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Dove Cameron leaks Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 00:04:01 No. 455848 [Reply]
did those supposed sex tapes of hers ever get an official release?
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Dove Cameron devours BLACK COCK just like Nastassia Pornomarenko.
>>456135 She's losing her hotness trying to stay skinny. That Ozempic really messes with the body. And she doesn't have one anymore.
>>460308 She's a GHOST?

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Troon death count thread Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 19:36:39 No. 457025 [Reply]
Are there any videos of trannies getting murdered? I can’t find any.
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>>457056 Dammit, why can I never get the full version of this. There was a lot more, once upon a time. Now all I see is this butchered clip and pic related.
>>457025 go to watchpeopledie.tv

THESE MEN ARE TOO UGLY TO PITY! Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 23:59:02 No. 460309 [Reply]
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Listen here, Jack. Putina is NOT iconic, that bitch buys counterfeit Loro Piana from the North Koreans. Slayenskyy only wears genuine Sauconys, queen has a $200 T-shirt and makes that fit look natural. There is no question about who the United Sluts stan.
>>460316 Oof. Doesnt hollywood have people that check for stuff like this before they stick them into the spotlight.
>>460316 To think that whole industries would rather collapse than say that these people are wrong.

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Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 04:32:46 No. 460068 [Reply]
Who do you prefer Stella, Stella or Stella? I think I like Stella better.
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I guess I'll choose Stella.
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>>460068 Oh good. Trannysimp has abandoned his commie fursona and is now macking on animated children.
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why, you have to ask?

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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 18:08:12 No. 460270 [Reply]
Islamic Green Pill = It is the characteristic of Islamic polygamous marriage with plenty of children, concern for lineage, and love for children. Like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The consent of the spouses and the man's authority, material and spiritual power If there is, you can choose it. Polygamous marriage is forbidden without children from wives and concubines who are married with milkil vows. Or if one of the spouses is infertile, it is free. Arbitrary polygamous marriage is prohibited. There will definitely be children from the wives Islamic White Pill = Islamic Mgtow, Islamic Nofap, or Islamic sexual education and masturbation option. It is the disease that people with ugliness (thinness), small penis, sexual deviations or perversions (incest, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc.) will tend towards. These people will treat their sexual deviations with masturbation, provided that they do not do it too much. They will stay away from porn material and use their imagination. Repentance prayer will be performed after each masturbation. They will devote themselves to the way of Allah, to worship and knowledge, as singles, regardless of whether they are male or female. They will constantly repent for their sexual deviations in this world, they will say that it is a test and they will be patient. In the afterlife, their nature will be corrected. For example, he will be resurrected as an active gay = a masculine woman, and a passive gay = a feminine woman. Or active lesbian=masculine man will be resurrected as passive lesbian=feminine man. Pedophile men or male rapists will be resurrected directly as women. Their consciences will be clear because of the cruelty they committed. Islam is the religion of peace and solution in this world and the hereafter. The male person who has an incestuous relationship will be resurrected as a woman in the afterlife, and the female person who has an incestuous relationship will be resurrected as a man, and thus the perversions will be resolved by returning the souls to their essence. Islamic Blue Pill = Islamic monogamy and love trait. I am also in favor of this. When a man falls in love with a girl, he will tell the girl about it, either in real life, virtually, or by letter, as before. Then, the girl and the girl will meet 1-2 times a week until they get to know each other (an average of at least 2 years), under the supervision of a third person from the girl's or boy's side (cousin, aunt, mother, provided that they are women and not non-mahram). Apart from that, they can call and have a voice chat from time to time, without doing things like sending pictures on social media. Once they reach an agreement, the imam wedding will be held without a home-based wedding. Whether they are studying at university or 15 years old in high school. The age limit for Imam marriage is 17. After the religious ceremony, they can hold hands and walk around, but it is forbidden for them to have sexual intercourse at home and before the wedding. In the future, they can establish a family and have an official marriage with the sustenance that God will provide them. Islamic love marriages are like this. May God make you happy Satanic Red Pill = This pill is poison, it is the essence of narcissism, materialism, insensitivity, and the devil. It is a trait of polygamous adultery under the name Next. These FINE bastards choose. Under the name of score, there is counting the sexual relations with women and seeing women as sexual objects. How did you live and give up on love or affection? If you say you are not a human, you are an animal, choose this pill. If you chose this pill unintentionally, repent and turn to the green or blue pill. This pill is evil. Do not follow the devil's path. Do not approach adultery, stay away from relationships that will result in adultery. Because adultery is a great sin, a disgraceful, illegitimate relationship (al-Isra 23). Antichrist's black pill = Those who choose this pill. They are usually good people who are crushed by bad and arrogant people who have been made worse by life. They also cursed and tended towards evil and pessimism. There may be a few bad people with dark triad among them. Most of them are men or women who are short, ugly (in my opinion, no one is ugly, we all have flaws), and have sexual problems. If these people do not have sexual deviations, they need to improve themselves and strive more than others who are luckier than them. As a result of the test, your surrogates' bodies are a little more flawed than the normal ones. Or you are short etc. Your only solution is to turn to Islam first, both materially and spiritually, to achieve inner peace, and then to try harder than others in worldly material matters and to close the deficiencies from there. If you are a black pill user who has given up hope on male-female relationships, dedicate yourself to Allah like Ashabi Suffa and spend a life in the masturbation + repentance cycle without porn. If your will is strong, do an Islamic nofap. God will resurrect you in the most beautiful forms in the afterlife, my brothers. As long as you try to be at peace with this body and environment that God has imprisoned you in as a test. Antichrist's Black pill leads to suicide and insanity, Satanic red pill leads to filth and bad morals. Go for Islamic green, white and blue pills. may God be with you
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The sand people's faith does not select for intelligence so if it grows to dominate the world, "humanity" will die off as there will comes times that they will not be smart enough to deal with and that will be the end
Not reading your kebab ridden diatribe, begone nigger.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 18:44:53 No. 460097 [Reply]
Hey /b/, let's say I want to kill as many enemies as possible in one night using a knife. What would be the best way to do this? I was thinking about using some kind of self made poison on the blade to cause quick blood poisoning. So my final question is: what poison would be the most efficient and easiest to make? This thread should not be taken as a fact so don't call the cops on me.
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>>460097 It's a knife, not complicated at all. I would say don't though because it's a waste of a lot of different things.
>>460097 Why not just skip to the end and just kill yourself? That's what most spree killers do anyway. At least that way, you can die with a clear conscience. Spree Killers never target people who deserve it. They just go after convenient targets and then everyone just thinks you suck even harder than they did before. Wouldn't you rather people just feel sorry for you, than just briefly dislike you before forgetting your name?

