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WWF/WWE Divas Feet Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 10:40:34 No. 456236 [Reply]
looking for and trying to find photos and videos of female wrestlers' feet, the smaller the better, getting licked and sucked on and men having sex with their feet. if anyone can help me out you'll forever be a true hero on /b/
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>>456236 >female wrestlers' feet Not a wrestler but she claims to do her own stunts
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Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:45:05 No. 456968 [Reply]
Hi /b/, how is everyone doing tonight? I'm having a great day.
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>>456968 >Hi /b/, how is everyone doing tonight? Playing some borderlands for tonight so it's good for the most part
>>457112 how;d that go

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Anonymous 01/17/2024 (Wed) 05:33:50 No. 455172 [Reply]
>you find out your friend likes to get fucked in his ass by German Shepherds How do you react?
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>>455172 I'd tell him that's hot.
Less competition for me. He gets fucked by dogs, I get to fuck bitches. Win/win.

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#TRUMP2024 Fuck Joe Biden Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 01:44:33 No. 460260 [Reply]
The Election. Our Election was scrapped by the BIDENOMICS have taken over. I was speeding 110MPH in Alabama and I was arrested by the Local Sheriff. However I was sentenced to 2 months to Parole because I began drinking in my couch and I decided to become a TRUMP-Supporter behind the wheel. ----- Filthy Mexicans are ruining America, it's not fair that the Mexican was let go for doing 150MPH from the Local Sheriff and I was put 2 months in Parole because I am a Redneck-TRUMP Supporter. I believe DONALD TRUMP Needs to evict these Filthy Mexicans from America. This is a disgrace on how I was prosecuted for a CRIME that a MEXICAN was GIFTED for COMMITING that CRIME at my AMERICAN TAXPAYER EXPENSE!!! #TRUMP2024, Now That's For my Proud Boy. #AmericaFirst.
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TRUMP Is going to SAVE America.
>>460355 >If Orange Kaiser wins it will either be total radical change or total status quo? Yes.

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Just a random image of a girl Anon 06/22/2024 (Sat) 19:59:00 No. 460321 [Reply]
So what do you want to with this?
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>>460399 I wasn't talking about the female in the OP
>>460401 >female I thought it was Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle.
>>460399 Kys niggerlover

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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 16:07:35 No. 460398 [Reply]
I realized recently that if you keep pretty quiet most of the time so as not to show too much of your personality and potentially turn someone off, you can literally ask a total stranger if she'll suck your dick and like 80% of the time she'll actually do it. I'm talking like random Uber drivers and shit. You ask, they'll look at you funny at first, you don't push you you just laugh it off, but then they'll do it. I don't know the psychology behind it but I'm still in shock that that's literally all you have to do. You probably just have to make sure they're the NPC type, but MOST of them are, especially in the US where they were raised as iPad kids or whatever. Anyway, go forth and get that succ, fellas.

Wikirebels (2010) 06/26/2024 (Wed) 10:27:34 No. 460397 [Reply]
A german documentary on Wikileaks can be watched here: https://streamtape.com/v/26070PK2GXTZrxj/wikirebels.webm

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It's so fucking over Ricchie 06/16/2024 (Sun) 16:27:14 No. 460157 [Reply]
>Be me >Still a virgin and have no girlfriend. >Always shower and brush my teeth everyday, always use perfume and liquid deoderant whenever I'm going outside, also comb my hair every now and then. >Always rockin' classic middle class suburban shit like the knit wool sweater and tie combo, or the tropical pattern shirts with long black pants. >Really didn't mind not having a girlfriend or being a virgin, never thought of it as anything bad or particularly unfair and mainly held it against myself and blamed myself for it because of past mistakes that I'll never live down. >Have an extremely annoying older cousin that is a retarded sperg that constantly has autistic episodes where he screams and shouts random things and makes grunting noises >This guy doesn't fucking shower or brush his teeth, doesn't use deoderant or perfume so obviously he really fucking stinks >He spends most of his time chronically online watching his autistic entertainment and playing Gacha games all the time >Horrible sense of fashion, never dresses properly to public places >Motherfucker still somehow gets a girlfriend before I do. >I kind of feel bad for the girl for being with him but at the same time I want to beat the everliving fuck out of her for being such a dumb bitch. >Mfw a retarded autistic sperg fucking mogs me >Mfw nothing will ever make my situation any better. It's actually fucking over. I'm fucking pissed right now, life can be so unfair sometimes. You overcome so many challenges and hardships just to be met with this shit on the other side. I'm actually considering pistol whipping my autistic sperg of a cousin and fucking robbing him at gunpoint and shooting him. I really want this motherfucker dead. He's an absolute embarrassment to the family. What should I do in this situation, anons?
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>>460377 Go ahead and try. It doesn't change anything I just said. Those women, even the grossest ones, still have many possible dicks whenever they want. Even the grossest ones are spoiled, and they act accordingly. If you ever find one that doesn't act accordingly, I don't think it will have much to do with how gross she is. You just have to get lucky and find one that had good parents or something.
>>460378 Yeah, the genome that she is composed of is disagreeable And you can have a child born via the processes the rich are using to have children in ways that allow you to select the traits with a woman that got hurt and is a vegetable
>>460378 >>460378 And it doesn't matter how shit your or her genes are as you could make your kids better then you and if they do better then them and so on Also if you care about copulation you kinda culk yourself and have a kid that is a fuck 🐷 after she is of age, of course

