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Forever in debt to your priceless advice -kurt cobain Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 04:23:49 No. 458177 [Reply]
The sound you hear from Columbia University is the sound of not having to listen to college kids screaming at you about how you're killing the planet because you ate a steak, or how you shouldn't be allowed to drive, or how you need to be locked to within a 15 minute walk from your house. No more stupidass bullshit about how cars are tools of the patriarchy. No more whining about how you have to let some college kid tell you what you're allowed to eat. No more smarmy ass know it all lecturing you about how we need to ban farming. I've never felt freer in my whole life.
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Can somebody tell me what the hell OP is talking about? I recognize commiecat but have no context for whatever events they're referencing.
>>458228 I'm talking about a bunch of students from Columbia University getting rolled over by the police.
>>458235 Did they at least watch skibidi toilet before dying 🥹

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Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 14:21:23 No. 458057 [Reply]
sup homies
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>>458061 No one cared till I put on the mask
>>458057 I never got the vaccine. And I'm twerking right now.

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Reddit Faggot leftists Anonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 12:49:13 No. 452837 [Reply]
My account got recently banned from being accused of hate and attacking someone one and this untrue followed even further from the fact that they haven't even pointed out what I said was even that someone just accused me of it and that mod whomever it was just automatically sided with that person and neither of them have even showed what I said was an actual concern warranting banning my account and have actually deleted the comment so there's no way to know that I said to show that it's what they claim it is. I've emailed and messaged every place possible on reddit inquiring about this matter and what I want to know now and what I'm wanting to ask is what and where do I go from here now? thanks
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>Imageboard users believe that they are better but Reddit probably would outlive them in a 99% chance, remember that the left conquers everything and "alternative sites" are next to fall, fuck "freedom of speech".
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>>452837 Reddit go pee pee poo poo 🤣 hahahahaha Look at the top of its head!. Dildo head!.

Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 06:07:34 No. 458136 [Reply]
How come the jewnited states military never used the UFOs they made to fight Jewish wars?
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>>458274 Wouldn't prove shit anyway, Jews have pushed for circumcision to be "normalized" in america and africa so that they can't be identified by their circumcized penises anymore
>>458249 Not exactly. You should make fentanyl gas canisters and deploy them in synagogues until you’re found out and gunned down. You should also pour bags of fentanyl into the water supplies of Jewish elementary schools and daycares, also until you’re found out and gunned down.
>>458249 You could be a reptilian grey alien ☝️🥸.

Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 21:23:33 No. 458290 [Reply]
Why the fuck do girls keep asking him for sex???

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Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 15:20:30 No. 458287 [Reply]
slurp slurp ahhhhh tasty

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Orgasm Queen Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 23:49:13 No. 458097 [Reply]
How do I download this orgasmic masterpiece? Tried Jdownloader, Videodownload-helperand multipe online-porn-downloaders like "free online porndownloader" or "jizzoffline"or keepvid. Even tried inspecting the page or "Research Q" but nothing there.
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>>458097 >>458098 I'll be back with a webm later, I got family over at the moment.
What is it with clueless normalfags coming here to ask for the sauce to their shitty 3DPD videos? How are you even finding this site? We just had the mods delete the thread of stupid fucking pedo piece of shit asking if anybody knew where his CP came from.
XTREME DOWNLOAD MANAGER (Windows & Linux) can download videos from almost any site. It even works with HLS video streams which use a m3u8 playlist to stream a series of .ts files. XDM will automatically combine the pieces for you and it even can convert the video to a preferred format. https://xtremedownloadmanager.com/

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Marcus Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 17:33:29 No. 457429 [Reply]
here we talk about the teachings and philosophy of Stoicism and all of it's importance in the modern age.
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>>458236 The later genius
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Stoicism is what gives you LARPing otherkin kids like Commodus.
>>458254 How the fuck did they get the hands to do that?

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Chastity Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 23:58:56 No. 458240 [Reply]
I have to wait for the ice to melt before I can do anything with my dick..
thanks for letting us know you could still ride a dildo or something, a cage doesn't stop you from nutting

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Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 03:29:48 No. 458175 [Reply]
Thoughts of Pissy Cuckitini
>>458175 And is that thought a hot thought for thots that thought hot?

Greatest Thing in The World Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 11:00:33 No. 457295 [Reply]
Please Tell me there's some porn videos of her having sex with him she looks like she has a really nice ass and small soft pale white size 4 feet
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>>457579 the depth of thought and smugness of a 2014 redditor
>>457417 lol what?

Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 02:21:26 No. 458153 [Reply]
Why does it matter if graphics & sprites in your games are pre-rendered as long as they look good?
it does not
Because it makes it look like cheap shit, generally because it's DONE by cheap shit studios to copy better games instead. Nobody bitches about Mortal Kombat but they'll all start yelling if you wheel out Survival Arts. I have no idea what game that's a screenshot of, but just LOOKING at it i wanna put my foot though the monitor.

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Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 20:02:12 No. 458148 [Reply]
Watch cartoons with us https://cytu.be/r/mlpstream

tor onion access 04/29/2024 (Mon) 10:29:15 No. 458141 [Reply]
what happened to it?

2A Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 19:33:01 No. 458106 [Reply]
https://www.kold.com/2024/04/27/video-released-fatal-standoff-tucson-where-man-fired-more-than-400-rounds-police/ Doesn’t look like the second amendment is helping you fight a tyrannical government.
>>458106 Man fights back, looks like its working to me.
>>458106 Mentally ill lone gunmen ain't the pinnacle of fighting back
>>458108 How did it start in spicland? Because they took over and showed their police who was boss. If it started in any way similar (lone crazies saying they've had fucking enough) then your criticism is hollow.

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Fuckable Fauna General #1 No you didn't poser 04/17/2024 (Wed) 23:00:42 No. 457833 [Reply]
The purpose of this general is the creation of vassal and companion species for the amusement of humanity on its eternal conquest. This is NOT: a p*rn or fantasy general, a xoophilia advocacy or xoophile rights general, or a roleplay general. Those participating in this thread recognise that: 1. Humanity holds ultimate authority but also responsibility over creation. 2. Carnal relations with anything that has not been remade in our image or originally created by us from scratch is evil and disgusting 3. Anything that threatens to subvert, destroy or reduce the power and sovereignty of humanity must be extinguished. In this thread I hope to discuss with you methods such as selective breeding and genetic engineering that will most quickly and effectively elevate base matter to the rank of cosmic companion. "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
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Mutations can be increased via high but survivable temperature, UV light, high radiation, and some chemicals. Just pair this with an environment that selects for desired trait.
Use embryo selection on dogs and cats until you get something you want, or whatever
"Slow Breathing Can Be Operantly Conditioned in the Rat and May Reduce Sensitivity to Experimental Stressors"

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