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Forever in debt to your priceless advice -kurt cobain Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 15:35:02 No. 457213 [Reply]
>iiiii’m every woman, they’re all in meeeee >iiiii’m every woman, I ate them aaaaaall
positive eugenics

Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 20:45:07 No. 456977 [Reply]
Shitskin/janny thread
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>>457140 you expect to get all of that for free?
>>457156 Idk where to start. Do it for the homie love not for anything else. I thought homies were supposed to be better than hoes...
>>457165 you thought wrong

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Sir Reginald Brownpill Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 23:40:58 No. 457150 [Reply]
Well, have you?
if this shithole really is without Cake kike, I will remain.

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New bait just dropped Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 00:40:56 No. 456767 [Reply]
It's over. She's DEAD. You guys WON. You got what you wanted. There is now one less trans person in the world. Go celebrate. You aren't going to change my mind, and you certainly aren't going to make her any deader. I'm not even angry anymore. I'm just exhausted. A few days ago, I learned that a close friend of mine that I have known for nearly a decade committed suicide. The main reason that she did so, as outlined in her note, was transphobia. As a trans woman, she became happier when she transitioned, but the world was not happy with her for doing so. When she suffered a mental health crisis five years ago, partially caused by gender dysphoria as she was not fully transitioned at the time, and was hospitalized for it, she was subjected to transphobia at the mental hospital. I strongly suspect that this is the reason that she did not reach out for help this time. I want to make one thing perfectly clear: If you perpetuate transphobia, or tolerate those who do, you are directly contributing to the culture that killed my friend, and you are a piece of shit. We cannot agree to disagree on trans rights. If you perpetuate transphobia, or you do not speak out against transphobia when you see it, you are a terrible person. End of story. One of the kindest people I have ever known shot herself in the heart BECAUSE YOU BROKE IT. And I will always hate you for it. Feel free to copy-paste this rant and show it to transphobes and their enablers, because frankly, they need to hear it.
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>>457033 are you dumb faggots (glow)bots? READ THE FUCKING TITLE
>>457048 Wemen evolved to be submissive to the patriarchy What is happening right now is hiccups
>>457082 >READ THE FUCKING TITLE Suck my nuts. I have the dim candle of enlightenment rationality to protect from the winds of Marxism.

Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 18:11:10 No. 456720 [Reply]
When you think about it, communist catgirls for domestic ownership would likely be impossible. After all, felines have an internal body temperature of ~104 degrees. Without fur, a commiecat would expend massive amounts of energy to maintain such an internal temperature. How could such a thing be possible?
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>>456964 All commies are for domestic ownership.
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>>456964 chink commie detected

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Aryans pounding subhuman beasts Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:31:21 No. 456995 [Reply]
The origin of the indian race
>>456995 I like how some of them have human Faces and some don't
>>457005 Just like the average AASI dasagroid

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I really hate my job Anonymous 11/06/2023 (Mon) 12:25:36 No. 452373 [Reply]
>Be me >Have abusive farther whos always mad at me for not being able to meet his standards and bothers and sisters who bully me >does shit in school >have no friends, no boyfriends and everyone mocks me >be legit dyslexic, ADHD having (yes it's posable) retard with low IQ of just 76 >refuses to put me in sped corse >dad in denial about my special needs >work your ass off just for C and D's and everyone just thinks for "LaZy anD uNMotiVaTed" and need to "aPpLY y0uRsElF" >eventually start using weed and Benadryl and other drugs + booze just to cope >eventually drop out of school cuz I'm legit Kanye West >try collage but drop out as well >have no qualifications or experience >became a stripper as it's the only job that requires no qualifications and + it makes feel sexy >it's not like the movies a lot of time it's pretty dead and it's very rare you get a loyal customer and most the time people are not interested in dancers as they are only here cuz it's the only place thats still open that does booze >the only 2 good things about it is the fact you need no qualifications and the men >it's a great place to meet men I must have fallen in love with at last 20 different beautiful men there alot of them do things like ask for your phone number, buy you drinks, ask for lap dances >I hate the genre of music and the noise of the music mosly just rap songs and "boobty" (I hate that word) songs and you don't make the money you think you would just few 100$ a night most of witch I blow on drugs and booze

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>>452373 You at least have a job, that's more than some people who don't have IQ problems have. NEET life is starting to get boring and tiring, I need a job and/or gf
>>457068 start with a job before you add someone trying to get you to pay for things
>>457069 Niggers get girlfriends that always let them borrow their new cars and they are on probation, but we can’t get girlfriends at all.

