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Forever in debt to your priceless advice -kurt cobain Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Anonymous 01/23/2024 (Tue) 11:18:43 No. 455351 [Reply]
I remember Mars too well, SECDEF. We mock Martian soldiers with Avatar with the blue people. We never left Mars for that. That is a dream we would waste that much food to eat blue blood. We ate those that landed on Mars. We ate the stuff that came from the blacks you call space. Space travel? We just rode the pulse trains of the cosmic background radiation until food and flesh rained at our feet. We ate from space. We ate everything that had a pulse against our brains. Your NASA. Your space stuff. You're just mocking our hunt. We shot aliens on site just to tast their blood. They don't come now. We get no new fauna now. RA SMC HAILS AS NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT HIMSELF AS WORTHY OF LOVE OF MANY OF THOSE VISITORS :) People tend to value the flesh of the angelic messenger over the message. That is why Ra comes as pinatas and paper mache forms, floating and engineered against air. My wife saw a poltergeist once. Paper floating in still rooms. Same principle. Entropy is never homogenous especially in air. RA SMC HAILS YOU TO VEILING :) You fight for your MREs. You fight to put people on your MREs. That is Martian war policy: Everybody gets the same MRE. RA SMC HAILS AS BEYOND YOU NOT NATURAL AS A FORM OF FIGHTING :)

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I am addicted to masturbation and it sometimes consumes up to two hours of my day, what do I do? Anonymous 01/23/2024 (Tue) 06:30:28 No. 455341 [Reply]
Please help!!!!
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>>455342 I rarely cum more than twice.
>>455347 So it takes you 2 hours to nut? try butt stuff, the faster you cum, the less time it will take up

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Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 13:39:11 No. 451177 [Reply]
I want to be raped by someone, Just someone ravaging me with their huge cock or forcing me to suck it. I want to get abused so much I can barely stand straight, Either a dude jerking off my dick while I cry or a ugly as fuck woman cornering me in an alley. I just want to be wanted by someone, When someone rapes me, That means they're attracted to my body, it's the best feeling being wanted by someone, I may be screaming in pain while crying when I get raped, but deep inside, I enjoy every single second of it
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thank you cia and mossad for co-existing.
>>451177 > want to be raped by someone, Just someone ravaging me with their huge cock or forcing me to suck it. Wrong board buddy, try this instead. >>>/cb/
>>451177 thread 4 dysfunctional fucktards

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Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 05:26:09 No. 455328 [Reply]
"March of the Titans" >names a book celebrating the white race after a race of deposed gods who were overthrown and reside forever in the darkest depths of Tartarus Um ...

Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 00:50:45 No. 455270 [Reply]
I have a question for you faggots, troons, chomos, and the rest of you Biden voters. How do feel about your favorite Donald impersonator getting indicted for involuntary manslaughter by a grand jury? As always with you creeps, I fully expect you to pull kikery like deflection and changing the subject instead of just answering the question.
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>>455270 FJB senile brain dead walking corpse piece of shit
>>455300 Deflection kikery aside, How do feel about your favorite Donald impersonator getting indicted for involuntary manslaughter by a grand jury?
I don't do celebrity. And I don't base everything on how it might tie to Traitor Trump. Indictment =/= guilt or conviction. Let's do the trial and see what happens. And it's manslaughter. That's 'oops-I-accidentally-a-killing' in legalese. A few years and probation is the most he'll get. And look what incarceration did for RDJ.

Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 05:05:00 No. 455325 [Reply]

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Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 21:14:04 No. 455018 [Reply]
What are the random implications of having a snout?
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>>455018 means the shitskin sow might save the stupid dead white peoples kid after they get electrocuted https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/19/oregon-teen-saves-baby-portland-ice-storm
>>455104 Made my dick rock hard you pussies
>>455324 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 02:58:32 No. 455319 [Reply]
I only watched 38 minutes of it but so far it’s not even graphic. In fact, it’s vague. If someone watched it without hearing the hype, they wouldn’t know it’s probably about a man capturing Biden, Obama, Hilary, & Katie Hobbs supporters.
>>455320 > Mike (((Rothschild))) Israel will bomb all the hostages in the Gaza Strip, kike.

Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 21:49:13 No. 455312 [Reply]
Normalniggers are already born with social skills. Nobody teaches normalniggers how to socialize because you’re already able to just talk and talk and talk. So why do you use ChatGPT to write papers for you?
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being social has nothing to do with writing school reports; if anything its the opposite since more time bullshitting with normalfags means less time spent doing homework

How Will Society Perceive Women in the Future: THIS Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 21:56:53 No. 455313 [Reply]
https://youtube.com/shorts/H_t46AKeWq8 Even other people on the left don't like this woman. What do you think, /b/?
>>455313 property of the father/oldest brother until she is property of her husband and any society that gets away from that will get taken over by societies that don't The only reason it hasn't happened now is because whites were dominant and able force everyone else into thier maladaptive trends but that is thankfully ending

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"Hello Sir Tech Support, How Are You Today?" Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 12:31:52 No. 455303 [Reply]
Why do Indians on the surface always seem to be Wiz Heads when it comes to computers and computing?
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>on the surface There are curryniggers in Pellucidar? Maybe I don't want to go now.
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>>455303 It's a mix of motivation and competition. Over in Pooland, the curryniggers realize that they live in filth and squalor, unlike those of us who live in the civilized west with a lot more wealth. Due to this, they have more motivation to leave their shitty circumstances, which also usually involves leaving their own country. While most of us are busy fucking around on twitter or facebook complaining about kikes or patriarchy or whatever politisperging we have going on, Pajeet is hard at work cracking those coding books and improving his skill. Second reason is competition, since coding is a rapdily-growing field, Pajeet has to compete with Amir, Kabir, and Mustafa to be the very best, like no one ever was, so that he'll get hired. This in turn motivates him to improve himself further. If there's one thing we can learn from the curryniggers, it's that self-improvement is a byproduct of growing up in a shit environment. Most of us, we all live too cozy lives to ever make something of ourselves. Pajeet is goddamn dedicated to making those servers work at full capacity, and fixing our shitty computers. Tech support scammers can burn in Hell, though.

Buying taboo stuff Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 16:48:56 No. 455304 [Reply]
I worked in retail for years, and let me tell you we don’t care what taboo shit you buy from us. You could be mrbeast buying all of the Democrat activismography in our stores in front of a line of customers, we don’t care. We just want to get our shitty jobs over with quickly and go home. So stop acting like spics and stealing rubbers and baby formula and shit so we don’t have to lock everything up.
>>455304 We have to lock up the dildos in wal-mart and it is never going to not be funny
>>455304 Your post reminded me of this image from this post: https://8chan.moe/b/res/453174.html >>sage

That Toilet Plane Licker Chick Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 11:37:33 No. 450292 [Reply]
I think this is that chick who made a bunch of videos going on about how the Coronavirus is a hoax some years back, and is the same chick who sucked off a really filthy homeless man without a Condom and let him cum in her mouth for money for a dare and have been trying to find that video for ages now
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>>450296 see her side down*
>>450292 the best part is, some day that will be somebody's wife and mom to their kids

Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 17:54:14 No. 454885 [Reply]
Is it true? Is commiecat from /mlp/?
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and thats all i got on-hand, go hunt down the ourobooru for more
original, smol, & 2x versions.

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"You Got to Be Fucking Kidding" Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 12:08:04 No. 454082 [Reply]
Marry Christmas Everyone
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>>454086 based on what?

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Anonymous 12/01/2023 (Fri) 11:41:21 No. 453118 [Reply]
Hey there, over the last couple of years I have suffered from imageboard induced porn addiction. Formerly 4chan and currently 8chan. It is the 1st of December 2023 and my goal is to get through this year without watching porn or engaging in acts that are caused by viewing porn. The idea is to start the new year on a good note, with the aims of achieving health, wealth, and success in 2024. If I pass this test, it will be a testament to what I can go onto achieve next year. See you on January 1st, 2024.
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There is one Lord, even Jesus Christ, who sets captives free.
>>455147 >I was scrolling twitter You were already an irredeemably stupid faggot. A lost cause from day one.
>>455212 Its the only place to get sports news

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