be a beefy single player experience that actually justifies a purchase, i.e. hours of content, multiple side modes, healthy modding scene and most importantly an hassle to otherwise get through "alternative" means 3) Priced less than 15$ at base game, 20$ tops if includes non cosmetic, non p2w DLC Got anything worth checking out? Bundles of multiple games and DLC are fine so long as the individual titles respect these constraints
>>985081 V rising is the only thing that comes to mind, but I haven't played it myself.
>>985082 There's valheim too, but I don't know if that can be pirated or not.

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