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Tired of bloodlines being destroyed Anon 08/14/2023 (Mon) 03:16:33 No. 448551 [Reply] [Last]
Aren't you tired?
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>>448551 >Aren't you tired? Only every single day.
>>456261 you don't really have to feel demoralised because it was over before you were even born. no races are pure, we're all mutts. the english breed with irish and cots and french and germans and danes and turks and whoever, so do the french, the germans, the irish, the danes, whoever. scandinavians are, like, forty percent slavic, for example. the germans are only, like, thirty percent germanic. they are almost all elts now. germanic people almost don't exist anymore, due to how much they have procreated with the french. so, at this point, what does it matter if the eurofags fuck sandniggers and niggers? just enjoy your life and try to make it as good as it can bedon't sweat all that genetics shit because we're all mutts, to begin with. no one gives a fuck about their genetic heritage. they never have. people even fucked niggers in the 17th century. and people were way more strict about their genetic heritage then, than they are now.
>>456912 >what does it matter if the eurofags fuck sandniggers and niggers? nationality =! Race They will lose the Behavior patterns of Europeans, mongoloid The behavior that allows high civilization to be obtained quickly and thus allow Humanity time to adapt to the evolutionary mismatch that is high civilization Stop trying to spread your maladaptive view to other people, thanks, people, just like all life, evolved to perpetuate their own genome and thus phenotype via ethnic selection You're wrong, stupid, and you deserve to be a Slave

fascist lives matter Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 19:46:13 No. 450304 [Reply]
so a sheboon nig nog tries to force her own teammate to "take the knee" before the start of the match, but she refuses as she completely has all the right in the world to do so, since you know humans have the right to make up their own minds on what the fuck it is they want to do or not, but of course sheboon probably got all up in her face provoking her to angry to the point of become violent which is what monkeys niggers are very good at doing pissing people off to the point of causing an altercation, but yet whom are we supposed to be sympathetic towards?, oh yeah of fucking course the fucking nig nog. I fucking hate the leftist world we're all forced to live in and under and are shamed and guilted into keeping quite out of fear of being called a racist.
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>>452160 Salty jigaboo ain't ya
>>450304 If you know the encounter you're having is going to end with you throwing hands, it's best not to delay the inevitable by futilely trying to get away or talk it out with them, you are just giving them the first-strike advantage and it's not going to end well for you. Just hit the fucker, you got stand your ground justification due to the circumstances of the situation, take the first hit and then try for the second until they concede to losing the fight. don't think you can placate them by giving them the first thing they asked for, if they've reached this platinum level of mad, all it's going to do is set them up to hurt or humiliate you even more until they feel better. All you can do is give them a really bad time and have them interpret it as them having made a mistake, or you being unreasonable but a lunatic best not provoked. The whole "cycle of violence" is something that doesn't usually play out, most likely they will not have others who would get themselves BTFO for the sake of their petty little grudge, and call them the moron for getting rekt. Most likely the kind of person that would start shit with you like this would kick the sit down the hill, abusing someone who would be willing to take the abuse in line with those retarded lessons saturday morning cartoons taught them. In cases like these, violence is the answer.
>>450304 the article clearly states that the white chick is the attacker, though. in fact, none of what you wrote makes any sense. are you a bot, or something?

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Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:59:46 No. 456337 [Reply]
hello 8chan, Im a high school high school staff member trying to resolve a problem at my school which includes an unknown group of freshmen regularly hacking into our physical server system, causing school-wide lagging and internet crashes, one time making it as far as making the school pay for a new set of servers. Im looking for help on what to do to catch them.
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It's your own fault for not securing your servers.
>>456405 Looks like you ran out of test ya soyboi

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Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 20:33:07 No. 456023 [Reply]
Literally me
So I've been doing some thinking
>>456023 He'sliterallymefr.jpg
>>456023 just because you make your own blog, that doesn't mean that anyone will ever read anything you put on there. you might as well stand out in the middle of the wilderness and scream out into the empty void. scream your thousand page essays out into the empty nature.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 22:26:23 No. 456160 [Reply]
How good would my cock feel in this doggo’s mouth /b/?
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>Hey >>456204, does your dick need to get sucked?
>>456160 isn't it funny how those in charge can break the law like that? if a normie's dog did that, the cops would have forcefully euthanized it after the third time it bit someone. very funny...
>>456894 Would not be so sure My cousin had a dog that got out more then once and bit people He escaped the cops more than once and lived with my cousin's family until cousin's junkie mother started using heavy and wasn't paying the rent so everyone moved away They don't know what happened to the dog, he ran off after they tried to give him to the pound

Anonymous 12/22/2023 (Fri) 18:51:44 No. 453944 [Reply]
School shooters are the biggest underdogs standing up to lifelong bullying and ostracism. Why are they not treated like folk heroes?
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>>453944 because the inmates are in control of the asylum. same reasn your boss can abuse you as much as he feels like and you can't kick the shit out of him without being fucked hard in the ass by the state. the very bullies that put you in choke-holds as a kid are the same people who force you to go to war against your wills.
>>455261 some do. a bit later in life, but some do. i read a story a couple of years back about some dude in denmark who killed his old school bully at a get-together many years later when they were adults. he apparently wanted the school bully to apologize for how he had treated him because it had really fucked him up later in life, but the bully simply put just straight-up refused, like a total fucking dick, lol. the guy then went out and grabbed a rifle from his car and blasted his bully away. must admit that when i read about it, i honestly thought "right on, bro". still do, to be honest.
>>455266 it's not rape culture it's nigger culture. people demonize rape enough but it still happens... it happens because they don't demonize the ones actually doing the raping, the niggers: america's favorite waste of concern

