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Anonymous 11/20/2023 (Mon) 04:14:33 No. 452746 [Reply]
Central bank status: destroyed.
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>>452806 if "commies" forbid you to be homo, then what??
>>452746 he still hasn't shut the central bank down. it's still up, despite milei swearing that he would shut it down. the weasely kike got you stupid plebs again, it seems.
I thought he was one of those liberty-tarians I mean hes wrecking all the state institutions bringing the government of Argentina the freedom from institutions that will enable the wealthy free marketers to ream the poor new assholes, right?

Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:33:37 No. 456916 [Reply]
This is a kike, so why did he lose his run for president?
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>>456916 He was made an offer he couldnt refuse.
>>456926 AKA money
shit he was talking about bringing up wages for the working class in the US and bringing manufacturing back from China hillary clinton was giving speeches to Wall St. banks promising them big fat tax cuts, free trade agreements that would send more US jobs overseas without having China, etc buy goods made in the US so the big money kikes just sabotaged Bernie, starting with that jewess debbie wasserman schultz, they basically gamed the primaries in a bunch of democratic party majority controlled states and made sure Bernie lost and was not the party nominee https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774 meanwhile Vladimir Putin and his GRU goons were gaming Facebook and Twitter to ensure their agent, Trump, got the nomination lol and the rest is history hahaha

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Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 12:42:41 No. 456207 [Reply]
How do you feel in the modern world as a white normal and avarage guy? Be honest
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>>456207 it's okay
>>456207 i wouldn't know, i'm a white shut-in /b/tard but girls hit on me because i am un-fat and germanically attractive. i guess that makes me not average. i just hate seeing how much rampantly DEIversity is foisted upon every fucking industry, how much the kikes and good goys get away with openly and brazenly, and how most of the best whites are still the ones who worship a jew and by extension think kikes are our greatest ally. so overall, mildly frustrated but not too down
like sticking my head in that pile of coke and thinking I could take on the world with my little friend jew know who jew fucking with? jew fucking with Tony Mañana, thats who jew fucking with

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Sabrina Carpenter Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 09:34:47 No. 457662 [Reply]
are we ever going to see her fully nude and doing full nude sex scenes in anything anytime soon, or even better any leaks of her having sex, I've heard talk or there being some floating around the web for a few years now
no, nude ruin it for me I enjoy the tease.
Idk kind of thick in the thighs I fucked her lighter weight cousin and when she got off of me she had my cum dripping out her pussy so uh, why would I want to watch thickness there do the same thing when its more fun to do it to her lighter cousins..

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 08:46:52 No. 456271 [Reply]
Bro who the fuck lights themselves on fire over a war between desert people?
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>>456502 > and receiving immediate attention from security The DC police are not security. That security was on his ass immediately made sense. That the police force of a Democratic city, THE SPECIFIC POLICE FORCE that made the legal precedence that the police don't have a duty to people (Warren v. District of Columbia), showed up within seconds seems scripted to me.
>>456565 >anon thinks the police were there to protect the immolator instead of israel

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Anonymous 10/10/2023 (Tue) 07:38:27 No. 451283 [Reply]
Where's my m-money?
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>>451283 normal beggar: makes $60k a year jewish beggar: makes billions of dollars a year
uh, that is Pukin, right? or is that the other guy

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Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 13:54:22 No. 455222 [Reply]
ah, some nice milkers in that blurry mess

Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 07:04:54 No. 453579 [Reply]
When the fuck are these escooter fuckers going to go out of business? I'm so goddamned sick of these things piled up on the sidewalk getting in my goddamned way.
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>>454788 Global warming doesn't real, and your a retarded cowardly faggot. Grow some balls pussy
uh, bad news https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/electric-scooters-market not going out of business any time soon

