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/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765 [Reply] [Last]
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 01:51:51.
708 posts and 217 images omitted.
>>460338 I can offer you FREEDOM BOOBS

End emission testing mandate Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 23:12:26 No. 460497 [Reply]
Federal emissions testing began in 1967. The rate of warming over the past few decades has been much faster than the average rate since the start of the 20th century, with some locations experiencing warming of 1 degree Fahrenheit or more per decade. The Arctic region, in particular, has seen amplified warming due to the loss of reflective ice and snow. In many cases, The Motor Vehicle Department refuses to give titles to people that just bought a used car they need just because it can’t pass the emissions test that science has found useless. They can’t qualify for mandatory insurance. They’re not allowed to use the car they paid for. Trust the science. End the federal mandate of emissions testing.
1 post omitted.
>>460498 What country?
>>460500 Burgerland
Both China and India each have driving populations larger than the American population in total. Neither country has any real pollution control standards. When the two biggest polluters on earth are exempt from any pollution control treaties because rea$on$, we are all fucked. Enjoy your terminal pollution of everything.

Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 02:02:02 No. 460505 [Reply]
I want this on my pp so bad, bros.
>>460505 gravity is love
I like observing gravity’s effect on horse erections, as long as the horse is brown.

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 15:20:24 No. 460299 [Reply]
Why do we get so many of these normalfag threads about random IRL girls? There's >>457042 >>459805 >>459566 >>459333 >>458097 >>457662 >>453363 >>457298 and probably others, I didn't scroll down all the way. This shit is strange, this entire board is strange. It doesn't feel like 8chan at all, it's got massive boomer energy and people making posting faux pas you don't usually see like namefagging, and writing in the subject line outside an OP. Where do these guys even come?
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cuckchan refugees
>>460481 Asiatic Jew

Does piracy exist in the current year? Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 03:19:21 No. 456748 [Reply]
I want to pirate like I used to in the 2010's. Demonoid, Pirate Bay... it was paradise. One thing that scared me away from pirating was a notice I got from my ISP that stated they received a complaint from Universal Studios that I was downloading one of their movies. Once Netflix came along, I had zero need to pirate, so I stopped. Haven't used torrents since, but now I want to get back to pirating games and software. How does one go about this in the current year? Do you need a VPN to stay anonymous? Tell me what I need to know.
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>>460201 > just need to find a reliable source. That why it was not as easy as it it once was After the bay went down, it is hard finding places that can be trusted
>get notice from ISP that I'm pirating >complete Good Goy "I will no longer pirate I promise" form >go right back to pirating Problems weren't.
>>460494 based pirate

WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition? Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 03:18:08 No. 352013 [Reply] [Last]
Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.
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(3.82 MB 1280x720 PrincessPoot.webm)

>>460445 this is the best thing i've ever seen

Cathy Bulgakova Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 14:55:45 No. 457042 [Reply]
so.... just exactly how old is she? I get different answers online from 19 to 27 years old, so just exactly how old is she???
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I'm in my 30s, male, short, fat, not very hairy at least, but my hairline is approaching buffalo bill levels, please tell me there is still a market for me to shake my ass and make "content" no matter how busted old or male I may be?
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>>460417 This is the internet, baby. There's a market online for EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING! Just don't fear the haters, and mine your freakishness for internet gold.
Hey guys, it's Yakuza.

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I love the Islamic State of Gaybar and Saudi-Arbarbia. Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 11:47:05 No. 460421 [Reply]
I want to join the Islamic State right now. I fucking mean seriously, I want to be a Gay ISIS Now.
5 posts omitted.
What's the plan to turn the Middle East and China into diverse shitholes? Or they are beyond WEF capabilities?
>>460486 I like dicks too, Faggots.

