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Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 19:21:01 No. 456518 [Reply]
One of your sons is in there masturbating. What do?
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>>457628 >I’m a middle schooler, that’s why my comebacks look like that Oh, that’s why you severely abuse and mishandle /b/ and me by always deleting my posts, like any other 4chan mod, since last year. You’re afraid you’ll show your age. I’m telling your teacher you’re accessing racist image boards during class, kiddo.
>>457629 This isn't halfcuck, and I don't give two goddamns what some tranny jannies want me to do. I fuck with you because you break rules. Don't do that. Get left the fuck alone. Now do you have anything else? Because I'm late for a Book Burning.
>>457558 What was your comment?

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Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 14:02:21 No. 456413 [Reply]
anyone try this delicacy?
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>>456572 Your shortening your life span by eating low grade meat raised in disease ridden sunless factories kept alive long enough and grown with hormone injections and anti viral medications because the chickens can't develop a functional immune system while being forced to lay in their own shit and eating nothing but processed corn and soy beans. On top of that that chicken is then slaughtered, frozen, shipped to China, defrosted and cut, frozen again, then shipped back to the US because for some retarded reason that's cheaper than hiring local butchers. Plus that shit is cooked in seed oils rather than the good stuff like lard or duck fat. You can make this at home OP and with healthier ingredients.
>>457567 I mean you could, but why the fuck would you. I mean you just made fried chicken. You really gonna cover that shit in tomato sauce and cheese?

Kids Next Door operation: fuck school Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 21:15:28 No. 455311 [Reply]
<…and that’s a good thing. Kill teachers. Behead teachers. Roundhouse kick a teacher into the concrete. Slam dunk a teacher into the trashcan. Crucify filthy teachers. Defecate in a teacher’s food. Launch teachers into the sun. Stir fry teachers in a wok. Toss teachers into active volcanoes. Kick a teacher in the testicles. Urinate into a teacher’s gas tank. Judo throw teachers into the wood chipper. Twist teachers heads off. Report teachers to the IRS. Karate chop teachers in half. Curb stomp filthy teachers. Trap teachers in quicksand. Crush teachers in the trash compactor. Liquefy teachers in a vat of acid. Stab teachers. Dissect teachers. Exterminate teachers in the gas chamber. Stomp teacher skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate teachers in the oven. Lobotomize teachers. Mandatory roping for teachers. Grind teachers in the garbage disposal. Drown teachers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize teachers with a ray gun. Kick old teachers down the stairs. Feed teachers to alligators. Slice teachers with a katana. Line up teachers and use them for target practice. Drop kick a disabled teacher’s head to jupiter. Slice teachers up into lunchmeat and feed them to pigs. Drive a bus load of teachers into the grand canyon. Break a 2×4 in half over a teacher’s head. Choke a teacher to death with a gucci belt. Shoot groups of teachers on sight. Suffocate teachers with a shopping bag. Cave a teacher’s head in with a hammer. Pistol whip a teacher.
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>be teacher in American education system >slog through retarded common core curriculum made for the lowest common denominator >kids in 6th grade have trouble reading and doing basic math >teach important subjects like "gay blowjobs" and "institutional oppression olympics" <be absolutely shocked when the kids hate them

Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 04:40:08 No. 457515 [Reply]
Why so mad, BO?
>>457515 Hm? Oh that. That's just a way of life really. See I'm a dick.
>>457520 Prove it
>>457617 Why the fuck would I do that dick cheese? Fuck you and the piece of shit whore you road in on bitch.

CPS Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 18:15:41 No. 457550 [Reply]
>hello, we don’t think you can raise your children. But we have this extensive roster of child abusers we think are better fit to raise your biological children. Gimme here
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>>457568 Ahh okay so village communities are great... Unless it's a village outside of federal financial and cultural control then the only 'rational' thing to do is massacre them of course because they're guilty of the horrible 'sin' of being a naturally occurring ethnically homologous community off the beaten path that minds it's own businesses and isn't contributing enough to the heckin Economy!!! Because they have values beyond rampant consumerism, nigger worship, and self flagellating white guilt. Well that's just terrible!!! Of course things like that don't happen in say majority black towns in say Louisiana as far as I'm aware of, oh because those are totally fine. Yeah there was the whole Black Water mercenaries curb stomping them after Hurricane Katrina which I'm not denying was bad in fact I very much pity the victims of that but that cluster fuck has plenty of white victims and a few spics too so I don't think the Bush administration was targeting anyone in particular but rather just wanted to try and erode the 4th and 2nd amendment in general. Funny thing too but I'm pretty sure there a quote in the Quran that also says something along the lines of villages playing a role in raising children, oh yes I'm sure the Mudslime world just loves the Clinton Family especially the Muslims in Libya and Syria, yup no way those people harbor any justified animosity what so ever towards Hillary. Of course lets not delude ourselves into thinking Trump is any better when he is very open about wanting to start WW3 against Iran, and why? I dunno because they don't have a shitty central bank I guess.
>>457572 Once you see the Jewish control, everything else is self apparent. And the "it takes a village" proverb is from the old testament Bible, so the Torah, a book revered by Jews, arabs, and Christians. Clinton using religious language to justify murdering Christians is just her idea of irony.
>>457566 >Least you want another dead baby on your conscious Lmao, there was a funeral, so people know.