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 22:34:35 No. 453363 [Reply]
What do you think of her? ❤︎₊ ⊹
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>>453768 >rebel feminist >easily corrupted abuse victim what's the difference?
>>453363 She looks like she'll do some freaky shit. Definitely a DP candidate fo shizzle. Perhaps even ATM, and I'm not talking cash withdraw! >>454720 The amount of surprise buttsex.
oh thats a future sabine hossenfelder explaining physics on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1yNl2E66ZzKApQdRuTQ4tw

Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 01:58:18 No. 453154 [Reply]
If her titties are not pink, she is not a human female. It’s important to note that beastiality is a crime.
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>>454464 >how the fuck a man supposed to suck her titties while fucking her if he cant even find the nipple Turn off the lights and go by feel.
>>453772 >shows his fellow niggers a picture of a creature with meth pox all over her face Hey, YOU try to find an example of a prego where you know how fine her tits used to be. It's basically pornstars or nothing. >mfw her tits were exquisite but, after she got pregnant, it was nothing but bestiality with nogs until she was used up There's a vid out there with her and Melanie Monroe doing a lesbian scene and she's wearing a thin white cotton t-shirt and, frankly, I've dumped about two gallons of jizz to it over the years.
my little white female kitten had the pinkest nipples and I was watching them get pinker and the next thing I knew she went into heat she got out and let some black cat bone her and now I got these inky cats

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How the fuck does the darkweb even work anymore Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 10:42:14 No. 456332 [Reply]
I used to browse Dark Web shit like 15 years ago as a young teenager, never bought anything but definitely went on some edgy illegal sites and shit. Now it seems impossible to find anything, there's 10 different hidden wiki's and everything is a dead link. I can't even ask for help because everyone is para about the FEDS. Do you basically just have to know someone to 'let you in' because it's so policed now?
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>>456332 >I used to browse world wide web shit like 15 years ago as a young teenager, never bought anything but definitely went on some self hosted sites and shit. Now it seems impossible to find anything, there's 10 different search engines and everything is the same sponsored content. I can't even ask for help because everyone is obsessed with social media. Do you basically just have to know someone to 'let you in' because it's so shit now?
>>456332 >Do you basically just have to know someone to 'let you in' because it's so policed now? Pretty much, yeah. Private communities are going to be the way of the future.
it works very well https://distrowatch.com/tails try it using ipv6.disable=1 at boot, hit Tab to edit the grub line option and use a PC to use the dark web cell phones over cellular or wifi using Orbot are useless now, tracked right away

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Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 02:09:06 No. 457081 [Reply]
Can someone with Telegram download this video and repost here? It's supposedly a first-person recording of the mass shooting in Moscow yesterday a la Brenton Tarrant. https://t.me/BazaFromOlga/1307 pic unrelated. just the last pic if phapped to.
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>>457085 >>457086 That's probably it. Gotta say, pretty disappointed. Those guys are shit at recording a mass shooting.
>>457090 Brenton Tarrant really spoiled us five years ago.
The one Iran tried to warn Putin about? shit, with all the craziness that is Russia these days, I already forgot about that one

Grand Woke Auto: The Game Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 13:54:10 No. 453201 [Reply]
This fucking retarded Mongoloid shit ruined for me any and all hope and potential this game may have had.
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>>457887 Suit yourself, nigger fucker.
>>457887 This, all black jamals WILL be trooned, no matter how muscular they are they will be bimbofied and fucked, they will not have a shred of behavioral masculinity left which is what they deserve for going overboard with their tough guy act.
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>>457891 Blacks have been feminized for years, how do you think they got deals with big record companies. They've been taking circumcised dick up the ass since the very beginning. It's why you see so many "macho" rappers turning out to be faggots.

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Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 07:41:56 No. 457885 [Reply]
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Desmond +15207714850 Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 19:11:51 No. 457893 [Reply]
>two women divorced me & took my children. I moved across the country and am all alone in a small apartment. I’m a shitskinned fat fuck. >I’m not the problem here! I’m not the problem here!

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Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 16:18:35 No. 457144 [Reply]
I got b& from a furry convention for outing pedophiles and zoophiles
>>457144 >outing pedophiles and zoophiles Was it Cherry?
op is a faggot

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