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Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 16:24:59 No. 459920 [Reply]
i wanna be a victim
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you want to be the hero that rescues yourself from becoming a victim much easier to sleep with yourself after that way
>>460057 Like super manwhen he saved that thing from jumping
>>459920 Isn't your whole generation a victim of something already. Just say you are, and YOU ARE. Everyone feels sorry for you, and you stay STD free.

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Kek Anonymous 08/05/2023 (Sat) 17:37:31 No. 447953 [Reply]
>be russian >say you're going to save western civilization >You invade Ukraine, the last white country in Europe
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>>447953 >Be ukrania >Elect a corrupt president >Leader sells country as a military base >Get rek'd >why is this happening!? so stupid Meanwhile >Be usa >Make a deal with the ukranian president >if (military base) {prepare to stage a full conflict with rusia} >if (ukrania gets recked) {"support" ukrania to weaken rusia slowly}
>>460278 >>Elect a corrupt president More like >NATO imposes their puppet president to replace Putin's puppet president

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Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 16:24:51 No. 460241 [Reply]
What should I do before killing myself? To generate max lulz or butthurt. I have nothing to lose.
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Rape 1000 men
>>460241 Get as much credit as you can. Credit cards are one type but not the only one. Blow it all on goods and services to either gift to those you like or hurt those you don't. Some things you could buy include petty pranks. Buy boxes of bugs and/or other pests and unleash them discretely on the property of those you dislike. Do you realize how powerful a laser you can buy online (or buy the parts and assemble it)? It's expensive and you might end up on a list, but those factors won't matter to you. Lots you can do with a laser. Like fun light shows, unless you buy one of those invisible ones that's only good for starting fires from a long distance. Just make sure you don't start any fires, especially through windows of people you dislike. Anyway if you really run out of gifts and pranks, just party to death like Leaving Las Vegas.
>>460241 There was a post somewhere some time ago from a guy that wanted to cause maximum inconvenience. It involved threatening suicide on a specific bridge in London I think.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:42:19 No. 460102 [Reply]
I've seen so much of this kind of shit that I honestly just want one of these commies to wear a gopro or something permanently so I can observe them in their natural habitat getting anxiety from their uber eats delivery guy knocking at their door or something.
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>>460225 Commiecat isn't a troon though.
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>>460253 Deceitful drawings can't cover the fact that your avatar has a floppy ol' dong.
>>460256 It's a drawing. That means it's whatever I want it to be, which is not a troon.

