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/p/ Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 23:17:55 No. 458499 [Reply]
>your dslr and it’s pictures look like Andy’s logs even though they’re the same image quality as my pictures. I will wage a neurotic flame war with you just because you took those perfectly fine pictures without using the same gear I own. >I bought all this expensive af gear, then I will buy expensive af photo editors and spend weeks in my mom’s basement editing them to look just as fine as they did straight out of my expensive af gear. >I bought gorillion-megapixel cameras to show off pictures on a Jewish honeypot that makes you wait a long time before only allowing you to post 1,000-pixel images one at a time. >I shoot expensive, huge, archival sheet film so I can scan it at 600dpi or less and show off 1,000 pixel versions of my already low resolution scans.
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Why yes, I shoot my pictures in automatic mode, how could you tell?
>jewish honeypot >obscure alt-chan don't see yourself as a super meta website and 4chan's worst nemesis challenge: impossible

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Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:35:17 No. 458494 [Reply]
my wife
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Based nazi furry
How long have you two been wed? Planning any kids?

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Alfie Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 09:48:33 No. 455615 [Reply]
are we ever going to see her fuck that ogre in this?
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Why do big and popular artists always have the ugliest art styles? Shadman was a burnt out heroin junkie who could barely draw yet he was genuinely one of the biggest internet artists for awhile.
>>458734 Hey fuck u This one was one of shad's good works https://exhentai.org/g/1843981/3ac04c7035/ Donno guy, maybe they are porn artists that are really trying to trigger the physiological response they want so they can get people to pay them, not some long dead guy trying to capturing a bit of God's Majesty in creation That said i dont like incase either, the faces are all the same, and her writing is awful

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 02:52:57 No. 458575 [Reply]
Uuuuuuhhhh doesn’t look like Pacific Garden Mission, Unshackled, & Moody Bible Institute are very effective, Christ-sisters..,

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:13:05 No. 457950 [Reply]
If God is in control and Jesus is king, how is anything satan’s fault? Let’s see you fire up those mental gymnastics.
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>>458507 Reminder governor newsome and Biden are white men.
>>458519 Liberal whites are worse then niggers in a lotta ways
>>458507 Bush and Biden are faggot Christians that can’t understand shit.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 01:23:24 No. 457947 [Reply]
Wouldn’t you just love to have brain implants from the same faggot that lies about supporting free speech and has kike censorship on his social media platform?
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>>457947 his fucking whole life is getting blue balled by human intelligence this affects the rich and the poor
>>457947 At least you'll have cat girls (in your head)
A self loathing fag? loves inseminating white bitches and filling the world with his offspring as a way of tormenting his BBC male lovers? lol https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-children and icymi, check out the evolution of Neuralink as it transforms MuskRat into the first Vilos Cohaagen of Mars, the process actually involves external organic involvement from parasite infested Twitter/X toadies lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYbEVmStFDQ

Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 15:56:55 No. 458027 [Reply]
You're not racist, you're just incel
>>458027 You look like a who from the who village

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Royal Party Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 10:51:58 No. 458121 [Reply] [Last]
birthday thread
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>>458497 /hisrol/ is always up for it

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>>458380 >>458387 >>458366 cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
We're moving the Hunger Games thread to: >>>/b/458529 Setting up a match!

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Superman 05/06/2024 (Mon) 12:46:16 No. 458515 [Reply]
Ask me anything.
1 post omitted.
>>458516 Didnt say I would answer.
>>458515 Did you get that rash cleared up?
Kikes or sandniggers?

Film And Actress's Name Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 08:06:04 No. 458224 [Reply]
trying to find out what this Short Film was called again the main Blonde Actress in it cucks her best male friend who likes her with this tall Black dude who ends up fucking her and her white friend ends up finding out by accidently seeing him going to pound town on her, I'd really like it if someone here might be able to help me find out what the movie was called again
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>>458227 okay....
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I understand swallowing multiple fentanyl pills helps jog your memory. Have you tried that?

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Vegans Anonymous 02/19/2023 (Sun) 12:10:24 No. 439155 [Reply] [Last]
I love how they try to make out that Veganism makes you lot more healthier and helps you to look years younger when in actuality it makes you look like two decades older than what you actually are. btw she's about 34/35 here but she looks 50
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>>454537 Sugonmakok
>>439155 Didn't she turn to veganism because she lives her life on the cusp of dying anyway? Doesn't she have some other strange illness, and Veganism is her prayers from Rasputin?
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>>439155 She looks 12 and 50 simultaneously

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>>458292 All roads lead to Rome ($@turn)
>>458509 newfag