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Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 02:32:34 No. 457376 [Reply] [Last]
hey fags soon to be nigger fags cucks, wanna talk about the disposition of things? is the government forcing you to take direct care of a niglet gonna be the straw? what can you tell about someone from traits like doesn't pay to be in clubs, and what can you tell about someone from their porn history, how much should you exercise and what you should do as it can someone please know how much telling someone they stupid for having 'ideas' you know with dead internet thing, every public site, groups that you need to be invited to are going be a overwhelming, but hey, a internet with no-niggers, and then we all get whittle down to people how agree with who agrees with our slavery and kids policy t. me and my gf
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>>459869 wizchan.org/meta/res/64708.html its still there faggot, just dont be a pussy when you see a website warning screen and add an exception to your browser security
>>459870 He's talking about the original, which iirc was taken down by the owner because it got too much attention? I don't remember.
They found out how to keep phone posting off their place

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Desire for information Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:19:46 No. 459003 [Reply]
I have a serious question for all the atheists here, and I'd like you to be honest with yourself before you answer. Do you never wonder if you might be wrong about the existence of a literal Satan when you see the evil his worshipers commit in the name of goodness?
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>>459478 >This is a fair question even though your tone implies a degree of bad faith. No, just depression. Like a LOT of depression. I see the direction we're going in and it brings me down. >Separating the bad guys from yourself, as if you could never be like them under any circumstances, is a great way to start doing bad things without realizing it. That is EXACTLY what the people in the OP pictures do. They call people nazis while using nazi tactics against people who just want to be left alone to live their lives. >The point is that you need to realize evil is out there and all around us, and you can be tempted toward it too, so be careful. I'm well aware, and no one is without sin, but I fight it as much as is humanly possible instead of wallowing in its filth the way Klaus and the other minions do.
If you go into psychological analysis you'd discover a whole ass world of "why", explaining it all without the Satan and all the other folklore bullshit
>>460169 >That is EXACTLY what the people in the OP pictures do. They call people nazis while using nazi tactics against people who just want to be left alone to live their lives. That was precisely my point. But none of this really relates to the OP anymore.

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B-ACK-hmut Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 13:35:19 No. 443600 [Reply] [Last]
Russians just took the city of Bakhmut and the western media is coping by calling this a Ukrainian victory. ITT: we laugh
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The Kremlin said that? Sure they will be able to do that! 👌 🇷🇺 💸💸💸 https://dzen.ru/a/Zms8yINlOGbMZz18?is_autologin_ya=true&sso_failed=blocked&uuid=49c76561-3d0c-4f9e-9120-c2a0386df6fc Back to the days of 200 Rubles to buy a dollar, just like the Soviet Union never ended. Way to go Putin, that kind of progress is called регресс (aka regression: https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/regression)
Is Konsztantyinovka-toretszk the new Backhut? Seems like its the Russians goal.
So many pro-putin whores lmao

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Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 03:29:37 No. 460151 [Reply]
whats the quickest way to give myself type 2 diabetes?
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>>460204 makes sense, but i dont have one so i think ill inject myself with a bunch of sugar water, maybe in a few days >>460230 idk, i think i have munchausen or something
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>>460151 Hang around people that already have it. The elites dont want you to know this but Diabetes is actually a contagious disease and is spread by all tranafer mediums including air and bodily fluids from infected individuals.
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>>460236 >idk, i think i have munchausen or something Then ask your doctor about maybe finding a therapist to cure that instead of going full troon and deciding to be "transfat"

Right Wing Tractor Squads Right Wing Tractor Squad? 06/23/2024 (Sun) 18:14:09 No. 460340 [Reply]
how about europeans do right wing attacks on antifa or whatever with tractors since guns are forbidden. why they dont do it you think?
>>460340 Is it truth that the far-right it's rising democratically this year?

SHOULD I SUI??? Anon 06/01/2024 (Sat) 00:03:07 No. 459790 [Reply]
Im tired of this bulshit world. Need more reasons and less hope. IM ready
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>>459790 Why don't you marry a BIG BLACK DUDE instead of Killing yourself? Faggot OP, Grow Some Balls. >TRUMP a Mexican, Up on a Joe Rogan Balls.
I'd say no, just to see how ridiculous human society gets, but if you're going to do it, you should stream it.
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>>460319 >no, just to see how ridiculous human society gets Lovecraft was right: if you see too far behind the curtain, you go insane.

Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 11:46:51 No. 460337 [Reply]
What would you rather eat? Spoiled meat or your own shit?
Go hungry. I'd be tempted on the shit part if it came a cute gril
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>>460337 >What would you rather eat? Spoiled meat or your own shit? Well, since I'm not an Indian, I'm going to have to go with "starve to death."

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I used super glue to restore my foreskin Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 09:06:22 No. 460336 [Reply]
I put super glue on my glans then i rolled my shaft skin up, and held it till it dried
Do Americans really?

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