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I am a TikTok Spammer, Hello Everyone. Yakuza 12/17/2023 (Sun) 19:30:53 No. 453824 [Reply]
Emojitroon lost.
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>>454570 >sons jerking it to their moms Not bad not bad, i d pay one of these whores to fuck their kids tbh, after the kid was 18 of course
Wikieat is dead
>>453824 oh yeah, that fat ass blond taking the selfie that is prone bone material

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Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 02:05:26 No. 454549 [Reply]
I want teh sex
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Eh it’s not great, atleast not for me
>>454549 Bend over boy and I will make you a man

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Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 04:56:21 No. 454920 [Reply]
why is "captcha not working"? why do i have "posting error"? what am i supposed to do?
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>>455024 Honestly, I'm lurking for about a week or something now but thought I'd reply. It's back to the shadows for this anon again.
>>454920 > faggits complaining about captcha > 4channers never had to deal with chess pieces

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Bbambz / melrose.chevelle pakkorakni 01/13/2024 (Sat) 11:47:49 No. 455007 [Reply]
Does anyone have the video this screenshot is from? I saw it a long time ago and have been desperately searching for it ever since with no luck. Have a bunch more of her as well (no nudes though) over on this thread: https://8chan.moe/ero/res/1466.html

I Found Interesting Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 04:46:04 No. 454655 [Reply]
A collection of things I found interesting online:
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Anonymous 08/22/2023 (Tue) 01:21:57 No. 449063 [Reply]
Life is so beautiful. isn't it, anon?
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That's such a bad picture that is, at the same time, really good. Getting a good picture of the moon is hard, its such a shame that its so blurry.
>>449119 yeah, shame I got tired of taking pics that looked like that so I bought an IT 8.7 target from Wolf Faust and used LCMS software to color profile my cameras, and now my shots come out beautiful using ufraw and Irfanview http://www.targets.coloraid.de/ https://ufraw.sourceforge.net/Colors.html https://www.irfanview.com/
>>449063 Was this taken in the morning or the evening?

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Orgasm alchatt 01/10/2024 (Wed) 01:01:04 No. 454825 [Reply]
Having an Orgasm!
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>>454828 There's a rumor that cheering masses would get him off during his speeches.
>>454856 That you just started you cocksucking piece of shit goddamn shysty kike bastard.
>>454828 Eva Braun, whom he married at the very end, and before that (allegedly) his suicidal cousin.

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NPCs among us Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 20:38:13 No. 452518 [Reply]
I don't get it. My coworkers are reasonable people -- maybe lazy, but they're "people" at least. But then I go outside, and it seems like everybody out there is fuckin <50 IQ barely responding to stimuli. At worst, they're yelling insane shit at nobody in particular and shitting on the sidewalks; but even at best, they're just walking around mumbling rap lyrics to themselves and walking out into traffic. It seems to be like this anywhere I go. I grew up in a small town and the people I associated with were normal, but it was like anybody I didn't know, who I might encounter throughout my day, was some kind of weird, incapable but potentially violent idiot. Now I live in a huge city so all of that is amplified. But I just don't understand how anything works. Like, it seems like the VAST MAJORITY of our society is incapable of assembling an independent thought, but a lot of them end up getting more friends, girlfriends, having kids, they fucking vote... And yet I am not doing a WHOLE lot better than them financially, which is also confusing. I just don't get how the world hasn't blown up yet.
>>452518 < But then I go outside, and it seems like everybody out there is fuckin <50 IQ barely responding to stimuli. I feel this. I don't understand how some people survive that I've met in life for they seem to think they're geniuses also along with it.
>>454868 >don't understand how some people survive They don't have to worry about getting sick or where they are going to find food or clean water

*concerned* Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:43:41 No. 452069 [Reply]
Guys, why aren't you posting? I've gone to sleep, woken up, come back, and it's the same. That would be fine except it happens all the time now. Wtf? Did you guys kys or get families? Did you all become political prisoners? Did you die?
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>>452069 Happy Birthday, 8.
they grew up i guess. sad, tbh
>>452075 <Anonymity is a dying culture and slowly imageboards other than 4chan will die out. Some might say they're already dead. They are dying not with a bang, but with a slow drawn out whimper. Welcome to the future old man. Sad, I remember as a 16 yr old viewing /b/ for the first time thinking the anonymity is such a great thing and should last a long while but now I heard stuff against 4chan since everybody thinks it's an extremist group.

Important: Orbot: Tor for Android is a honeypot! 🍯 Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 14:42:54 No. 450210 [Reply]
Some of the VPN's are monitored by malicious characters, if you use this app be aware that your real IP address, digital fingerprint, and all web traffic (passwords, accounts) is collected and monitored! As far as I can tell the malicious characters do this without the users consent. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android
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>>453907 Get fuckt pedo
>>451309 Reminder that glowies had a business selling a 'super encrypted privacy messaging' phone , that was really just sending all the messages and activity directly to their servers for years.
>>451309 Thanks anon, this is informative.

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 22:21:23 No. 448743 [Reply]
i want to rape this whore
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>>448756 how would i do that?
>>448784 you have 700 mins to fill that weight with enough to get out before the bomb goes off and you didn't love life after your kids died she starts her crewing her hands off and spiting it in the hole wow I thought you poop in it you could also just use that shotgun collar the way god wants the bear trap one could have a timer of days or or you could have a dude you made have no eyes and a women with stitched together mouth, and the whore clam him down by letting him fuck her when he wakes up pissed off orororo that one trap where they with the saw and the love tingle that bitch, she could close enough and in the right position to suck one off and fuck the other one, and that there is big hydraulic saw coming down that they have to line up if they just want her to die
>>448743 uh.. go ahead, I wont stop you ah this is still the best selfie in history lol https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2013/oct/15/tony-blair-selfie-photo-op-imperial-war-museum

Charles. Being dead doesn't produce any offspring.
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>>454543 How many white males/Asian female generations would we need to provide in order for them to be recognized as a new race with powerful bodies and high math skills?

I Want To Believe Anonymous 12/03/2022 (Sat) 20:50:27 No. 432416 [Reply]
The X-Files General Discussion Thread
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>>432442 They had an entire episode about a guy who hates jews and it even has the classic jew wojak meme by that racist artist who's actually Jewish himself, they had that drawing on x-files before 4chan was even a thing.
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>>454809 That meme was a thing before WWll was even a thing.

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Anonymous 06/26/2023 (Mon) 21:33:25 No. 445264 [Reply] [Last]
I am at an impasse anons. I must have my commiecat rape harem, but I do not know how to acquire one. Where should I go and what should I do to acquire said commiecats?
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>>454813 I am sharing valuable information on how to acquire commiecats and you're blaming me? Whatever; I'm putting together a team to get commiecats. We're going to new york, where we will dig counter-tunnels until we find the jew tunnels, capture a jew, and not let him go until we all get commiecat harems.
>>454815 Get merged idiot
>>454816 You are trying to stop me on my noble quest to liberate the commiecats from jewish control and into my rape harem; a shameful display.

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Rowan Blanchard Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 02:30:18 No. 454762 [Reply]
Rowan Blanchard she dose porn now
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Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 03:56:39 No. 454796 [Reply]
I do not work for anyone on this. I am tired. RA SMC HAILS TIRED :)

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