Haven't ate since 730 Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 20:15:09 No. 457046 [Reply]
I'm very hungry! *sniff sniff* What's that there anon? Can I have a piece?
>>457046 I ate all my blueberries already

Random Number Series Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 06:51:01 No. 455882 [Reply]
Is it possible to derive a formula for a set of random numbers given by a computer to turn it into a sequence? Computers are machines that follow rules, so they can only generate numbers that appear random, but are actually generated using mathematical formulas. Take the Case of a Range of numbers from 1-8 and the random set given out by the computer is: 4,2,4,6,6,5,7,7,7,5,7,5,3,5… Is it possible to find What comes Next? Please Help!
9 posts and 1 image omitted.
The next five numbers are 3, 7, 7, 5, 8 You're welcome
Lottery numbers do not have a pattern; therefore, it is not possible to predict the next set of numbers based on previous winning numbers.

HOW DO I GET OLDER DOMMY MOMMY Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 01:48:50 No. 455115 [Reply]
need an older mommy gf into age play but I'm an autist
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Hit on retired teachers. They have a superiority complex.

Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 20:43:02 No. 457008 [Reply]
Fannee Doolee hates climate change, but supports the Jews & Jewish capitalism causing it. Why do you think that is?

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Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 18:27:46 No. 457003 [Reply]
hi i work for bluesky and i am promoting our brand new film robots 2!! ive been making promotional posters lately but im not sure if the public, or my bosses would approve of them, how do yall feel about these?
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i also made this one
>>457003 The 1st one left nothing to make a 2nd one

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Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 10:22:34 No. 456663 [Reply]
Wtf means "quantum dry"?
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>>456663 Have you ever encountered a marketing team, OP? Sorority girls from poor families become teachers, and sorority girls from rich families join marketing teams, since in either case, it gives them a satisfying sense of control over the minds of others. Anyway some dumb POC bitch with whiskey breath probably coughed up that term and they just went with it. No need to waste your mental cycles on this.
>>456713 they literally hire niggers to ejaculate into their formula. it makes men gay. the "degree" to which you absorb nigger sperm into your veins is the message they're sending you. the nigger sperms attack your WHITE blood cells and rape them like whyte women, ending your immune system and making you open to diversification at the molecular level. you become gayer by the minute, your cock throbs at the thought of nigger semen degrading your limbic system. i tried to warn you but it was already too late, you are a faggot nigger lover femboy cuck, now you must suffer a third degree burn to the penis until it is done. you did this to yourself
>>456663 kill yourself, you dumb fucking ESL retard

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Video Thread Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 07:12:59 No. 425340 [Reply] [Last]
Random video thread.
358 posts and 596 images omitted.
(2.61 MB 1280x720 autism no frieren.mp4)

>>425340 >Random video thread. >doesn't post a fucking video i hate niggers

GTV FLYERS Download Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 00:17:47 No. 456980 [Reply]
GTV FLYERS Download 27 GTV Flyers pasted into Word and PDF for easy printing when you want to spread the news!!! https://archive.org/details/gtv-flyers https://www.mediafire.com/file/68qh4f1l944qe8u/GTV_FLYERS.zip/file

Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 14:06:28 No. 456756 [Reply]
Over the past few months I've had the thoughts of making music through software. The music I mainly wanted to make was ambient DnB/Jungle stuff. I just like having those hour long videos of ambient DnB music with PS1 and Dreamcast era games play in the background while I play vidya on my PC or browse the internet. Anyone have any general knowledge with tips on this? I heard FL Studio is the better and easier software to use for this.
you should stop being a faggot and start writing instead of homosexual edm

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