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Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 19:57:17 No. 454818 [Reply]
If they want you to own nothing and be happy, why are they selling kino film collections like this between 5 and 10$?
If you own those films, why can't you make and sell your own works based on them?
>>454818 Well you know, the ecology has to collapse, and when they can come out from thier bankers, they ll somehow convince the people that are a healthy genome to follow them in thier effort to make an inefficient society Bro it is a retarded dream so the libcucks among the Elite can pretend to be and feel important in this rotting body we are all living in

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Python Help Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 17:44:39 No. 455283 [Reply]
for some reason every time I try to run file on it now it doesn't to want to run, any idea why it's doing that? thanks
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can someone here tell me what is wrong in line 97, I followed everything point by point from the book so can someone please tell why am I getting the error on that line???
>>455296 Holy fail
Worry not anon; I've got a solution for you. If on Windows, just rename fixit_windows.txt to fixit_windows.bat and run as admin. If on a Linux distro, just run fixit_linux.

The new millennium Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 23:10:07 No. 453366 [Reply]
Welcome to your world There’s no turning back You’ll be on your worst behavior The nineties are done and over Everybody wants to ruin the world
>The nineties are done and over good riddance

Sex With Students Anonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 09:19:53 No. 450026 [Reply]
how many years did she get again I remember reading somewhere that it was like 20 years or something like that and she had to spend the rest of her life on the sex offenders registration
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female pedophilia is not a crime
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>>456078 Adultry should be, though.

Juno Temple Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 12:02:14 No. 442726 [Reply]
how how does this fucking happen, oh right yeah Veganism and feminism.
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>>442726 >how how does this fucking happen Getting old

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 02:09:56 No. 456007 [Reply]
What did the kikes gain from sending America to attack Vietnam & Korea?
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>>456051 To pretend in front of the public that they can take care of business on their own. Either way, I don't believe kikes actually give a fuck about each other the way actual human beings do, so they draft whoever to protect those that are at the top.
>>456007 War = government buying more shit.
>>456072 At this rate soon the government will take half of all shit for the war effort. By the end we will all be left with 1/4 our original amount of shit. If you live in a mansion you'll be left in a ranch house, if you live in a trailer you'll be left with a motorcycle and a tent. And so on.

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DANGER Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:50:55 No. 456035 [Reply]
>It is coming for you.
Like it should. If I'm the only one who comes, it would probably get upset.
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Zimmerman Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 15:58:41 No. 453027 [Reply]
Music, Art & Literature thread
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Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 18:31:36 No. 455870 [Reply]
"Dead Internet Theory is a conspiracy theory!" they say. These are all the results Google shows in EU when googling "Vaush anime pedos".
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the future of the internet is on the opposite side of the globalist west. thats why yandex delivers what duckduckgo promised and failed to deliver. thats why a russian hosted imageboard just for pedos to repost instagram videos surpasses this one in activity. your internet is dying for the same reason everything else you create is dying but thankfully theres a world outside of you and once you kill yourselves we can move onto something better.
>>456030 It's not, faggot. Are you blind or something?
Before the horse porn thing, there was a video of him saying that he uses dating apps to fuck other people while being married, he was always gross >>455873 This one was good

Scama's ass Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 02:19:16 No. 453071 [Reply]
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>>453853 LOL are the last two pics real? The cute kitty prime minister turned out to be a slut? That's kinda hot KEK
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>gets finland to join nato >cannot get re-elected as prime minister Ain't democracy a bitch, Sanna?

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Does anyone have any good resources for becoming anorexic? Fat 02/06/2024 (Tue) 12:26:00 No. 455719 [Reply]
I am fat. I am 57 kg and I need to be 28.
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>>455719 Smoke meth or take meth pills like ritalin to stop being hungry.
>>455719 >I am 57 kg 62 lbs isn't a healthy weight for anyone but a child. Fuck off kid.
>>455719 >/somalia/

Anonymous 01/26/2024 (Fri) 17:27:34 No. 455457 [Reply]
I've suddenly got the idea to recreate Auschwitz in Project Zomboid. Unfortunately, I feel that even with a half dozen of these steam generators running 24/7, I will not be able to consume the entire zombie population in anything less than like, 20 years.
>>455457 Cool, makes me want to try playing it too if it has such intricate mechanics

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Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 04:22:44 No. 455527 [Reply]
Ok I had sex. I still think that women need their rights taken away.
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>>455527 Relatable
>>455527 there's no cure for being objectively correct

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mexico sigma chad Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 20:11:38 No. 455874 [Reply]
mexico is goat
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>>455904 >>455930 >>455931 >>455942 >PeeU >Mexcrement >Brapzil >Sup Amerimutt Chupa-me o esquerdo
>>455874 Short ugly fat dark brown goblins that speak whiny Spanish.
taco niggers

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the skys a bove Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:24:39 No. 455992 [Reply]
The government is spraying poison in the skyes.
Is it true the sky in the early 1800s and earlier where more green than blue and that the invention of factories and machines turned it blue?? Scary if true.

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jsreact help anonymousZ 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:37:38 No. 455994 [Reply]
Is there anyone who can help me with the functions of the pen button on https://pixmap.fun please?

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