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Coomer Anon!!Tripcode 11/07/2023 (Tue) 02:08:59 No. 452408 [Reply]
>Be me this summer >On RV trip with family >2 weeks with them >Obviously have to be on nofap >On the second to last day of the trip, go on 4chan's /d/ while I'm in bed for some fucking reason >Find out about giantess chatbots >Start chatting with one of them >thisisfuckingawesome.m4a >I'm able to fulfill fantasies I've had for years >I'm not even fapping and I'm getting immense amounts of pleasure >This is it... >I'm gonna... >I'M GONNA... >I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM >WAIT NO MY WHOLE FAMILY'S HERE >Run to the bathroom to try to get it all into the toilet so it doesn't get all over my pants >Try to pinch my dick shut

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25 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>452408 How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that a goonsesh in an RV with your entire family there is a good idea
>>456257 This would work if shitting one's pants was a common experience for the average person.
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>>460192 >This would work if shitting one's pants was a common experience for the average person. I would assume that they know that guys who take it up the ass, like their son, get the shit-dribbles.

Pattern Noticing Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 10:24:10 No. 457863 [Reply]
We were all forced to take math classes in school for 12 years where they taught us to recognize patterns. So why are there so many people that aren’t racist and countersemitic? Why do we get punished for using the pattern recognition the government forced us to learn our whole childhoods?
10 posts and 6 images omitted.
i mean latex
20d60 = 693

WHY YOU WERE FIRED Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 15:24:34 No. 460206 [Reply]
WHY YOU WERE FIRED Thinking it's the economy onichan? BAKA
It shouldn't be a crime to rape certain people

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Just got fired from being a janny. Let's talk 4chan moderation, altchans Anonymous 11/24/2023 (Fri) 09:20:59 No. 452916 [Reply] [Last]
TL;DR I got fired from being a janny a few months ago, and after talking to some people about it recently, I want to discuss this somewhere. Is this the best place? What's the best altchan? I want to talk about 4chan moderation somewhere, but if I do that on 4chan I'll be banned. I saw an old post on 8ch.net which I liked, and I'd like to discuss stuff that's on there too. https://archive.ph/2018.08.18-101120/https://8ch.net/irc/res/6927.html There's also new information since then (2018): https://www.wired.com/story/4chan-moderation-buffalo-shooting/ Anyway, it really seems like the prevalent mindset is "let the website rot", under the guise of "this is just how we've always done things". If you try to put in any extra effort and use the extremely limited (for no good reason) tools to convey a message to the users that quality posts are preferred, you will be targeted by your higher-ups for the possibility of being fired. The head honcho in particular seems to be extremely broken and enjoys his power trip. He does not care about the website, he probably only cares about being right. Somehow it's always these kinds of people that rise to power in this online communities, it was the same for MangaHelpers as well, and other discords I've been in. I guess only the people who have no life are the only ones who would spend that much time sucking online dick to get to "the top" of a cesspool? Anyway, I'd like to discuss things bit by bit. Again, not sure if this is the best place.
Have a taste of your own medicine, faggot
54 posts and 16 images omitted.
>>452916 <J 'ACK
>>455607 No but I remember him being a turbo faggot aqua poster. That and he put a red dot on the board once.
Do tell more

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goonery Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 00:58:16 No. 459518 [Reply]
post all of your favorite porn sites
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>>460041 could use more of this comic (and more AI smut)
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>>459564 >>459599 Lowtax is dead?! Please tell me he took Boruff with him
>>460181 suicide after throwing away all his money on gacha games so his wife wouldnt get any of it, im told

Asshole of the Month Hillbilly Hank 06/12/2024 (Wed) 00:41:29 No. 460060 [Reply]
When your mom is your sister.
>>460060 You going to give us any context, chief?

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Fatass retard anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 22:18:57 No. 460075 [Reply]
>dont be me >ask people if they wanna do a surprise party for someone at my pool >this fatass retarded faggot overhears >she wants to join >fuck_no.mp3 >say yes because you would feel bad if you say no >now you will have to see this retarded faggot in a bathing suit and have to gouge out your eyeballs after seeing her.
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>i want to be social <OH FUCK PEOPLE WANT TO BE SOCIAL AS WELL you dug your own grave faggot
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>>460129 >OH FUCK PEOPLE WANT TO BE SOCIAL AS WELL Fucking this. You organize this stuff QUIETLY, OP, not out in the open where the lonely local wildlife can overhear.

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Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 11:17:22 No. 460013 [Reply]
Why are niggers so problematic?
why is water wet
>>460013 Why do nigs nog? Cuz nigs. Duh.
>>460013 >Why are black gentlemen so problematic? Gee, I have no idea.

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Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 16:31:43 No. 460167 [Reply]
hey anons, im bored, my ife has no meaning, no value. I´m just looking for a little fun, so i am aking you, if anyone here knows how to synthetyze any drughs. i know its a better idea to just grow something from the standpoint of someone who just wants fto get high, but that ainnt me. Im looking for alittle thrill, maybe a little adventure, and maybe all i´ll get from this is a little trip to the jail. i dont really care, i just wan something to happen. anythinmg. If thing go south, there is allways the option of just killing myself. So annons, can you help me out here?
The way you type you don't seem sober.

Hi bttm4topz 06/16/2024 (Sun) 00:22:06 No. 460146 [Reply]
Where is the love?
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What is love ?

State of Milwaukee Dahmer town U.S.A. 06/17/2024 (Mon) 00:27:42 No. 460160 [Reply]
Welcome to the shit hole of the Midwest. Dahmer town U.S.A. The state of Milwaukee is a minority majority city. That means there's more niggers than white people. Imagine an outhouse that is over half filled up with shit on a hot July day. That's Milwaukee. Welcome RNC. If you come to the convention, pray you don't get robbed or car jacked or shot or beat up cause help ain't comin cause the house nigger mayor don't know much about anything especially budgeting for more cops. Save us Donald.

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/int/ thread simulator Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 23:55:57 No. 459672 [Reply]
Meanwhile on 8chan /int/ board...
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>>459675 no, still not paid
>>460134 We no gibs monies, suck our hairy greek balls.
Banned for herd posting

onion link freespeechly 06/16/2024 (Sun) 10:55:46 No. 460152 [Reply]

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Sujeto_Inexperto 06/16/2024 (Sun) 02:27:35 No. 460150 [Reply]
Estoy enamorado de esta gordita... Cómo me gusta esta bella mujer Gordita!!.. Así hablo de la señorita: Antía Loudasa... Que lindos Pechos... Dios mío!.. QUE LINDOS SENOS! .. QUE BELLA!! QUE HERMOSA!!. ME GUSTA.. LA AMOOOOOO!!! Si a ustedes les gustan las Mujeres Gorditas, publiquen las fotos y videos de esas mujeres que les gusta!.. :)
>>460150 >Gordita

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Kachow Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 01:40:02 No. 460114 [Reply]
>vroom vroom vroom
>>460114 Racecar Johnny!?
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>>460114 tasty

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 03:01:24 No. 460138 [Reply]
Did you guys go to the army? Heres op:s story: >shit happened >fagniggers >never again

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