Dead Nigger Watch: He's still dead. O.J. Simp 05/06/2024 (Mon) 00:43:31 No. 458501 [Reply]
Why was this such a pivotal case you might ask? Well, back in the 90's it was a time of excess including for police and prosecutors around the country. It was a time when the 'COPS' show was at its peak. People tuned in every week to watch random citizens get the shit kicked out of them and searched and pulled over and generally violated in most every way possible. As now most people didn't have the money to hire lawyers so cops generally had free reign to do pretty much whatever they wanted. Then came O.J. Cops and prosecutors across the land anticipated a slam dunk case and said so to the media. Lawyers were expensive back then just like now and most people were lucky if they could hire even one. Then came O.J. and all his money. He didn't hire one but a whole team of lawyers and with them came all their usual assistants and secretaries and various people who made their legal office hum. Combined they made up a small army. Now the police and prosecutors and judges of the day were used to rolling over people and generally treating people like shit and getting away with it more often than not. Then came O.J., the nigger ex-football star with piles of cash. Suddenly his lawyers started questioning everything and anything to do with the murders he was charged with. Because of the complexities of evidence gathering and testing and DNA procedures, most people couldn't afford to question much of anything once they were charged. Then came O.J. Seemed that the cops and investigators and various staff screwed up a lot and they didn't want to admit it. O.J.'s lawyers pissed off a lot of people. Seemed all the procedures that were in use looked good on T.V. but the reality was cops and prosecutors really sucked at their jobs and up until then had gotten away with it. Even the handling of the bodies of Nicole Simpson and Ron Jewman was fucked up and the cops and prosecutors had to admit it over and over. One of the prosecutors was forced to testify and admit how much he sucked at his job. One example, the bodies were left out in the heat and one of the cops covered them with blankets from inside the house. That contaminated the scene along with other evidence that was mishandled. It quickly got to the point where the evidence wasn't really evidence at all, it was just one big pile of shit. Now for the motive. Why did O.J. slaughter his ex-wife and poor Ron Jewman who was only there to return glasses Nicole had left at the restaurant where he worked and she had just visited. That story didn't make sense and eventually it was revealed he was her boyfriend of the moment. Seemed Nicole liked to give guys blow-jobs at home while her and O.J.'s kids were there. O.J. even caught her in the act of sucking off one of her boyfriends. She called the police and the 911 call was played on the news at the time. O.J. could be heard in the back ground yelling at Nicole for 'sucking his dick' out in the open. Seemed Nicole liked to press O.J.'s buttons but apparently didn't like to suck his dick, just other guys. O.J. and Nicole had met when she was fresh out of high school and his football career was ending. O.J. dazzled her with his money and she dazzled him with her pussy. O.J. helped her family financially as well but all blowjobs cum to an end and Nicole dumped the gorilla in the football costume. But she stayed close enough to piss off O.J. and did it often. The details get a little murky. If it was a crime of passion why did O.J. wear gloves. Was it really O.J. or did some other guy Nicole was sucking off show up and kill both and take off. Two of the jurors interviewed after the trial said that they thought it odd that Nicole claimed to fear O.J. yet she lived only blocks away. If she was so scared of him why didn't she move away? Now there's a story of O.J. hiring a mob guy to whack Nicole and Jewman while O.J. stood back and watched. Maybe Nicole was sucking off her boyfriend when O.J. and his hitman walked up. It would explain why there was no direct evidence linking O.J. In the years since, the criminal justice system changed because of O.J. He scared the shit of lawyers, judges, cops and prosecutors. The people from the LAPD who worked on O.J.'s case also worked on thousands of other cases. That made people wonder if they fucked up the O.J. case maybe they fucked up a lot of other cases too. The science used on the O.J. case was the same science used on cases all over the country. People started questioning the science and started winning. Before O.J., the cops and prosecutors would show up in court with a box of reports and dare the defendants to prove they were innocent. After O.J. they started to.
>leaving out the fact that the entire reason he got away with it was because he was black The jurors even later admitted that they thought he did it, but wouldn't prosecute him because he was black and they were black.
>>458502 The jury was majority black, BTW, it all went down because he was OJ. The enormous latitude the LAPD treated the case with? Because he was OJ. The kid-gloves treatment the media gave him for all those months? Because he was OJ. How many people in America from that time still don't have too much of a problem with this case? Because he was OJ. The utter absurdity of the Bronco Chase? Because he was OJ. The wall-to-wall media coverage of absolutely every little thing about the case, 24/7? Because he was OJ. OJ's star was huge and bright throughout the 70s and 80s. He was a titan on the football field and quite competent in Hollywood. The LA DA and Judge Ito were simply not even remotely prepared for the three-ring circus OJ brought to that courthouse every sing day for all those months. For scale? If Tom Brady found himself in the same situation, the cultural response would be much the same.

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Terry A. Davis Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 15:15:46 No. 454516 [Reply]
a Thread Dedicated to one of god's chosen the great Terry Davis
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Terry Davis Thread
Merged with the exact same thread, please check the catalog before making a thread, duplicate threads will be merged and or deleted, do not fuck with me.

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Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 00:51:17 No. 457943 [Reply]
What even is this place? I used to browse imageboards like 2008-2014. This is the main place for the more alt stuff today? This is not a cool /b/. Where can I go for chill cool imageboard stuff akin to older /b/ on 4chan? Does anywhere like that exist where they don't post all kinds of loli and shit?
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>>458001 (OP) Yep
Fuck off and die you larping faggot normie
>>457943 Lurk more

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Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 22:28:29 No. 458269 [Reply]
Where are you from my fren? Post something related to your country
>>458269 The Orion constellation.

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