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Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 04:53:52 No. 456317 [Reply] [Last]
please send the funniest fucking meme vids you have i am currently in my room eating a bowl of cold soup.
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>>456627 He rowed the boat the wrong way
>>456627 why do i feel like this is part of a porn flick?

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Anonymous 11/30/2023 (Thu) 03:15:18 No. 453090 [Reply]
how to use math to coordinate a walk cycle using physics and such and making the body swing in tandem, creating loops, or just idling/ breathing properly i guess one can say "jut try it all out" but then there's been only one disney and one disney still oh sorry ub wrelks(?) at least the interview's open so, mayyybeee you can?
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>>453091 pls show the exact numbers i v appreciate no actually just the equation base on relevant factors just enough to make sequences like picture here in the defined perspective as you see in the scene basically x,y,z points and the calculations leading to it, at least like this pictures
It's really simple: >write down the lagrangian of your system >turn that into lagrangian equations >solve the differential equations

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Groovin' to heal the world - Out of sight for the new century Brother Groove 09/07/2023 (Thu) 03:12:37 No. 449872 [Reply]
Can the world groove to the beat and achieve change? Like, all the hep cats said that it's stationary, but I think it's on a mobile vibe. Can you groove to help the world? Well, home slice, what is your answer?!
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Groovin' on Christmas Eve, groovin' for the lord! Can't you groove for the new year?! Yes you can! GROOVE GROOVE GROOVE to heal the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Groovin' in the new year. Groovin' to a new beat. GROOVE GROOVE GROOVE to heal the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Groovin' through the Winter. Groovin' slowly, for it is cold. GROOVE GROOVE GROOVE to heal the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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8moe Duels invitation Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:11:28 No. 455622 [Reply]
/b/ is invited to the 8moe tournament at icup. Submit 2 contestants to fight.
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Tournament is starting around 3 hours. This is our cytube: https://cytu.be/r/8duels
We're starting in 35 minutes https://cytu.be/r/8duels
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El torneo comienza en 32 minutos. https://cytu.be/r/8duels ¡Apurarse! 2ND TOURNAMENT FINALS IN 32 MINUTES https://cytu.be/r/8duels ^join quick

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:30:38 No. 455877 [Reply]
I do not understand why America has a problem with insufficient housing. Apparently a whole shitload of housing units are owned by Blackrock and other investment agencies. As such, the path forward seems simple: >issue executive order declaring that investment companies shouldn't own homes and that therefore the federal government will neither prosecute "crimes" committed against such investment companies if people take the homes and live in them, nor provide support for any local or state law enforcement that tries to prosecute >publish list of all homes owned by investment companies >declare that any attempt by the investment company to reacquire the homes will be treated as valid self defense >provide a simple way for a home to be delisted after being occupied by an individual or family >if court attempts to contravene any of this, or if any state or local authority attempts to prosecute people for taking the investment companies' homes, publish the name, residence, and other pertinent information of all involved and publicly humiliate them for preventing people from owning homes >declare that no effort will be made to prosecute crimes against any of these people >create some sort of website or app to identify such people -- "find people trying to stop you from owning a home in your area!" Honestly would be a 10/10 idea.
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>>455877 >America has a problem with insufficient housing >a whole shitload of housing units are owned by Blackrock We know you're stupid, Trannycat, but even you should be able to figure out the missing (((piece))) of the puzzle.
>>455877 >I do not understand why America has a problem with insufficient housing Because the USA is an infinite immigration glitch in a tedious map painter.
>>455877 >ban companies from investing in housing >less investment will create more housing somehow stop being a retarded commie. the real issues in the housing market are zoning restrictions (few homeowners want to vote to allow apartments in their neighborhood because that means poor people) and that the federal reserve is printing money like crazy and inflating the price of everything

Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:25:55 No. 453844 [Reply]
wrong place, wrong time, buddy boy.... BUDDY BOY
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>>455933 You should clean it with your mouth, ahah...
>>453844 one of these days that spider is going to bite your dick OP

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OnlyBoogie Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 15:20:24 No. 454276 [Reply]
are we really going to see this guy doing actual porn with women (he is famous enough to get some of the more hotter gamer girls to fuck) or is this going to be a gag thing like Bella Thorne's onlyfans?
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>>455364 apparently he fucked this chick on his OF, well from what I've heard
>>455396 No way his autistic little pet gf was cool with that, did they already break up?
>>454276 any updates?

