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Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 01:24:59 No. 455199 [Reply]
When it comes to girls that ostracize boys with autism and only give boys with normalnigger social skills a chance, this is the face I make when the normalniggers they sexted turned out to be sextortionists, especially when they literally scam girls to death. <stay mad & keep ignoring, /b/
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>>455204 about what was doing, not what he said
>>455210 we can, tho I have nothing of her, nor have I watched cartoons from pasted 2010

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Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 01:44:31 No. 454430 [Reply]
Modern Anglo-Saxon Germanic blood flows through his veins!
2 posts omitted.
That sack of shit fell into a vacant post no-one available could fill and all he does is make noise no-one listens to, no-one has ever wanted him there. The opposition is so shit they're not even considerable as a option to most. The old left in England is dead, which is just as well as for all their (very accurate) shittalking of the Tories being stagnant toff cunts robbing the common man when the mutated Nu Labour got into power they ended up being even worse than the Conservatives.
>>454430 Ha! It's Devo https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3038219/How-global-warming-HELPED-man-Earliest-humans-migrated-Europe-1-4-million-years-ago-thanks-rising-temperatures.html but hey, climate change back then helped modern anglo-saxon man evolve into the modern form now lets all devolve till we reach primordial slime mold form, shall we? https://www.instagram.com/clubdevo/reel/Cw26FTGu0Gf/

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Israel Videos You Need To See!!! Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 23:54:44 No. 452698 [Reply]

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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This has been the truth since the Second World War. And the evangelicals who control America want it that way, because they are convinced that Revelation is not a prophesy, but a cook book that instructs how to manually trigger the Apocalypse. And having Israel in possession of the City of David is a fundamental requirement, and so far the easiest requirement to fulfill.
>>454833 Damn so the evangelicals are the real Satan worshippers after all. They pushed for women to be able to vote and now we are facing all these woke shit almost every single minute. They pushed for gays to be normalized and now LGBTQTPSHIT has permeated throughout our daily lives. Now they are pushing for the US to backup Zionist so I wonder what other shit they are truly after.

Nigger Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 03:04:48 No. 455119 [Reply]
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>>455119 >No BBC equals anger
>>455156 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

Chicago gangs Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 02:51:39 No. 455118 [Reply]
Why aren’t Chicago niggers being niggers and gunning down the wetbacks being dumped there?
>>455118 Because the wetbacks don't have anything to steal.

Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 00:37:32 No. 455112 [Reply]
This is the face I make every time girls, that spent their whole lives ostracizing boys with autism and riding the normalnigger cock carousel, give birth to boys with autism.

Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 19:54:12 No. 454778 [Reply]
Why is fucking shitskins with non-pink titties the only beastiality that is tolerated? Shitskins are horrible. When you want to fuck red foxes 🦊 or grey rabbits 🐇, normalniggers treat you like a monster.
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sage cause retarded bait thread
>>454778 >>454778 shit, ain't no difference fucking black pussy versus fucking Asian pussy versus fucking white pussy, all pussy feels the same in the dark when you fucking it you telling me you wouldn't hit any of this if offered the chance? https://www.ranker.com/list/hottest-black-models/no-rupaulogies then I gonna call you a fag cause I know white dudes that tap mulatto bitches and love it
>>455079 I would hit niggers with closed fists, yes.

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A maize that can self-fertilize | This Slime Could Change The World | Planet Fix | BBC Earth Science Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 02:33:35 No. 455085 [Reply]
>>455085 kys bot
So it jizzes on itself and gets pregnant?
What if it ostracizes itself for not being abusive enough for its own tastes and refuse to have sex with itself?

Taboo Nudes Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 07:04:11 No. 454577 [Reply]
Looking to see anyone's siblings, cousins, in-laws, parents, coworkers, and besties bodies we got out there. Specifically ones you shouldn't have! Whether it's cheating, taboo, stolen, whatever. Pic related, I got my Sister-in-law's laptop password and took a flash drive to her nude stash. (also add me on session for chats/trades/whatever: 056dbefa0ed39645da38e 8e8d2c9af3261850af8da0af8 f19cf8cc4a36e6e0ec1b
>>454577 so is like big areolas there straddling your bro's cock while he got a pic of her on top of him? or is that just of a friend of hers that was stored on her SSD for whatever reason
>>454577 tell the bitch she needs to lose weight
>>454577 Tell the bitch she needs a shunt from her stomach to her boobs to transfer fat to her boobs.

Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 20:29:37 No. 455103 [Reply]
Graceposter vindicated.

Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 03:11:28 No. 455086 [Reply]
What happened to a good old fashioned sponge soaked in accelerant with a timer strapped to it?

weird ass porn request thread Anonymous 03/18/2023 (Sat) 03:53:14 No. 441164 [Reply] [Last]
thread for requesting fucked up porn for crazy people.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 03/25/2023 (Sat) 02:59:32.
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>>441278 > How much does it cost to call a girl like that to escort an old Brit to the local pub
>>440938 that was like supposedly the only porn movie that chick ever did https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_Woods
>>451532 Her name is Rozelli you fucking newfag

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Board for SEXY Middle Eastern/Arab/Hijab Woman Middle Eastern/Arab/Hijab Woman 01/14/2024 (Sun) 20:52:53 No. 455074 [Reply]
This board is for hot Middle Eastern/Arab/Hijab Woman. Either by themselves or preferably with a white man

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Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 06:37:37 No. 455039 [Reply]
Wwyd to this milf slut?
>>455039 grape looking hog
>>455041 Would be a fun fuck though
I would make her pose on the hood to watch it cave in.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 18:23:36 No. 454096 [Reply]
It looks like Microsoft backed off on some of their censorship of Bing Chat, but it’s answers to these questions are inconclusive.
>>454096 getting answers that involve emotional reactions from computer code? yeah, that can be pretty frustrating here's a pretty good movie that might help explain why: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autómata

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Time Traveling Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 18:24:59 No. 454447 [Reply]
Your consciousness is just ionized gas in your blood. The molecular structure is irrelevant unless you like to eat. I am skipping stupid TSA questions on Islam. I don't care about mosques.
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How do I travel to the 90s & stay there in a decade long time loop?
Here are a few predictions from near death experiences for 2024. •all money will be computerized and cash will be abolished •there will be no president elected in the United States •global financial collapse will happen later in the year. The whole world will break into chaos like sub-Saharan Africa always is Will those predictions come true?
>>454451 this site gives them out all the time https://www.random.org/ just hit F5 and they give new ones every refresh

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