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Evilposting thread Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:23:32 No. 455608 [Reply]
Hi anons! It’s time for your annual evilposting thread! ^w^ >But anon, what is a evilposting thread? This is NOT a confesssion thread.. If you want to confess your evil deeds go right ahead, but this thread is to indulge and support other evildoers! Talk about how fun it is to steal the pen away from your waitress at the diner! Talk about how you kicked your friend’s dog for no reason! Talk about how being evil feels good and is fun! Talk about how you unplugged your father’s life support system!! Go crazy as long as you are always sweet to your fellow evil-doers! Smile and laugh at the un-“evil-pilled” creatures who don’t understand what they’re missing out! Share techniques with fellow evildoers for better ways to be evil, and embrace the quote on quote “worst” aspects of human nature! Go!! ^w^
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>>459558 What were her last messages? 0v0
>>459559 i deleted the discord acc i did this on but it was something along the lines of generic goodbye and a suicide message, i didnt save it
suffocated and snapped the neck of a disabled puppy

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Whose Tummy does this belong to? Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 00:52:02 No. 459805 [Reply]
She has a very beautiful Bellybutton. Does anyone know who she is?
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>>459805 >>459806 That's a male. Y chromosome. Dick, balls, and everything. t. Expert
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>>460252 Based on the hands, I think you are right, because typically males have a slightly longer ring finger than index finger.
>>460252 Didn't expect a gliserald' here

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Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 11:06:55 No. 460235 [Reply]
I just subcutaneous injected my own saliva. Last time i did it in my vein, and got cotton fever and that wasnt fun. Will i get it this time? I really hope not.
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>>460235 U are going to get an infection and moght need to go to hospital
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>>460257 >I'm going to kill myself >generic commiecat autofellatio >I'm injecting stuff into my body Whatever it is, it's not just a couple of attention whores, that's for sure.

Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 18:02:56 No. 459903 [Reply]
Interest in commiecats ended. Now Nipponcat is Best Catgirl.
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>>460029 That one's too fat. >>460023 Catgirls still aren't furry though.
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>>460021 Well, it's not a cure, but I fully endorse the baby steps you are taking to mental wellness.
>>460029 appreciate it anon

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NG murder collab Cool drawing 06/19/2024 (Wed) 18:48:18 No. 460248 [Reply]

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Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 02:45:55 No. 459724 [Reply]
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>>459776 That fucking cartoon makes my heart hurt. >>459774 >>459724 I'm sorry, guys. I'm 51 and my 80 year old boomer parents are still alive, and while I love them, every day brings me that much closer to eating a bullet so I don't have to listen to their childish demands any longer. I'm currently waiting for my mother to call me back to tell me she's ready to finally go to the fucking bank and to get groceries, which will take three hours because she refuses to just make a list and give it to me. She and my dad are eating me alive, and some days, like today, I wish I'd die first so they could find out just how good they had it and how they never deserved me. I realize that's a shitty thing to say to two young folks alone in the world and grieving, but the bright side is that you are free to become what you want to be instead of whatever retarded boomer dreams were forced on them by THEIR selfish parents. Live in honor of them by becoming the best you you can be, and when you see them again, they'll hug you and tell you how much they loved watching you become the man they always knew you could be. Also, you won't have to see them become like vid related, which, let me tell you, is heartbreaking. My mom seriously thinks she can talk to magpies.
>>460184 Get a job and buy food just for yourself When you get old you are supposed to have no responsibly and life off your family, your children, get your mom to put money automatically on a card for food you won't work to buy yourself
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>>460186 >Get a job and buy food just for yourself Sorry, that's my bad. I see what happened there. It's not groceries for ME, it's groceries for HER. She can't drive because her eyesight is shit.

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