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Anonymous 02/01/2024 (Thu) 09:07:50 No. 455586 [Reply]
>be me >had a bad day >browsed on an hispanic IB >someone posted instagram photos of a random girl i don't even know >first time i had seen this girl >she appeared in the photos with her boyfriend >she looked happy >girl kinda looked like my favourite videogame character >pale skin, brown hair, bobcut with bangs and a cute smile >had a mental breakdown >started ranting about how all the girls here are nothing but worthless and obnoxious sluts >that the girl they posted was disgusting and that i wouldn't touch her even with a laser pointer >continued ranting about how i wish the country would go bankrupt >so that i could take advantage of women and get them to date me and then just discard them once i got bored of them >misogynistic stuff i wouldn't normally say, even on an anonymous imageboard Fucked up thing is that now i cant stop feeling guilty, as if all those rude comments i posted were meant for my videogame crush

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>>455614 Chara looks like that THOUGH
>>455625 >It's just that i don't want to get used to acting like an asshole. Well, you can always go back to that board and make public anonymous excuses
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Bra and panties Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 23:31:57 No. 455726 [Reply]
Bra and panties
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>>455726 >pic 2 Good. The cornfield is where she belongs.

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Anonymous 09/20/2023 (Wed) 04:03:35 No. 450325 [Reply]
who among us honestly isn't into hot bodybuilder women?
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>>450325 when did Carrot Top get implants and a sex change?
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>>450325 >who among us honestly isn't into hot bodybuilder women? Me. Their clits look like three inch penises, and their tits are either misshapen pancakes or ugly implants. Gina Carano is about as muscly as any woman should become. Strong but soft and feminine.

Female Pornstars Anonymous 09/24/2023 (Sun) 12:27:02 No. 450571 [Reply]
has there ever been any news articles or stories back up with actual evidence of it, of female pornstars who go to prison and before long end up having sex with the prison guards and some of who end up getting pregnant from it and also even better if any of them were filmed.
>>450571 Dakota Skye died a few years ago. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/porn-star-found-dead-motorhome-24296633 It's a meme that the incarcerated have sex with the guards. It could happen, but it would be a problem if the guards could be manipulated with sex by the prisoners, so that's relegated to the world of fantasy. Maybe in other countries where they have a more lax prison system this is possible, but in that case it wouldn't be limited to sex workers.
>>455993 >It's a meme that the incarcerated have sex with the guards. Ironically, I've never heard of a woman servicing guards, but I've heard about a lot of women guards falling in love with a prisoner. An ex-guard from the Supermax said it's because the retards who run the operations keep allowing copies of How to Win Friends and Influence People in the prison libraries. Some smarter-than-the-average-bear prisoner will eventually find it and start practicing on any female guards they can get near. Eventually, one of them will think she's in a tragic romance novel with a prisoner who was falsely arrested/badboy she can change and it all goes to hell from there. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3022668/Female-prison-guard-felon-helped-escape-caught-19-days-1-700-miles-run.html (Sorry, I can't get archive.is to load for some reason) And, sometimes, the female guards themselves don't bother waiting around for the inmates to get their shit together: https://yewtu.be/OWmxcXAkK94?t=4 I actually think the majority of the women on Earth have gone bananas to varying extents.

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Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 05:10:52 No. 454557 [Reply]
>be me >indian >moved to Canada with my gf in 2021 for studies >got engaged their >introvert >stay silent most of the times >because of that sometimes friends see me as weird >sometimes call me racist >got into cuckolding last year >because gf wanted try new things >she works as a gaming supervisor in a casino >she meets lots of new people their >I see black guys, white guys, mixed guys most of the time in my house >she even travel with some guys from time to time >didn't felt bad about any of that at all >have blasted crazy cum shots watching she getting pounded by other guys >sometimes licked the cum out of her pussy while stroking my cock

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>>455735 bro. canada is over. its just a mix of third world's nations as india, philippines and arabs. its not french proud people as it was. whole third worlders are flooding you

Negatively Charged 02/25/2024 (Sun) 11:00:33 No. 456206 [Reply]
I identify as my negative charge. So what?
>chatgpt stopped reading there

Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 00:53:19 No. 451341 [Reply]
In defence of slavery: 1) the blacks taken to america by slavers were already slaves in africa. frankly, they probably got a better life as slaves in america than in malaria infested africa 2) black slaves were responsible for continuing slavery by choosing to have kids, which they knew full well would themselves be slaves all their lives. no one is responsible for creating more slaves than the slaves themselves 3) slaves worked less and had more free time than almost everyone today. because once the cotton is picked, they're done working for the year and can mostly relax until spring 4) they got housing, clothes, and food in exchange for working. was slavery that much different from just employment? 5) never had to worry about money, employment, taxes, paperwork. spent all day around people who were like them I think slavery should be relegalized, it wasn't really that bad
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>>456199 I was unaware that the Arabs bred the African slave women that they imported. Apparently up to 10% of Arab blood is negro. I don't really have anything more to contribute. Good talking to you though.
>>456202 They had a bunch of different ethnic groups as slaves, point is none of them are around them now and they stayed what they were Sure, always nice to talk to someone that doesn't argue against cutting off thier balls because they need high t for thier job or some dumb shit
>>451341 >1) the blacks taken to america by slavers were already slaves in africa. frankly, they probably got a better life as slaves in america than in malaria infested africa And then America had niggers in it. Sorry, pass.

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Man jailed for raping 15-year-old girl Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 17:46:00 No. 446417 [Reply]
>A man who raped a teenage girl has been jailed for eight years. >The 15-year-old victim was with a friend in Manchester in the early hours of 14 July 2022. of course he was black because of course he was https://www.cps.gov.uk/north-west/news/man-jailed-raping-15-year-old-girl https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-isolated-young-girl-friend-26036067
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>>450701 Yes, they do that.
>>450682 whites are more extreme in their cap for love and hate that they feel we have the biggest range of genes we could have of any ethnic group so when whites have a life they are happy with, the plastic parts of their genome will be geared to love. Might be your problem and as I hate it whites are niggers + so while we work better together, and are more willing to live and let live, the nature that lets niggers improve fitness has never and will never be selected against
>>450617 >Saw but he kills hood niggers instead >the traps are rigged so they never escape >he televises it I just realized I described The Running Man (minus the hood niggers).

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D-Day Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 17:34:54 No. 451434 [Reply]
It sounds incredibly fucking stupid. Was it really the best the allied powers could come up with? To throw thousands upon thousands of men with practically no protection against machine gun pill boxes, hoping the enemy has less bullets than you have men?
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>>451434 I love how the AI can spell Pixar correctly, but can't do it consistently.
those were different times bullets were extremely valuable
>>451434 >Was it really the best the allied powers could come up with? Depends on what you mean. By number of allied casualties? No. But, if you wanted to lower future expenditures to a good degree while still winning, then yes. There's also the fact that the allied soldiers could possibly contribute to coup d'etats in their own countries after the war.

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Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 18:11:03 No. 455817 [Reply]
It's still surreal to me how the real world and the internet world later became one, mostly from smartphones boom and after. Serial Experiments Lain was right all along.
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>>455820 Name one
>>455826 Corporation were always trying to profit from internet. Still they didn't resorted to internet centralization, heavy censorship etc until early 2010s. Also corporation resort way too much to spambots. Sure, they always used them but shit gets worse and worse with the passing of years.
truly the internet should not have progressed past 2010 that was the peak of happiness