Anonymous 10/11/2023 (Wed) 15:02:31 No. 451326 [Reply]
4chan captcha has jumped the shark. i can't even post there because i can't solved this fucktarded captcha. it's all because of $current_year AI being able to solve captchas. it's getting so ridiculously complicated that humans will soon be unable to solve them, so platforms will have to resort to a subscription model. even that won't fix the problem because well-funded AI/bot farms will gladly pay the price. AI is going to ruin everything before it makes anything better. edit: the captcha on the right here is from this post. gone will soon be the days when captcha are these easy for humans to solve.
Yeah, I feel ya. I was gonna post the other day on /tv but got totally discouraged trying to solve that fucking thing I just said fuck it and kept lurking.
>>451326 >>451368 holy fucking retard. i hope captchas shut you people off from the internet altogether
>>456325 The chess pieces captcha those patch chans were using wouldve made these people kill themselves. I honestly miss using imageboards before captcha came along.

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Anonymous 08/06/2023 (Sun) 01:00:37 No. 447988 [Reply]
>most websites using one of 5 or 6 premade themes >log in to continue >accept cookies to continue >censorship and overmoderation >people writing words like "seggs" now >can't Google subjects like suicide and find any info except "oh noes get help" oh my god I hate the Internet so much now. It was so promising in the 90s and look how fucking awful it has become. Makes me so sad.
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>try to go to a store's website to check if they have some shit >instantly redirects to login page >vow to never shop there again
Web designers unironically believe big pictures with floaty animations are good and any kind of longform text is evil. Decades of design theory thrown in the garbage because of phonefags.
>>448040 kys coward, the obvious problem is women

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Anonymous 10/09/2023 (Mon) 18:14:14 No. 451248 [Reply]
what happens if i put a gummy in my asshole
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>>451248 Weed is for niggers, have a little self-respect.
Oh I see the Pope has joined chat
>>451248 it will make you violently shit

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 03:23:33 No. 456311 [Reply]
>have commie government >live in literal sea of oil >gas is $40/gallon If there weren't so many poor cubans getting shafted it would be hilarious.

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Want some ice cream? Anonymous 12/30/2023 (Sat) 19:22:20 No. 454421 [Reply]
I got some ice cream B)
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>>454442 No Pac-Man, smoking's bad! Have some nuts instead
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>>454476 PUSSY! $${lighter, inhale]$$ WOAAAAAAH, HOLY SHIIIIT!

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 01:31:09 No. 456282 [Reply]
Fucking idiots i swear
>>456282 do you know that scene from idiocracy where they obliterate the car without hesitation That how you keep a low IQ civilization stable the longest Force is the only thing the stupid can understand
i recall this thread from kohlchan: nobody died, nobody even got hit, worth a reprimand but not much else. what you REALLY want is to find footage of that fat sobbing retard being told to crawl over and getting shot full of hot death because he kept reflexively pulling his pants up

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Have been trying on yandex and google images and shit... can't find it.
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ive just coomed, fuck you op
whats your snapchat ?

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 23:34:56 No. 456266 [Reply]
Why is this intelligent?
>>456266 You cant tell anything involving humans biologically changing themselves in order to become better I tried to talk about making evolving parasites to making us smarter and it was like it is not the way

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tracking someone down? Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 10:00:36 No. 455853 [Reply]
hi /b/, i need tips for gathering information. i have this one guy im obsessed with, never met him in my life all i know is hes a deeply questionable person that fascinates me for whatever reason. i have managed through sulking on the few socials that are left and using anecdotal info from people who knew him to track down his city and state but i am missing the most important thing, which is his name. if i had his name I could find everything else with relative ease. any tips for searching? if i have the general idea of what his interests are, I have his social medias but none are linked to anything personally identifiable. What’s the missing link in my investigation? And no i am not going to the south to meet this weirdo, im just being a creep
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>>455853 >i have managed through sulking on the few socials that are left Do you mean "stalking?"
>>455853 >i have this one guy im obsessed with, never met him in my life all i know is hes a deeply questionable person that fascinates me for whatever reason.
>>456252 Yes. >>456253 He is one, and that's definitely not the most degenerate thing about him. It's scary how much someone can know about someone they've never even have talked to (not a celebrity).

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