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Forever in debt to your priceless advice -kurt cobain Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Jeffery Dahmer Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 21:45:57 No. 449848 [Reply]
Wish I had known someone like Jeff growing up
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It’s funny when men get raped and murdered
>>451392 Stop making my cock throb
>>450092 Wow, he did really good. I can't even say my own words smoothly, let alone recall a page of dialogue. Anyway I always wondered how hard it would be to be a serial killer. Like I generally have a better understanding of situations than other people, so I could probably use that to my advantage . But it would still take a whole other level of luring and manipulation than I've ever tried before. I could see it being fun though.

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Oldschool Minecraft! Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 17:49:33 No. 460049 [Reply]
Let's play Alpha / early Beta Minecraft, /b/
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I think Discord as of now doesn't require a phone number for early accounts, but that servers can set themselves to high verification requirement. Which from what I've seen isn't the case with the Alpha Place Server -- you can Whitelist there without high verification besides verifying the email & skipping the tutorial so it shouldn't be an issue. I tried testing it without a phone number and it was mostly successful.
Team aVo is COMING GET OUT the WAY
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Oh hey, I used to play that when it was in alpha and you just played it as a java applet in your browser for free. I don't even recognize the game these days. So I'm glad you guys are keeping the old one alive. I don't want to play it anymore but you guys have fun for me

Hello Blue Cat 06/12/2024 (Wed) 09:15:09 No. 460070 [Reply]
Hello. I'm Blue Cat. I didn't know there was a site like this. So you probably don't think I'm a true anon. But I hope I'm welcome.
I have been told that niggers cannot read cursive, or understand hypotheticals. Has anyone tried posting a hypothetical written in cursive to a nigger. Maybe hide a clue to a free crack pipe underwater. So first they gotta swim to get it, then if they do its a hypothetical written in cursive. That'd be hella funny
>>460070 Tits or GTFO

Drawthread/Art trade general Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 15:05:38 No. 434176 [Reply] [Last]
Can I take your order please? Edition The other thread died because I died with it, I'm back but I lack any ideas Don't let me be the only one doing "art", join me drawanons! Pic related is my OC Karen, a meme connoisseur :) Ask her anything
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who up jorqin they slorje
>>459016 Reminds me of a Cookie Run animation with a similar concept, but the cookie is on her back so it's basically a mating press
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In honor of the 25th anniversary of Disney's Tarzan, requesting Tarzan, John Clayton (Tarzan's human dad), Clayton, and Professor Porter all wearing identical brown loincloth in a jungle setting, in a full body draw. Please keep it SFW.

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 19:22:54 No. 455723 [Reply]
This is moot's loli persona. Feeling old yet?
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>>460008 nigger
>>460007 Somehow i find this hard to believe, being tot and all.
>>460007 Are you sure it wasn't 13+ years old 5 years ago?

Then and Now D-Day 06/06/2024 (Thu) 00:23:22 No. 459897 [Reply] [Last]
Can you imagine 100,000 niggers, spics and kikes storming the beaches on D-Day? yea, me neither
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>>459999 Them 9s Im sorry to hear about your terminal butt blast Biology under dysgenics only has so long before problems happen until the war
>>460000 FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND!!!! *ahem* The nazis in-fact kicked off their regime with a robust session of stabbing. With sharp, long knives. But yes, Germany underestimated the potential resistance, esp. from Russia. And Barbarossa could perhaps have been better planned. Again, Hubris.
Do you have a point, or just speed?

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Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 06:35:03 No. 457649 [Reply] [Last]
Had tea.
No you didn't
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I bought Arma Reforger. I like it. I'll be heading to bed.
gonna have my gf tea in my mouth
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Had chips alongside tea for breakfast.

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Arms race Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 04:00:30 No. 459914 [Reply]
In acceptance that agencies have sought to control the perception of America through the leverage of memes, in reference to HARPA employing Dr. Finkelstein to institute meme warfare--taking popular meme formats, injecting them with their own messages, and then commandeering the manipulated progression of those memes as rehearsed this I have the idea that the only means of countering the skullduggery but perceiving online activities like 2000s is the removal of post numbers with replying. Every post will be made to stand in meta but not in formula. Or you are one of the ideas claiming there's no such thing as slavery and everyone is struggling to enslave everyone else. Suspect to know anything about me it's that I've sought to surrender many times and I'm aggressed to find newer ways of doing so--insinuated into wars in time.
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Niggers run America. Yakuza 04/21/2024 (Sun) 23:16:36 No. 457938 [Reply]
It's just Basically a Fact.
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>>457938 Big Jews run America and the world. >Niggers running anything Cope.
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Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 12:35:03 No. 448900 [Reply] [Last]
niggers are subhuman and a mistake in evolution
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>>459883 No, if whites were not really genetically unhealthy, Niggers are evolved to an easy yet unpredictable ecology, they wouldn't be able to live outside of Africa if they didn't have an a competent ethnic group that feels bad for "people" that are not okay
>>459884 Bioweapon like introducing an invasive species that destroys the ecology, not bioweapon like the monsters in Resident Evil. They're actually tools of the state, used to terrorize the population. Look up why California became a restrictive state in regards to firearms. It's because of niggers.
>>459924 Oh yea, i can agree that power hungry people in the government know that niggers are not made for an ecology that isn't Africa and use them as way to hurt people so they come running to the government for protection and don't question all the corruption stuff

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GAY!!! Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 16:17:17 No. 459038 [Reply]
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>>459877 Fucking jews and the obsession with acronyms.
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>>459038 You got lucky. I thought that was a permaban for sure
>>459896 Commit sudoku namefag.

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Why does the site suck shit? Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 02:54:14 No. 459847 [Reply]
what happened to imageboards? they're all dead or if not, filled with obnoxious faggots or bots or obnoxious bots
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>>459847 glowniggers unironically. you can't host one now without them posting cp when you're asleep.
>>459880 And few sites have a mod team good enough to handle that. Luckily we do.
>>459881 Yep, it stays up until page 3 on other chans some times

Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:03:02 No. 459786 [Reply]
Staying in San Diego for a few days and it got me thinking: 1) San Diego is in California, therefore commie. 2) Apparently, the climate of San Diego is similar to Barcelona. Does this mean there are commiecats in San Diego?
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>>459786 Please get new material.
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Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 18:07:56 No. 459834 [Reply]
Fuck the dj's. All they do is change the fucking music

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Really wish slavery persisted into the age of genetics All female house niggers could have looked like brittney white
Imagine being a gay black man, you have the western world at your knees

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Random Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 20:40:57 No. 432032 [Reply] [Last]
A thread to post whatever you'd like to post.
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>>432071 he looks like feraljak

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