FUCK SCHOOL Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 15:47:54 No. 457043 [Reply]
A federal court ruled Texas may not enforce state immigration laws because immigration is the federal government’s jurisdiction. This sets the precedent that state and local law enforcement may not force you to go to school because school attendance is only the federal government’s jurisdiction. Repeat this precedent over and over again to your single mother and teacher the next time they force you to go to school.
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>>457475 100% correct, at least in the USA anyway. Asia and Eastern Europe don't suffer the same mental illness and SAT courses that along with all the Cronyism plaques US schooling. Yeah there's a few exceptions to that rule but the Federal government is actively trying to stomp those out too.
Niggers ruined school
>>457608 True dat yo. And my black ass didn't even learnt shit neway.

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Looking for a photo Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 02:34:58 No. 457484 [Reply]
I remember seeing a photo of candy branded with cartoon lemons drawn as stereotypical Asian person I think they where Portuguese. I saw them on a article about sweets with offensive branding. here is a rough reconstruction of what I'm looking for
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>>457495 "Popeye?"
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>>457519 i know i had this betty boop cartoon clip about a nigger baby in a theater wanting some watermelon but i guess its on my old, dead computer so have these instead

Anders Behring Breivik Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 13:39:06 No. 446174 [Reply]
what's he upto these days not heard much from or about him in a few years hope he's doing okay
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>>453230 >>455836 exactly this just melts the heart
>>447162 You sure you're not confusing him with Varg?
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>>455861 >This is why I hate neo-nazis and europe.

Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 23:24:41 No. 457075 [Reply]
Why did the kikes destroy Haiti when there are no white men there? No white men in power, no white anyone.
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>>457075 I cant remember the specific instance but i do recall during one disaster here in america Haiti was the ONLY country that offered help financially to us at the time, no loans or any of that shit. The money was some crap amount because they poor af but the thought was there but it was scoffed at anyway almost to the point of embarrassment.
>>457105 >all the white people There was that odd turn of events when Polish legionnaires defected from the French and joined the Haitian rebellion. They were spared execution and given legal status of niggers by the new Haitian government. Better to be a nigger then French, I guess.
>>457075 To flood the US with them so immigration can continue being a hot topic among the controlled Democrats and Republicans who offer no actual solutions but instead just lip service? Same reason Libya was destroyed so it could be a thorn in the side of Europe, well one of the reasons anyway. >>457079 < Also this, not even other nigger nations like Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago want them which is why they usually try to flee to Florida. Still I do believe had all those earthquake donations actually gone to the Haitian people they'd at least be a little better off as apposed to being in a literal state of anarchy under various gang rule now but we made the retarded 'decision' to trust the Clinton Foundation and Halliburton to handle that aid and to no ones surprise none of that money actually went to helping the people of Haiti, in fact I suspect the only money that went into Haiti was used to buy Haitian posting on /leftypol/ slaves for Mr. Epstein Island and that's about it. I dunno what it is about former French nigger colonies compared to British or Portuguese nigger colonies but the French ones are always the most dysfunctional.

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:54:17 No. 457474 [Reply]
What would anon do at the communist catgirl zoo exhibit?
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>>457498 Commiecat is not a person though, but a drawing.
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>>457474 >What would anon do at the communist catgirl zoo exhibit? Ask the zookeepers why they're called catgirls when they each obviously have a penis
>>457559 You used that image in the op and now twice in posts. That's it. Ban time.

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What are Dawn Babes? Yakuza 04/11/2024 (Thu) 13:01:28 No. 457539 [Reply]
I'm serious boys, This one is serious. Are Dawn Babes working WITH the POLICE?

Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 18:31:13 No. 457353 [Reply]
A fat fuck here and a fat fuck there.
here a fuck, there a fuck, everywhere a fat fuck
>>457374 old McDonald had a fat fuck farm

Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 04:29:28 No. 457339 [Reply]
What the hell are the kikes doing?
>>457339 >What the hell are the kikes doing? Pretty sure they have a quiet little civil war going on. Like the Peltz/Iger thing at Disney
>>457445 Jew aren't a hivemind yet They still have the liberal problem
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>>457452 >They still have the liberal problem Which they, of course, created. Always nice to watch the occasional golem trigger the shit out of its creator

Social scientists have determined that the truth is transphobic Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 18:07:24 No. 457451 [Reply]
Truth is transphobia, pass it on.
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>>457451 So be it
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>>457451 >autistic beard man triggers limp-wrist professor by asking him a question that he could answer at five years old, but is unable to answer as a grown-ass man I used to get angry. Now I'm just tired.
>>457521 Yeah. I feel asleep.

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Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 06:28:54 No. 457491 [Reply]
Can i get some help testing a torrent? The problem i have is that i dont know whether or not my torrents work. Image related is the torrent. Im just wondering whether its possible to connect to my torrent at all. I put a bunch of trackers on it so that shouldnt be a problem. But whenever ive made torrents before it just doesnt seem like anyone could connect to it. 7a68c1c5
Here is another a torrent that i ripped myself. Its remux quality meaning i only ripped the 2 discs with makemkv and did nothing else to the files. I did however change the name of one of the extras but then changed it back to how it was. It was on disc 1 and it was the t_00 file. >The Birth Of A Nation (BFI version) d5d03389
>>457492 Nice movie. I guess maybe I'll help.

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Liru the Werewolf Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:11:24 No. 443774 [Reply] [Last]
Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏
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>>457450 Vargen lekken sein selbsten Arschen.
Yo, that's a cool werewolf
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>>457457 The coolest!

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