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Anonymous 08/07/2023 (Mon) 04:30:02 No. 448120 [Reply]
I've been high as fuck on these Vance-Global Delta 8 gummies for a week. It feels just like smoking weed which I haven't done in over 20 years. You get 8 gummies and the highs are intense, at least they were for me. I like to get drunk while taking them. I don't know how these are legal, but I am getting more. I'll stop for a while after I acquire a tolerance and then start up again, but these highs have been intense every time so far and last for many long hours. I take one at 6pm and am ready to snooze easy by 6am. Still feel the residual effect 12 hours later, though the peak of it has long since past by this hour. I recommend giving them a try.
1 post omitted.
>>448120 Careful with Delta 8. I wouldn't trust it. Now post moar of the lady >dat makeup
>>448214 >post moar How hard is it to find shoe0nhead nekkies? Are you dumber than a 1th grader?
>>448120 I did that shit for years, all it ever did was make me feel like shit the next day, and want more lol then I tried those ashwagandha gummies Target and Amazon carry and damn, that shit is like relaxation city now I am like, THC delta 8... what? fuck that, these ashmaganda gummies make me feel good the next day, not like shit craving more THC gummies to make the shitty hungover feeling the next day go away

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