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Based Chad Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 21:11:29 No. 456709 [Reply]
nothing better than when a Traditional man goes full Alpha giga Chad on a worthless degenerate Tranny
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>>456709 Alphas do not give a shit about trannies Thinking about trannies all day is beta overcompensation
>>456776 >is a meme is a meme. Always has been. It is a byproduct of your desire for a thought-terminating cliche, so you can safely go back to jacking your pathetic cock to tranny porn.
>>456709 >expresses disgust at a tranny >"Lol your ghey!" Every fucking time. The whole "If you don't like degeneracy, you're a degenerate" cope is how these freaks manage to stop themselves from becoming 41 percenters

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"Welcome Back 47" Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 15:58:52 No. 454723 [Reply]
Hitman thread can be the original series as well as the newer ones too
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this thread can not die

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Schmuck of the Month Mark Jenson 04/06/2024 (Sat) 00:32:36 No. 457369 [Reply]
Schmuck of the month goes to Mark Jenson. After four trials and more than a decade behind bars Mark Jenson still sits in a shithole also known as the Wisconsin prison system. He was convicted of poisoning his wife with anti-freeze. A big problem with the case is that there is no case. The police and prosecutor never produced anything to prove he did anything but yet he sits in prison. It's now more than 25 years since his wife died and still no evidence. Even more, one of his trials was held in the judges office where he was convicted again. Jenson didn't find out about it until after it was over. That's the Wisconsin kangaroo court system.
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>>457369 >no evidence So his wife is still alive?

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 01:17:49 No. 457372 [Reply]
I just wanted to say that I'm glad technoblade is dead. Because I hate rich and successful people. That is all.
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>>457372 >I just wanted to say that I'm glad technoblade is dead. Because I hate rich and successful people. That is all.

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Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 00:59:00 No. 457371 [Reply]
hmmmmm it seems ur a nigger. i dont really like niggers all that much. whis, get the nigga killer

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Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 01:26:30 No. 457198 [Reply]
i'm posted in blight town about to go hollow
>>457198 consume some humanity and kindle that bonfire. hang in there, anon, don't you dare go hollow. lmk if you need some jolly co-op.
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>>457198 now i am against Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smouge. is humanity that important? i usually play with 00...

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Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 01:21:51 No. 457358 [Reply]
ancient aryan warriorz

Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 18:28:57 No. 457301 [Reply]
kill me
you must keep living it's a punishment for your sins
>>457310 i think god wanted me to see this today
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it can always get worse

Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 13:45:59 No. 457237 [Reply]
i will achieve success
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>>457246 >I succeeded in taking a shit today, Had you failed previously?
>>457269 Sometimes I fail to shit the whole thing at once and I have to try again at a different time, sometimes it's just one shit and I'm good to go.
>>457237 based. keep going, sunbros. laugh in the face of adversary.

Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 19:50:14 No. 457302 [Reply]
here are your fucking Easter Eggs
thanks, anon. gonna go replay ds1 now

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rate this or your gay Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 14:16:29 No. 457343 [Reply]
look at my hot steamy food what do you think you gaylords love you <3

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Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:49:55 No. 457285 [Reply]
Daily reminder that higher technology has ruined your life.
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>>457314 God stays the same, but the church around him has changed. Blame the faggot priests touching little boys and the catholic church that protects them, blame the retard pope kissing nigger feet. Genetics remains unchanged, but we let the darkies, savages, spear-chuckers, whirling dervishes and filthy huns walk around as if they're equal to whites, and even give them preferential treatment. Men an women haven't changed, but just like the sub-humans, we let them think they're equal to men and thus slowly corrupted and ruined society. In a decent, moral environment, technology would be no problem, but curiously society didn't go to shit until after we lost our morality, which i'll admit happened in tandem with technology like the television but isn't the root of the problem.
>>457317 >Genetics remains unchanged That is wrong tho dude, we are be selected to be objectivity more shit at everything due to the total lack of darwinian selection caused by high civilization and technology and the religion of equally is part of the ecology collapse protocol that is hard wired into every ethnic group that has been evolving along side civilization for long enough
>>457323 >That is wrong tho dude, we are be selected to be objectivity more shit at everything due to the total lack of darwinian selection caused by high civilization and technology Good point

Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 21:34:27 No. 457220 [Reply]
>filling up gas tank >suddenly hear someone talk to me >some homeless looking chick >massive tits >asking me if I can spare any change >pull out a $20 bill without thinking >"thanks anon, you just made my day!" I can't believe I just gave some homeless chick $20 because she had big tits.
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with that much money, you could probably get commiecat art
>>457220 >Didn't motorboat them first You fucking pussy!
>>457220 >I can't believe I just gave some homeless chick $20 because she had big tits. You're the trannycommiefag. I can absolutely believe it.

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Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 16:57:05 No. 449159 [Reply]
is it possible to assimilate and become part of a gypsie tribe?
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>>452305 So he's hit the nail on the head I take it?
Even though my family from my mother's side is full Romanian Gypsy, they abandoned and even actively denied those roots since three generations ago so I can't really help you, OP. I just don't understand why would you want to be part of an inferior culture though. But well, even though I don't personally know much about it, I do know they can be very closed and prejudiced people, who will reject outsiders. But even considering that, I'm pretty sure that if you have lots of money they will allow you to marry one of their chicks, and that could be your way into their tribe. I don't know for sure, but I'd be shocked if that wasn't a way to do it.

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Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 02:05:38 No. 457312 [Reply]
It's been a hard journey. I'm okay now but I come off strong all the time and want people to know they are not alone thats why I made this video. I'm planning on writing a book of this journey. I'm so blessed I made it out. It's hard but thats life everyone goes through life and I hope I can help others with my story. The first part, I was in an abusing foster home and was bullied by the sisters and abuse by the parents. second part, I got stuck in a bad toxic relationship. Only two of my sisters were there for me. I end up in the hospital because my health was failing. I was so thankful Jeanetta stood by me until she knew I was okay. I had to go to therapy to see why I kept going back to him and I learned it was a trauma bond. The third part, my family got really jealous. They took advantage of me, bullied me, made up lies, stool from me and when they didn't need too because they had more than me. I was at my lowest and they saw that but still didn't care. People get scared they know the truth always comes out so they hide and break the ones that might let out the truth. The fourth part, flearned you make your own family and I'm so blessed to have someone to call mom and dad and the siblings that stood by me. I'm very thankful l got away from all the toxic people in my life it wasn't easy but only you can protect yourself. Therapy helped a lot. I feel very blessed where I am today and ready to share my story to help others. I also appreciate my fans I couldn't do it without y'all either. Y'all make me want to stay strong. This is a sneak peek of part two of my book.
kys tranny
Im not buying your book

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