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Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 19:01:27 No. 455769 [Reply]
My cat is a filthy t*rk. As such, we must engage in psychic battle each day. She starts every day by climbing onto my chest while I'm asleep to greet me with reminders that it is no longer Constantinople, but Istanbul, and I must retaliate by playing Sabaton's Winged Hussars at her. The standoff continues until we make peace with shared offerings of ear scratches from me and her rubbing against my leg. Every day, the battle continues.

GOYIM TV FLYERS Full Download.zip 33.3 MB Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 02:08:28 No. 455729 [Reply]
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>>455756 they want you to rape them too
>>455759 I'd also llike to rape them too, I like their nipples also. I'd like to suck on them, and also ejaculate in their face or in their vagina.
>>455764 Again they are asking for I want to see thier insides get pulled out be a horse

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Website seized without notice by Epik NullRoute 12/30/2023 (Sat) 14:40:30 No. 454418 [Reply]
https://8kun.top/random/res/104748.html Mob rule by butthurt troon lunatics and 'girl talk' threats have struck again. As always there was no warning, will be no appeal, and no explanation will ever be given. And again the response of the degenerate groomers who've brought 'thoughtcrime' from 1984 to real life is "Don't like it? Build your own." In this case, you would have to build your own Internet. Ponder the practicality of that. 0 replies | 0 images | Page 1 >I am not null
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>>455700 I guarantee you that anything problematic will be excised before they let themselves be taken down in defense of it. these people have no principles and won't fight to protect anything beyond their own self interest.
>>455700 Kiwi farms did have that doxxing side to it and it did result in deaths but is it worth destroying the kiwi website, because kiwi did more things than dox, do those other better parts of kiwi farms deserve to suffer the same consequences as the doxxing part? 8chan isn't so black and white either, It's a shades of grey situation.
>>455721 I can't wait when websites like this become fucking illegal.

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I need money Anonymous 08/28/2023 (Mon) 17:49:16 No. 449501 [Reply]
I need to make money but not in the way that requires me to have a 9-5 job. I don't even have a car right now. Do you guys know ANY hustle I can do sitting from home? I tried craigslist and made a few bucks but I don't have much personal belongings that I think are worth something to someone. I wouldn't care if I made $50 or even $20 a week. I just want some steady income.
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I thought it said "I need monkey", and I says to myself, "Why the fuck would a nigger want another fucking monkey around his house?"
>>449501 It's called stop being a little bitch. Some way or another you have to commit and take a risk. Whether that be learning from home (you can learn anything for free online) or growing weed in the national park and selling it.
>>449501 One idea would be growing plants and selling them

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Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 22:28:02 No. 455674 [Reply]
Fuck the modern internet. All places are either full with bots or with people that act and talk like bots or both.
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>>455681 no which is why everyone is consolidating on the defacto mediocre imageboard while they wait for a better alternative.
>>455694 i just dont predict some altchan rising up and changing the world, what unique gimmick could you offer that would make it worth it
>>455680 >>455681 >>455694 >>455711 Holy samefag, this is pathetic.

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Hard Working Girl Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 02:22:04 No. 449809 [Reply]
This girl is a cute farm girl. She works hard. Do you work hard, too?
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>>449856 >Why not also wish that he is a she, then? Because it's not necessary to me as long as the faggot is cute. Cute is justice.
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>>449857 I can respect that,
Wait, why do those girls have cocks?

Anonymous 01/17/2024 (Wed) 03:40:54 No. 455167 [Reply]
This film is fucking strange. Who wrote it; Bill Maher?
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Ken just got a nomination. Im not even joking!
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>>455167 Still haven't watched it

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Trump now owes The New York Times and 3 journalists nearly $400,000 in legal fees Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 12:35:20 No. 455009 [Reply]
>Donald Trump owes The New York Times and three of its reporters nearly $400,000 in legal fees stemming from a lawsuit the former president filed against the newspaper which a judge dismissed last year. >Justice Robert Reed of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Friday saddled Trump with a $392,638.69 bill, ordering the former president to pay the outlet and journalists' accumulated attorney's fees and legal expenses. >Trump sued The Times in 2021, accusing the paper and three of its journalists of conspiring with his niece, Mary Trump, to gain access to his tax records for several stories about the then-president's finances which were published by the outlet in 2018. >Mary Trump has been an outspoken critic of her uncle, including accusing him of being an unfit leader. >Reed dismissed Trump's suit last May. But it wasn't until this week that Trump was given the exact amount he now owes as a result of the case. Susanne Craig, one of the Times reporters named in Trump's original suit, shared the Friday fee decision on X with a thumbs up emoji. >A separate lawsuit Trump filed against his niece related to his taxes is ongoing. Specifically, the lawsuit accuses Mary Trump of violating confidentiality when she gave information about Trump's 2018 taxes to The New York Times. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-owes-new-york-times-400-000-after-lawsuit-tossed-2024-1# HOW!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! how the fuck did idiot buy The New York times I thought this orange face moron was broke?
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>>455043 >Trump will have a hard time winning Technically, he already won against the left and the press regardless of the consequences of his actions towards the left.
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Sales of NY Times that bad they have to mug people now, huh?