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 18:20:32 No. 460495 [Reply]
Press F to give commiecat a burger or a sausage or a pizza or something so it's not scrawny and rail thin.
>>460495 No. Get new pics. Fuck off and die. Contribute to the board. Stop being an asshole. Do anything useful you cunt. God I am so sick of you.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:32:53 No. 460470 [Reply]
The law of the land has spoken again, troons. Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray!
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>>460483 What turns you on is the inspiration for today’s Supreme Court ruling, which is president Biden being found immune from punishment for sexual molestation of little children. The kikes allowed this Supreme Court ruling to keep Biden protected.
>>460483 no, what turns me on is that finally my favorite old, senile, delusional, ranting, presidential candidate can press the nuke button to nuke us, everyone in the world into oblivion and ending this, your, and everyone's miserable life for good so we can never have another debate about who swings a stick the better.

Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:31:59 No. 460479 [Reply]
when browsing imageboards, am i the only one who cant memorize post numbers, or doesnt bother to, so i always have to hover my cursor over the ">>XXXX", or am i just retard?
>>460479 Indeed, your a retard

Why are Americans so Cheesy? Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 06:56:31 No. 455986 [Reply]
All they do is act like they are in a Movie.
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>>455986 Fuck you black COCK nigger lover OP
We are in a movie. We’re in a dystopian future movie set in the 21st century where society is run by a religious extremist cult ✡️, and the hero is an orange man that gets bloodied and bruised like John McClane in his struggle to save society.
>>455986 because this is the only thing they are taught. to produce publicity, to produce a fake ass image of themselves to the world and capitalize on it.

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Deep Web Thread Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 15:26:51 No. 459770 [Reply]
We haven't had one of these in a while. What's the worst thing you've seen on the deep/dark/dank web? >inb4 grifter >inb4 redroom
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When mainstream internet become so edgy?
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Mi prima Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino muy potona con poto grande me tiro un peo muy apestoso, muy enorme, muy gordo, muy oloroso, de bomba atomica y de caca muy verde en mi cara

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I didn't do shit. Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 18:41:38 No. 460474 [Reply]
Didn't post, request, or advertise anything. Would never even when blackout drunk break Global Rule 1. That's fucking retarded. Yet they keep denying my appeals, despite my insistence that I never did anything. Fuck that place anyway. It's nothing but catalogs full of ragebait bots, and nobody in charge is doing shit about it.

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Femboy Problems KUSUNEKO 05/27/2024 (Mon) 00:06:48 No. 459704 [Reply]
>Be Me >A 20-year-old Femboy(?) >Recently started hating wearing Male Clothing >Want to Get Female Clothes for myself without my Father Being Suspicious >Desperately wants to get railed like crazy despite being Straight >Wants to looks as cute as pic attached >mylifeisastruggle.jpeg >Started trying out long Socks >Feeling comfortable like this >Questioning why I'm like this despite not being Fatherless Anonners is it over?
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>>460330 >it's gen z virgins whoring themselves for the attention of a bunch of neckbeards It works, doesn't it? :3333333
>>460466 Oh i will give so many cuties all my betabux for just some cuddles and kisses T-T
>>460467 Beats giving it to a female

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I have given a go at perfecting Europe Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 13:15:53 No. 460447 [Reply]
I was looking at my large map of Europe, which is in my room, and shaking my head at all the border mistakes and inaccuracies. So I set to work creating a much more perfect Europe. I'm still in the research phase but I believe I am close to perfection. A few of the changes I have made. >Divided Iceland into East and West states to reflect the will of the Icelandic people. >Partitioned Sweden between Norway and Denmark for the same reason. >Given Ukraine southern Russia because Russia is too weak to control this amount of land anyway. >Expanded Bulgaria to include all areas ethnic Bulgarians have a claim to. >Returned Samnia and giving this nation natural borders. What do you think? Have I missed anything or have I finally fixed Europe?
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>>460461 The main problems this will solve is the rise in cancer caused by sunscreen, the rise in cancer due to sunburns, and the decline of Christianity. Once we adopt these borders, all of these problems will be solved.
(304.23 KB 1834x1652 Europa Perfectadia 4.png)

Final map. Yes. I am sure that this will solve the imperfection of Europe.
>>460464 The fuck is France? Nigger fuck you

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