Modern Female Video Game Characters Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 13:41:45 No. 456567 [Reply]
why are leftist Video Gaming Devs so obsessed with making every single female character in games now so goddamn fucking disgusting?
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>>456567 >why are leftist Video Gaming Devs so obsessed with Stopped reading. Leftists are dumb.
>>456870 it is when the game developers stop being men making women they want to look at and start being women that want to make women they don't feel inferior to. its the same reason why the moment women started influencing politics they made it illegal to pursue the girls they had no hope in competing with. never underestimate a womans ability to destroy everything in a vain attempt to advantage themselves in some way.
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>>456885 wisdom the first society that has a population that has a trait that makes them (or the men at least) misogynists will be everlasting

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Can anyone rip this Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 19:43:38 No. 456846 [Reply]
and post it here for me? I can't find it anywhere else and I can't figure out how to download it from this stupid fucking site. I'm about to pull out a camera and make an old style bootleg. https://baddieschicks.com/video/anna-beggion-sex-machine-in-the-bathroom/
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>>456860 Thankyou fren!
>>456864 Damn she needs a BWC

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Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:32:26 No. 456307 [Reply]
I came to /b/ cause /t/ is inactive asf but anyways..... Anyone know how to completely remove the goguardian software from a restrictive chromebook and access everything pre-blocked without the help of proxies, vpns, or github simulators????
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find a way to install linux on your chrome book or, even beter, don't use a chrome book to begin with
>>456730 Yeah Chromebooks suck ass.

Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 03:23:14 No. 453044 [Reply]
I have never seen someone so right about everything and yet have so few followers.
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>>456782 You forgot the part about the moon being made out of cheese. That's the most sinister conspiracy of 'em all.
>>456326 His solution is to destroy the System and return everyone to village-level technological autarky by burning down industrial society and killing everyone involved, even if it means using technology to do so. How this solution is to be reached is something he gives suggestions on but ultimately leaves to the reader. There obviously needs to be something to keep technological progress and the centralization of authority from furthering past this point to prevent a minarchy or return to the System, but his answers to this are suggestions like the creation of an Earth-worshipping religion that vilifies technology, the mass breeding of revolutionaries to pass down freedom-seeking tendencies, and accelerationist engagement in industrial society to trigger a collapse. His only real requirement is that whatever group causes the System to fall must destroy industrial society so completely that it won't return for thousands or tens of thousands of years, far enough that no plans have to or can be made for it.
>>456831 this guy knew what the problems were, but not how to fix them

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Admins are normies Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 20:09:21 No. 456815 [Reply]
All based admins have been put in camps, the only ones left are cucked. They didn't save us from the clot shot with their hacker skills. Were done.

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 03:53:31 No. 456788 [Reply]
>white dad >light skin mom >son born brow skin because of his grandmother's genes my existence is a failure call me a nigger
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>>456799 Africa is an easy ecology, so niggers don't have genes to deal with a hard one, the niggers that have some of the white genome might be able to organize enough to do basic farming while the niggers that are more nigger will starve and die off, they won't have the luxury or energy to try to cleanse
>>456806 Niggers can't snow, so all the whites have to do is retreat to frigid climates and the nigs wouldn't be able to follow.
>>456809 Problem is liberal whites will continue to do what they do tho

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 05:51:29 No. 456796 [Reply]
I want to a Shiba Inu
>>456796 I want to fuck one in the ass.

Anonymous 08/07/2023 (Mon) 04:33:22 No. 448121 [Reply]
How do I get around using 4chan? That website is very helpful and useful but I get banned like every other day and I'm not even in the top 50 most controversial anons on that site. I'm getting really fed up of this nonsense. Is this site a good replacement? I'm a ban refugee from /biz/ and I'm noticing that no other imageboard site has a /biz/ board. Any ideas?
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You get banned on cuckchan for saying nigger and making fun of trannies. It's been like that for at least 5 years now. The more you lurk here the more you realize cuckchan just sucks even if you could say nigger. Their shitty captcha. Small image and video upload size. Can only upload one image or video in one post. Can't even have sound in your video on most boards. Jannies will instantly sweep you if you say nigger but let blacked spam slide for hours and when you call it out you get banned. That should tell you everything you need to know about cuckchan. Also you can make your own boards here.
Get proxies or a residential VPN. Just remember that if the residential VPN is free it is a botnet (Tuxler)

Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 15:45:34 No. 456737 [Reply]
wasnt there a guy here that always posted madoka or was it another 8ch/kun variant where is madoka faggot.
the one that provided pics of jizzing on their laptop screen with madoka on it and then jizzing on something of their dad's in the bathroom?
can you imagine if this guys guess is somehow wrong?
it's not like i care about it being true either, but that's just one of the weird gay stuff that i remember witnessing from one of their threads that i guess is meant to stay swept under the rug. they also moved away from posting madoka so maybe you know that much already too. why are you asking this op?

Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 00:00:15 No. 456745 [Reply]
Just another coincidence
>>456745 As time passes imageboards become more and more unnecessary, you don't have to go too far to see antisemitism and racism now.

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