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8ch ref sheet RELEASE Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 15:52:23 No. 455225 [Reply]
This is the final release of an 8ch reference sheet.
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Here is a 2x version.
>>455225 Source(s)?

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Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 02:59:57 No. 454792 [Reply]
What causes girls to have huge labia like that?
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You can see the labia You guys are faggots that. Can not stop seeing dick everywhere
>>455644 I need would need more if i were to fap Tho that tng scene made no sense how did his cells survive not getting blood to them for what it would have been days

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Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 02:51:31 No. 455631 [Reply]
Maaan how was he able to maintain that biceps without lifting
>>455639 He lifts with the stump.

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good morning sirs kagbajwa 01/31/2024 (Wed) 05:53:05 No. 455565 [Reply]
Good morning!
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>>455565 go back asshole.
>>455573 Try waking up later.
>>455573 Try waking up later

Defamation and lying are what Epik does best! Fuck Epik 01/22/2024 (Mon) 15:28:11 No. 455332 [Reply]
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ Rob Monster Spoiler alert: We didn't. And we also openly despise the LGBTQPedo crowd, have reported/exposed numerous people for openly grooming minors in Roblox/Discord/etc, and helped send at least a few of these freaks to jail. Their Twitter account is freely allowed to post such insane defamation and neither Twitter nor any part of the 'justice' system will do anything about it. Kiwifarms is far from the only website Epik has harmed and/or responded to with complete insanity. https://www.namepros.com/threads/the-fund-cant-be-withdrawal-from-epik-com-via-masterbucks-wallet.1284050/page-421 Epik's registered address is a hole-in-the-wall office in Wyoming. 30 N Gould St Ste E · Sheridan, WY 82801 ; Phone. +1 (737) 301-5923 Anyone who happens to know where their *actual* office(s) is/are, please feel free to chime in.

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>>455332 the Bruce Tedeschi tweet whine about having visitsobe.com taken from him? I see a lot of page links where the content was taken down, one page has a banner still for the site https://web.archive.org/web/20180809000920/http://visitsobe.com/ this was from March 2016 https://web.archive.org/web/20160331234406/http://www.visitsobe.com/ looks like he was just cybersquatting the thing trying to sell the visitsobe domain to some greater fool a dig of epik.com shows the IP addresses are in Cloudflare's IPv4 block & Cloudflare Ontario, Canada https://browserleaks.com/ip/ epik.com domain smacks of being owned by Google or Cloudflare https://www.robtex.com/dns-lookup/epik.com if y'all are trying to run domains like 8chan or sites for posting illegal shit off Big Tech companies out of one of their shell domain registrar companies with an address in Wyoming, good luck with keeping them online I suggest setting your domains for illegal shit up on a .onion domain instead

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>>455569 get banned jackass pedo

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 01:37:00 No. 455558 [Reply]
>Why yes, I did have surgery so my bladder produces cum instead of my balls so I can cum loads for a long time! How can you tell?
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>>455559 The nephrons to be more specific.
>>455563 How do I cure autism?
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A nigger has been detected. NiggerYakuza 01/29/2024 (Mon) 19:31:37 No. 455512 [Reply]
ALERT: Nigger has escaped the room <ALERT: Nigger has infiltrated MAGA H.Q <ALERT: Nigger has defeated the TRUMP Lords <ALERT: Nigger has become the U.S President >WARNING: NukeNigger Bomb Inbound <WARNING: The Nigger deactivated the NiggerBomb
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>>455512 niggers cant do shit but loot and steal
What do you think about considering blacks as different specie? (Homo niger). Same for asians (homo asiaticus), arabs (homo semiticus). Aryans (whites) will still be called homo sapiens to underline our intellecual superiority.
lmao, you can see his tiny nigger dick through his shorts

Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:41:15 No. 454536 [Reply]
Did the kikes plan for their replacement of whites by shitskins to blow up in their faces in half the world?
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>Stooop genocide in gaza >:(
>>454620 A surprising number of chuds have started shilling for the jews because brown people bad and "look goy! The trannies support palestine!"
>>455532 I'm a degenerate and I hated jews for setting up degeneracy as a scapegoat while at the same time presenting degenerate strawmen for the population to observe through video and then attack socially (of course there will be detractors), but I hate muslims more for throwing fags off roofs, since I'm half fag. I hate that I'm surrounded by chuds now again, first was when I was a maga gay before they turned on the gays, and then I had to switch sides and learn about jews and shit, and then as soon as I'm kissing jew ass to fit in, all these fucking rainbow haired assholes do an about face and start hating jews, well I'm not being tricked again, I'm standing firm with the Jews, like I said at least they don't throw people off roofs and gangrape people in broad daylight.

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