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Taffer Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 02:15:09 No. 454347 [Reply]
Thief Game Series Thread
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Is there a AlauddinSlayer archive? AlauddinSlayer archive? 05/18/2024 (Sat) 07:48:26 No. 459434 [Reply]
Tf2 payday2 etc
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Artists rarely have archives unless they're famous, and I've never heard of alauddinslayer before nor have most other people from my brief searches. You might have to manually search through their art profiles and if they've wiped stuff, you'll have to go through archive.org and pray it scraped it. After looking at the artist, they remind me of another Payday artist from years ago. I can't remember their name, they were Korean or Japanese I think, and also drew the cutest bulldozer art. I remember seeing their work posted in old 8chan's Payday threads. They up and deleted everything a few years ago. Pic related isn't them, but it reminds me of what they drew.
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One last thing: you might have better luck asking /v/. They have a thread for these kinds of questions >>>/v/228459 Not saying you'll get an answer there either, but if anybody on this site knows they'd be on that board. Assuming what you're looking for even exists, anyway.

Hunger Games thread Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 20:57:00 No. 458529 [Reply] [Last]
hunger games simulation: submit contestants!
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I was not ready for Bondrewd's Wild Ride >>459429 Of Hunger Games, something else or both?
>>459430 Anything. Likely something else? but maybe we can go back to Hunger Games again.
Oh damn, I just noticed FirePro being listed in there. It's good that I upgraded my computer since I wasn't able to participate much in prior games like that. I'll try to keep an eye out

Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:07:54 No. 458780 [Reply]
Which websites can I make money betting on troon athletes?
anything with a dot gov domain. lots of paperwork involved but the payout is huge.

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The “female version of Room N” controversy: Double standards and legal issues Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 08:17:22 No. 459310 [Reply]
South Korea’s largest women-only community, with 844,000 members, has been mired in controversy over the “female version of Room N. On May 15, 2024, Maeil Business reported the story, stating that community members shared details of men they met on dating apps that matched them with foreign men inside the cafe. Posts shared in this community included real-life photos of foreign men exchanging information with lewd comments about their appearance and genitals. Among them were minors. Members of the group even created a list called the “Big Data Who’s Who of U.S. Military Men,” which they claimed to be an encyclopedia of American military personnel. https://themindwords.com/en/the-female-version-of-room-n-controversy-double-standards-and-legal-issues/
Are you the weird dude behind our only Korean board? Making posts to an audience of nobody. >image Aren't all East Asian nations famously xenophobic, though? That's not something unique to Korea.

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Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 03:30:20 No. 453045 [Reply]
Justice is a rare thing, and for once, a roastie got what she deserved.
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>Scrawny white boy gutter trash hands typed this post.
>>458524 Nice portrait, gayboy
>>453428 I blame their diets. Too much soy and plant "food" garbage. Probably some mercury overdose from eating too much fish.

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source Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 10:03:01 No. 458726 [Reply]
need help finding this video in full and uncensored thank you
no go away normalfag
>>458726 >In this thread OP shows how he can suck dick