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I was born in the worst time period in human history Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 07:41:46 No. 456076 [Reply]
I'm going to try and write every modern problem and reasons I wish I was never born. Maybe some of you can relate. This list doesn't necessarily have to be very long but I want to be comprehensive so it might end up being rather long. I would just like to point out that if humans have been around for 10,000 years and I was born in a period of extreme faggotism and liberalism, (a period of about 50 years) then the chances of me being born in this time period is 0.5% (I'm evidently an unlucky person) 1) political correctness is completely soulless and devoid of what makes us human. There is a natural flow to the world and people and cultures. We are forced at either literal gunpoint or the threat of so called "cancellation" to act a certain way known as "politically correct". A soulless, thoughtless, robot-like behavior that behaves in such a way to offend as few people as possible. I hate political correctness enough to justify suicide. I don't want to live in a world where my words and thoughts are so heavily policed by feminine, fudge-packing, HIV infested, poop eating faggots and SJW's. How humiliating, to be controlled by such weak people. I guess when you live in a post industrial society, strength of the mind and body are not necessary to control people. 2) democracy doesn't work. Not only does democracy cater to the majority, (lazy, immoral, idiots), it makes anyone involved in democracy believe that their opinion matters. Guess what? in democracy facts DO care about your feelings! If you think a man that literally eats shit, gets fucked in the ass, and chops off his own dick is NOT mentally ill, then in democracy, you'd be correct! Fuck this gay faggot system. I'd rather perish under a conservative dictator than be subjected to this faggotry any longer. I fucking hate democracy. 3) post modern philosophy is the key to all things liberal and homosexual. After all, when there's no such thing as morality, then surely eating shit and getting fucked in the ass daily can't be immoral! 4) video games are fucking stupid and young men including myself and forced to play them. We're forced to play them because if we don't, we'll go completely insane at how utterly shit modern society is. We need escapism. It is necessary for a man's survival, but only in the modern age. 5000 years ago there was enough real life adventure and purpose to keep a man going but nowadays we play adventure simulators. Fuck video games, they are a necessary evil, and nothing more than the "circus" part of "give them bread and circuses". 5) Automobiles are a fucking joke, they never fucking work right and are extremely expensive to purchase and maintain. If you own an automobile, you get it. I have met people that have admitted to me that they only work a job just so they can afford an automobile. What a joke. This leads me to my next point. 6) luxuries become necessities. So apparently there was a point in human history in which luxuries were luxuries and necessities were necessities. But nowadays, luxuries ARE necessities. If you don't own an automobile, you are screwed, if you don't own a cell phone, you are screwed, if you don't pay for internet, you are screwed. I really, really, hate that luxuries ARE necessities (decided by society at large) and guess who gets to pay the bill for all these necessary luxuries? (it's you). 7) the internet is the gayest invention in the history of mankind and will be the downfall of humanity. (this is a prediction) (oh wait, humanity has already fallen thanks to the internet, nevermind). Not only is degeneracy more accessible than ever, but the internet gives a voice to every retard in the entire world. I would need to write a 1000 page novel in order to explain every little reason why the internet has destroyed modern society. 8) liberals are mainstream and I can safely say that liberals represent (in a personality) everything wrong with modern society.

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>>456097 ah no, being strong is more likely to get you killed in mechanized war
>>456099 Sure, but I was talking about a cultural difference. Ideally there should be no fighting to begin with, because it would just be easier to negotiate and have beneficial relationship if all sides are honest about the facts and stuff. By having all sides extremely weakened due to endless war, conditions are created in which everything depends on money. Guess who will have a REAL party when those conditions are achieved? That's right, you'll all be under complete control, and even if nasty shit will be done to people, those people will gladly agree to anything just to get some of that worthless government backed currency.
>>456119 Oh, yea sure the west doesn't have biology to have the psychology to win anything

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Starfield Anonymous 09/07/2023 (Thu) 11:16:38 No. 449877 [Reply]
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it's shit

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Shameless (us) Debbie Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 04:49:58 No. 452219 [Reply]
Don't you see her fucking some much older guy in season 4 or 5 at this pool party or something, and he's like really drunk and half conscience and she basically Rapes him? I vaguely remember you see her semi naked bouncing on top of him on a bed in one of the rooms up stairs in the house, that whole scene only lasted for like a minute or two.
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>>452225 I just like watching horse fuck women sorry

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 18:07:46 No. 456063 [Reply]
I hear the train a-comin', it's rolling 'round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps a-rollin' on down to San Antone
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>>456073 When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns" But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die When I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my head and cry
>>456134 No one likes the man in black.

Weird Individual 02/22/2024 (Thu) 15:29:48 No. 456121 [Reply]
Y'all do sth before is too late..
average discord pedo
>>456137 you'll get ate by the strong

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Band T-Shirts Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 19:03:27 No. 450302 [Reply]
I fucking need this T Shirt
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I can't read it
>>456127 It's just VUKARI in blackletter. & if you can't read the AEVUM part, I'm very sorry for you.
>>450302 there's like a thousand different on-demand online print shops you can upload that image to and have it shipped to you, stop being a lazy broke ass

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