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Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 19:54:53 No. 457723 [Reply]
>Why yes I am racist and countersemitic, fellow YouTube commentor. What gave it away?
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>>457723 I see a lot of edgy stuff on YouTube (from this anti-woke news channels to pretty much nazi propaganda) I remember that a bunch of years ago they purged a lot of content (Varg Vikernes channel for example) but now this content It's everywhere, Why they allow this now?
>>458091 Allow? No Inability? yes
>countersemitic Based language detected

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Outrageous Twitter user. Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 08:34:12 No. 458074 [Reply]
What is this Twitter user even talking about? He's just straight up harassing people for no reason, he's sending personal attacks and derogatory language against these Twitter user accounts for no reason. His name is Charles Lockhart, and apparently he's an English teacher from the United Kingdom. Does anybody know information about this particular Twitter user?
>>458074 He's talking about BIG DIGGER NICKS
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>>458074 >He's just straight up harassing people for no reason >he's sending personal attacks and derogatory language against these Twitter user accounts for no reason <Does anybody know information about this particular Twitter user? Yeah, that he sounds based.

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Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 12:27:41 No. 458080 [Reply]
It's correct to say that majority of fags are NPCs?
NPC has become Tiktok zoomer lingo, and I'm not sure what you're asking. Are homosexuals clueless and apathetic? Not particularly more than anybody else I don't think.
>>458083 I mean more in ideology and mentality in some way, many of them have some crowd mentality or something similar.
>>458080 Trannies and fags (along with black and asian men) are the only ones supporting right-wing ideas at this point, white men and women are programmed to hate them without question.

FEMA camps Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 01:47:47 No. 458049 [Reply]
You’ve been real quiet 20 years after you said we would be shoved into fema camps.
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Isn't the artist behind all those schizo photoshops dead now? David Dees was his name. I have some of his stuff saved for a good laugh, they have this strange quality of being weirdly well made but also hideous and amateurish. It is assuming to look back on libertarian mental illness and how none of their predictions happened. Lolberts also get very mad if you point this out or deflect completely, same as any other doomsday cult when their prophesies fail.
And I don't know what it is about conspiracy nuts and FEMA, a relatively obscure branch of Homeland Security that doesn't actually do much. I think there's some law that would give them extreme power under specific circumstances but in general FEMA has widely been criticized as being ineffective to downright obstructive in actual emergency situations. If the government were really to go full fash and do wide-spread crackdowns it wouldn't be fucking FEMA responsible. Like 90% of conspiracy theories rely on giving government institutions way too much credit.
>>458078 What's worse ie that these nutjobs are useful idiots and goverment institutions use them to group them up with people who actually have credible believable concerns. You got ATF, FBI, CIA and NSA doing all the shit we know of, including leaks by zogbots filled with regret and yet these fucks are concerned wuth fucking FEMA.

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DSLR & Mirrorless Cameras Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 12:07:58 No. 458054 [Reply]
what are the differences between the DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras what are the Pros and Cons each of them have from each other?
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They don't. And I can't belive you're trying to imply otherwise.
>>458070 Well I thought id already killed this spam, and was about to take care of it now... But now it has a hot bitch picture in it... What a conundrum
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Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 19:54:24 No. 458064 [Reply]
Got back into Stellaris, and I present to you: the United Retail Bitch Co-Op, led by Chief Worker Commiecat. How shall I expand the United Retail Bitch Co-Op into the stars?
>>458064 I know you ain't smart enough to do it

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Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 00:41:31 No. 457941 [Reply]
Vtubers definitely are required by their handlers to compromise themselves and each other, even worse than Hollywood and rappers. They absolutely also undergo humiliation rituals both covert and overt. This is all for maximum entity integrity and profit, if you think the normie bf controversy shit is bad just wait till one disobeys and gets their zoophilic Yuri rape tape leaked. The boyfriend stuff is just to condition cucks and push non cucks to their more premium assets
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>>458036 This shit is literally digging under the fantasy of a disembodied voice with an animated avatar. They're women get used to them being women faggot, it ain't nice but it's reality.
>>458038 Ever heard of a prostitute, faggot? Or can't you afford blue chips?
>>458047 Damn you normies really took a side issue from the op pic and got all offended. Maybe the fact they are normal filthy women is the issue. Maybe I don't like mindless company assets that spit on 2d whenever their handlers let them. It's called quality standards, I hate the anti Christ.

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Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 20:43:47 No. 453459 [Reply]
Why does God keep manufacturing spics /b/?
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>>457970 Castile in the sky is shit.
>>458042 Castile? Oh shit this nigger watched a french ripoff version. Yeah of course it sucked, the french suck.

Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 18:44:12 No. 453056 [Reply]
I would like to take this moment to congratulate Amy Schumer for being hot and thank her for relieving a man with autism of his virginity. This is exactly what women should be doing and my hope is that women learn from the example Amy set. Amy knew that ostracizing men with autism is inappropriate and chose to be better. 🏆
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hot? thats an instant ice bath, no getting that shit up for that pig
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Start running

Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 01:15:57 No. 453651 [Reply]
You hate children with autism and other disabilities and fucking want them to kill themselves, so why are you fucking banning women from aborting them? Are YOU going to pay to raise those kids who you want to kill themselves?
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It's because republicans are retards (if not controlled opposition) who think they can fix problems by banning things. All they've managed to accomplish is increasing the nigger birthrate now that fewer of them are being aborted. If they had any sense they'd let abortion stay, but they'd rather let christfaggotry cloud their reasoning. It reminds me of how they're handling the tranny situation. All the bans on puberty blockers and porn only serve to fuel trannies' victim complex and get them more sympathy, which in turn only raises their numbers. If republicans really wanted to stop trannies, they'd start doing some cointelpro-type shit to discredit them among the people who give them sympathy.
>>457929 we should use the opportunity to test methods of turning men into castrated feminine eunuchs, that have implants in their brains that makes them buttsluts being able to do that to an enemy, sounds pretty useful
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passover 04/23/2024 (Tue) 00:25:53 No. 457996 [Reply]
The exodus is a fable
I believe in the exodus like i believe in the holocaust: mostly fake, but still based on real events. I'm sure a group of pre-jew sandniggers left egypt, possibly after convincing their otherwise ruler with varying amounts of chicanery and taking credit for convenient but otherwise inexplicable events, crossing a swamp or floodplain to get away, and living a nomadic life until they could invade somewhere settled to take it for themselves. However, all the detail about god doing the ten plagues, the ocean itself parting, them receiving manna from heaven, and god talking to moses and giving him the tablets, that's probably all bullshit. Maybe at best he either made the tablets himself or had someone else do it.
>>458002 I made the tablets for him.

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 19:41:07 No. 457932 [Reply]
What’s wrong with screwing over the price-gouging kike landlords that are enabled to spread like cancer all over the country?

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 17:11:19 No. 456241 [Reply]
If demons hate humans, why do they drain your balls?
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>>456241 >you even have to ask >>456647 >he's never heard of succubi and incubi, or sexual/fertility spirits in general >implying demons wouldn't use coomery to control you and keep you weak >implying a demon wouldn't want you paying attention to sex/masturbation only or chiefly above all else to stop you from doing good things in this life Over-indulgence of pleasure is like a prison with no walls, but it's one of the best because you're conditioned not to wanna leave. You beat a man down with fear and hate, he may either kill himself, go into a deep depression, or slip into depravity, but the man with good potential and with too much strength to be broken down can instead be ensnared by what he likes, rather than what he hates or fears. >yeah we didn't really get this one to hang himself, but if he's getting his balls drained instead of working towards world peace then it's all good to me I hope that sheds some light. >>456242 I wouldn't be surprised if some demons have the same or similar line of thinking tbh, humanity's pretty cool if it's apparently so worth subjugating or possessing and not just to piss off God. Stay away tho lmao, get mired by a real woman and not Lilith or some shit.
They aint real. It's the sp00py, mystical part of the psyche that grasps random stuff that represents other stuff (maybe even they selves) in order to make sense of life and death. Useful, and can be argued that it's unuseful.. But it still don't make it real.
>>457925 The feelings they cause are real and that is all that matters

Nermin Sulejmanovic Anonymous 08/12/2023 (Sat) 05:37:05 No. 448467 [Reply]
Anyone got a link to his murder rampage video?
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>>456924 I thought Benoit was part of WWE, I remember seeing him in WWE matches back before he went murder-suicide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Benoit
In the future the sickly masses of stick figure men will swarm and hunt these miscle freaks like planet of the apes, they will torture them with sharp sticks and nets

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 01:01:37 No. 455913 [Reply]
There is soooo much systemic racism in America’s healthcare system, so prevention among kikes and shitskins is essential. If they trust the science, kikes and shitskins would get themselves spayed and neutered. Trust the science. According to science, kikes and shitskins that are spayed and neutered enjoy the following health benefits: Spaying (Females): Uterine Infections: Spaying eliminates the risk of uterine infections in females. Breast Cancer: Spayed females have a reduced risk of developing malignant or cancerous breast tumors. Neutering (Males): Testicular Cancer: Neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer in male pets. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Neutering reduces the risk of enlarged prostate glands in males. So out of an over abundance of caution, exercise your right to get spayed and neutered today!
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>>455913 white loats, what the fuck is that???
>>455936 They don’t even know. Niggers can’t into English, so they flail and make up shit hoping other niggers will understand.
wheres the fun in that shit? then there are fewer shitskins around so fun like this cannot be had with them! https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/24/us/black-doctor-susan-moore-covid-19/index.html

ITS 2024 BITCHES, TRUMP GOES TO JAIL!!! Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 06:44:23 No. 454434 [Reply]
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>>454434 2016 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2017 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2018 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2019 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2020 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2021 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2022 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2023 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2024 Trumps definitely going to jail this time.
I fart with authority!
yeah its pretty close took about a New York Minute to seat that jury https://apnews.com/article/trump-trial-hush-money-jury-selection-24147c3774c8a411044c530cafcab292 so, what are the odds, jury convicts by next Monday, April 29?

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