the QRD in that Jin Saotome guy who makes shitty action figure "customs" Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:00:16 No. 458728 [Reply]
Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin tone. Calls itself a white man. Nashville TN resident John Mallamas, known usually as "Jin Saotome" but also by "Sergalicious" on Lulz for several years, until the 2 were outed as being used by the same person. He had his 15 minutes in the 90s in that garbage Toyfare magazine showing off repainted toys. He got his name from the C(r)apcom character playing it in MvC tournaments. He is married to a woman 20 years older than him who has family money, so he's never had employment(and may have a felony record anyway). He wore stolen valor medals in his wedding photos(pussies like him never serve or even care about the USA). From fucking FLORIDA, naturally. He spent the Obama years screaming "MUSLIM" but not getting anyone to sympathize with him. At some point during a toy convention(probably Botcon) he paid a teenage cosplayer known as "Sinno" to fuck him, trading off one of his mediocre custom toys. He likes to deny it claiming anything from "it was someone else" to "they deepfaked me" and "how could I? She lived in the UK" as if airplanes do not exist. He's awfully defensive about it yet was proud to do it. And he supported shitstorm Gamergate, like all good little Christian white supremacists. Yep, die-hard godboy. In 2012 he saw one of the furry fandom's most hated anti-pedos on 4chan /toy/ & flipped his shit. Jin already had a mentally ill beef as did all of the faggots from Lulz who lack morals. he used a custom toy the person posted as an excuse to chimp the fuck out, spending 3 years straight posting daily hate about the maker. Bit it eventually got back to Lulz, where they noted(jn a larger version of this selfie) that he has many spraypaint cans with the caps removed, indicating substance abuse. It was also noticed that Sergalicious & Jin had the same typing style, same beliefs, same pissy hatred of the same person & they were connected. Jin latched onto Trump, naturally. Racist pedophiles do. He was also connected to being related to Sonic fandom pedophile supersonic250, as they both have similar views & hate the same anti-pedo who told them to go fuck themselves. Being a small-dicked chomo who e-stalks anyone who makes them butthurt & rages about it for 10 years straight seems to run in the Mallamas family. Despite his /pol/ shittard mentally ill views he has a disturbing love of Hasbro, the most woke SJW toy company of all time. This despite Hasbro teams having an internal memo of "ignore this asshole". He also still latches onto Capcom who also has woke views. Pity Capcom never sent a C&D over the stolen name, but they're incompetent over there. However his deranged jeezus shit is why the character never shows up anymore. They don't want the association. His love of Hasbro & their garbage quality bootleg-tier overpriced toys also means he loathes 3rd party Transformers. He says dumb shit like "you can be arrested for owning them" & has even threatened to kill people who make them. He once tried to shoplift I MEAN "confiscate" a lot of 3rd party toys at a toy convention sales booth, pretending to be law enforcement(he also tells people on facebook he's a police officer because he's disconnected from the truth). He only stopped when a real security guard showed up & nearly arrested him for theft, but couldn't as he hadn't walked "far enough away" from the table.

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This Jin Saotome dude seems like a pretty cool guy.
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people into lolcow culture are usually just as autistic as they people they make fun of I hope this is a copypasta and you didn't write 10+ paragraphs dedicated to some obscure nobody on an obscure imageboard where nobody cares
>>458732 Autisception

Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 14:59:24 No. 458966 [Reply]
Should I go in?
>>458966 The fuck do I care. Wait you CANT MAKE THREAD WITH OLD PICS. Cmon man I just told you a day ago.
>>458966 Yes. You should also yell "Allahu Akbar!" as loudly as possible.
>>458966 Just tell everyone that you are built for BWC BBC and AT&T. They'll welcome you right in.

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Merica' Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 20:41:52 No. 454524 [Reply]
imagine making yourself this obese your so fat you can't even get up
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Im not saying love fatties, but blame and fault are a little much Plus as medicine becomes too expensive for most and we become too stupid to advance or maintain it this will go away but it will come back if we continue to think of people as autonomous rather then being a phenotype interacting with an ecology
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The obesity epidemic is a planned op. People aren't going to march on the seat of power if they can't even get up off the stained mattress. There will also be fewer people breeding. It plays right into the hands of the elite.
>>459008 If you think about it this entire reality we live in was planned before most of us were even born. Like everything is a in real life chess game but the catch is that it's being played in a dimension most can't see. Whether it's based on the kabbalah or qliphoth.

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Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 11:26:17 No. 459035 [Reply]
i hate 8chan
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>>459060 So true. I got long-term banned from Twatter and 4chud on the same day, both for stupid moralfag reasons that they let others get away with. I went to whine to some alt chans, and with the exception of 8chan, all banned or restricted me or at the very least the content I liked. I also can't register for bae.st for some reason, so it feels like free speech is dead.
>>459065 I found some alt instances that aren't such jerks, just have to keep looking and keep reaching out to people who seem nice. The only thing they care about is actual laws, so it's like how the internet is supposed to be. I'm still scared even they'll go down one day if their host decides to be a bitch.
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>>459035 I hate your great grandfather.

