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Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 03:59:45 No. 453321 [Reply]
do normalniggers deserve to live?
7 posts omitted.
normies are modern day plebeians
Of course. Humans are sentient, and death is a massive tragedy due to the mysteriousness and potential misgivings. If we had the option to move all normies to a different region, though, that might not hurt. We have too many types of conflicting individuals in this world. Going back to tribal-like smaller societies could be healthy. But if the world is overpopulated and governments must control populations, I'm not sure who would be most worthwhile to wipe out. I'd say do it randomly and without bias, for that would have the best chance of keeping diversity. Or just kill any sexual sadist posting on /leftypol/ offender and other choice criminals first.

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Rape thread Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 03:44:34 No. 458111 [Reply]
where's the fucking rape thread at?
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>>458111 none of this rape he's not really crying in any of it
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*rapes you all*

Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 03:41:00 No. 458978 [Reply]
Thank you to fm stations for using 100 gigawatt hours 24/7 for my personal amusement.
With the Tesla free energy of the earth bullshit, you'd think some schizo would make up a story about how radio stations are secretly used to manipulate the earth's electric fields.
>>459009 >manipulate the earth's electric fields. they've been beaming nasty thoughts into my fillings for decades.

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South Sudan Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 10:15:40 No. 458486 [Reply]
A thread to do with the current events in South Sudan
>>458486 They have some hot women.
>>458486 africans doing african things, nothing new here
>>458486 The bitch with the laundry basket

fattest place in the world Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 19:34:23 No. 456844 [Reply]
fuck I fucking hate Americans
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>>456844 >buried in Hungary Can't coffins be shipped in the cargo section? I'm not even trying to be a shitposter, here, I just don't understand why she couldn't be shipped home.
>>459005 They could have incinerated her too. After a week or so, the fat would have stopped burning and the resulting ashes would have been easily planed home

the gas pedal, the brake pedal and the clutch

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Mod thread Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 06:06:34 No. 446498 [Reply] [Last]
First on 8chan edition. https://youtu.be/C7kUDkK70qQ
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>>459012 Fuck yeah. How about we wont get fooled again? Cuz we did.
It's like a dream to be with you again.

Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 19:58:43 Id: 5477c3 No. 458923 [Reply]
The bear
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>>458923 You are, for whatever reason, on a hike through the woods. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that you have startled a large ... thing next to your path. Would you rather it was a black bear, or a black man?
bear go brrrrr
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>>458977 Bear. All day every day. I'd take Shardik over that.

Patrick Nelson Hotty... Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 13:14:41 No. 459000 [Reply]
He loves the Toddlers. He is shrek and the toddlers bite him... :3

Child Molester Joe Porubcan 05/12/2024 (Sun) 00:59:21 No. 458994 [Reply]
The Crazy Shepherd or Shepherd Express as its now known has had a long dark history dating back to the go-go porn anything goes days of the 1980's. Its title comes from a gay Jew authors poetic fantasy of being fucked in the ass by random bikers. So many secrets. Its founders include child molester Joe Porubcan who was also its circulation manager.

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The Getaway (2002) Anonymous 03/16/2023 (Thu) 16:55:33 No. 441107 [Reply]
the Getaway is hands down the best game to have come out of the Sony PlayStation
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>>449960 Nah i hated the story and the message it was trying to give.

Marijuana state tax Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 00:23:38 No. 458955 [Reply]
Sooo did you benefit from your state’s marijuana sales tax dollars yet?
>>458955 I know it properly doesn't have fent in it if i but it from one of those places

Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 00:29:00 No. 458910 [Reply]
What are these faggots on about?
They're called cia agents and they post honeypots it's nothing new

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The mediocre patriotic war Vampyr Board owner 04/13/2024 (Sat) 03:47:34 No. 457634 [Reply] [Last]
As of 0400 yesterday evening, we are at war with /arepa/ We launched a surprise sneak attack and have successfully met them quip for quip. They never saw it coming. The shock and awe has left them confused dazed and disorderly, discipline has completely broken down, their morale shattered, now is the chance to drive the attack home and destroy them utterly! Let not one negrito escape our unwarranted and frankly cowardly and vicious sneak attack. We are Japan and this is pearl harbor. FOR THE LIVING SPACE AND THE GREATER /b/ REICH! ONWARD TO VICTORY! Now as your leader I cannot lie to you men, we need each and every patriotic /b/rigand to sign up and serve his board in it's time of need. I NEED YOU, FOR THE /b/ ARMY. YOUR ASS IS MINE CIVVIE. THAT MEANS YOU COMMIECAT (Lieutenant 2nd grade) AND YOU LCP (PFC) AND YOU HEAD ( cook) AND YOU RANDOM CRAZY SCHIZOS , asstd (Privates) AND (You) ANON. YOU HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY DRAFTED. REPORT TO THE NEAREST DRAFT OFFICE IMMEDIATELY TO BE ASSIGNED A DUTY ~Your benevolent, cruel, kind, despotic, fascist, democratic, sane, and loving, hating, BO. High king Lord Vampyr "crazy eyes" Board owner esq. By appointment only.
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>>457998 Yeah, except for the guy who asked, and I responded to. Lern 2 reed
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I saw marks manhole
>>458294 Was it steaming?

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 00:02:18 No. 458560 [Reply]
Do you think commiecats could be used as laborers? Is there anything useful they could do as a job?
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>>458570 Well then I'm sure commiecats would be good at throwing together a half-functional website with a gazillion security vulnerabilities in that case.
>>458735 You would think so, but half cat. So useless.
>>458737 But what would make felineiforms inherently incapable of making shitty websites?

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