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Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 22:16:34 No. 459165 [Reply]
Recent events have forced me to choose who I hate more: jews or commies. And I've definitely chosen commies. I honestly can't believe /pol/ doesn't understand this. When a jew is beating some commie's head in with a pole, then that means the juden are indeed your greatest ally. Also new commiecat pls no ban.

Niggers burn Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 01:30:02 No. 459096 [Reply]
I fucking hate nigger.
I am watching Blade right now for first time on second monitor. Fun movie. I almost forget he is nigger.

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Anonymous 08/01/2023 (Tue) 20:19:15 No. 447754 [Reply] [Last]
Is sex work real work?
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>>458079 >Soyvana
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It's real work, but also dirty work. >real work It takes a lot of effort to build a brand, get the right camera, build up skills, market yourself, budget, deal with self-employment taxes, and do other business stuff. It takes a bit more skill than flipping on eBay, and people consider THAT real work. >dirty work The consent is dubious, as the worker may be financially desperate and not in a healthy place to sell themselves sexually. Additionally, consent may not be communicated properly, and the genuine passion needed for FRIES (freely-given, reversible, informed, enthusiastic, and specific) sex might be there. There's also no ToS in these businesses most of the time. You shouldn't enter a business-client relationship without necessary contracts and all. There may also be tax fraud. Additionally, sex workers are the biggest self-promoters, and it's hard to find legitimate FWBs interactions in a sea of manipulative ass sex workers who pretend to want your cock only to try and sell you something. You also can't avoid them with adblockers, and they rarely ever pay for ads like most others have to do. And even then, it's not like people promoting their music on /mu/ are killing others' content, but sex workers drown out free users with their spammy garbage. Sex workers also often promote in kid-friendly spaces, like under viral tweets about animals, and borderline break obscenity laws. So yes, sex work is a legitimate business, but it's scummy. Like fortune-telling and alternative medicine BS, but even more of a waste to society, and far more of an active nuisance. Sex and porn should be passionate and authentic, not commercial spam brought right to Twitter as opposed to shitty porn sites. It's also hypocritical we say, "Silence, brand", to services that provide actually good stuff, but then defend sex workers with every ounce of our bodies. Sex workers are not your friends. They're not like the small business that feeds their community. They charge hours of hard minimum wage labor for what is usually just sexting or low-quality iPhone photos. Many are also findoms and exploit people with strange addictions for profit. Fuck sex workers. I don't agree they're sluts, but they should either post for free out of a love for exhibitionism or GTFO.
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>>459092 >It takes a lot of effort to build a brand Said the TikTok influencer to the Start-Up >get the right camera, build up skills, market yourself, budget, deal with self-employment taxes, and do other business stuff. All you need is a moderately attractive body. Not only can you outsource everything else, you also have free choice of employers to handle everything for you. >It takes a bit more skill than flipping on eBay No. In addition to everything you listed, except maybe building a brand, you also need to have a catalog of value in your head, as well as the knowledge about what to check for wear and breakage, and possibly how to repair common faults. You need to secure your supply and handle delivery, neither of which is optional. >the worker may be financially desperate and not in a healthy place Yet you will never see a woman working the night shift at the local McFactory. >the genuine passion needed for FRIES >sex work >genuine passion lol, lmao >in these businesses Oh, now everyone's working at a business, what happened to all the self-employed don't-need-no-man whores from earlier? >There may also be tax fraud Who do all their taxes themselves?

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Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 15:50:50 No. 457327 [Reply]
Why the hell is gelbooru selling soap? Who came up with this?
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idk but the site allows loli while not allowing scat so it's gay
>>457327 Because handmade soap is SFW and family friendly, which allows Gelbooru's owner to earn money through kosher stores using jewish payment methods (like paypal and visa/mastercard CCs).

Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 17:13:32 No. 457328 [Reply]
You can buy Fiji water with EBT
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>>457329 But why tho
>Drinking water from underground reserves Absolute shit tier taste, you either get it from a moving source or you're better off with tap (just make sure to boil it).
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drink tap water or use a filter you stupid nigger bitch cunt cuck

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