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Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 17:04:30 No. 456945 [Reply]
Are people who post nothing but interracial shit on the internet all day every day the biggest losers imaginable?
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>>457294 Surprised your autism didn't make you react to the fact that is a monkey not a ape
>>457313 Surprised your down syndrome didn't win you a gold medal in the Special Olympics.
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Goth/Emo Girls Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 17:31:56 No. 457298 [Reply]
What's whith the internet's obsession with goth or emo women? I get that they're cute and hot and all and I'd fuck them too if I had the chance, but I don't understand the absolute sallivation and simping that goes on with them. Is it just ironic or are they actually like that and years of porn have fried their coomer brains? I also don't get the "I can fix her" thing. Why would I try to get with a girl who is 100% a bad decision to be with? There's also the one where people say "I don't want to fix her. Whatever that's wrong with her is way hotter." Is this basically the mirror version of women liking 'bad boys'? In other words, are they trying to put in some 'thrill' into their lives?
>>457300 That's a great video an'all, Taylor, an' I'll let yuh finish in a sec, but that dude seriously needs to like, pause. A. Lot. More. Between. Words.
>>457300 I'm not giving you views cuck write it in text

Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 20:13:40 No. 457304 [Reply]
>why yes I do support Planned Parenthood’s lucrative business of harvesting body parts from shitskinned babies while they’re still alive and selling their shit-colored body parts to universities, as well as masturbate to footage of the destruction of such shitskinned babies. What gave it away?

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Alien: Romulus' "disgusting" scene Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 12:11:35 No. 457296 [Reply]
>Alien: Romulus cast member Isabela Merced has teased the inclusion of a truly "disgusting" scene in the 2024 sci-fi horror movie >Merced revealed that at least one of her character's scenes had crew and cast members turning away due to its graphic content so does anyone have or know where to find her Alien blowjob scene in the new Alien Film?
A scene with a shitskin, that is disgusting.
why are you giving free advertizing to (((hollywood))), nigger? sage
Hollywood is fucking dead lol

Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 00:57:07 No. 457288 [Reply]
There are only nigggggggers working in Wok Fire & Grill and they’re slow as fuck.
A few things. 1. The Chinese are notoriously colonizing Africa now, they're using western tactics but with capitalism not bureaucracy or direct military force. I wonder if these nigs are african nigs imported to work the wok. 2. No brown rice no pork? Is this a Muslim thing? That's the downside of importing African blacks to work the wok.

.....She Has Back Tits Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 12:16:36 No. 451678 [Reply]
fuck I fucking hate this Fat Acceptance faggotry and that everyone is perfect and healthy at any size even if your morbidly obese and are likely to have a heart attack and lose your left foot to diabetes before you're even in your mid 30's, you're in their minds somehow perfectly healthy and there's nothing wrong with it and that you shouldn't change how you look because you're better being at that weight size instead for being at a you know a normal healthy weight and size, this woke virtue signalling pandering is what's really destroying society.
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>>451678 The middle pic that bitch looks like one of those fucked up AI pics.
>>451678 wow..
>>451732 aha haha lol yeah

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 04:15:51 No. 457157 [Reply]
Why did the kikes destroy the niggers’ bridge?
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>>457247 Not especially fond of you not explaining why the kikes destroyed a nigger bridge, so enjoy.
>>457248 Who is fighting in this war? Not me, thats for sure. >>457255 It was an accident, the ship lost power.
>>457264 Won't matter if you're fighting What is happening in jew land will happen every where soon enough

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DEEP FAKES Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 00:46:06 No. 448270 [Reply]
How do I do NSFW deepfakes for image and video? I want to put my sister's face on porn stars and all the pics/vids I've taken of chicks I've banged in the past. Is there any simple software that can analyze a porn scene and a video of my sister and then apply her face to the porn star in a few simple clicks/commands? I want to do it with local software, not online.
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>>448537 use reActor with stable deffusion you can get the extension in a1111 easily and it actually works wonders

Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 02:23:09 No. 457252 [Reply]
Why haven’t the kikes copyrighted the night sky or space and charged us royalties to stack pictures of it or see space telescope pictures?
>>457252 royalties only matter to companies, so you can 'own' stars that are probably already dead due to how light works
kikes this kikes that but what about the ekiks? The secret opposite-race that lives in the sky? Where do you think UFOs come from? They live in the sky on floating cities camouflaged by clouds. There is no satellite or telescope yet known that can see through cloud cover thick enough, even infra red can't penetrate.
>>457262 my cock can penetrant you

Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 23:02:22 No. 457266 [Reply]
Indians & kike landlords love scamming, so how do we load mostly empty apartment buildings owned by price-gouging kikes with Indian tenants, whom they can’t evict due to DEI, so they kike those kikes out of profits?

Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 17:48:30 No. 457188 [Reply]
We only have either democrat or republican presidents because you faggots refuse to vote for third party candidates, then you whine about “only” having a two party system. It’s like how women whine about domestic violence because they choose to only date shitskinned normalniggers instead of neurodivergent boys who never laid a finger on them. You faggots elect presidents about as well as women do.
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>>457227 And we are winning.
>>457236 No we're not we lost control of our retards and now they're trying to stop us from being degenerates
>>457188 most americans dont vote at this point so the unofficial third party of no confidence wins quite often

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Behold! Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 03:56:27 No. 457259 [Reply]
Jazz Chungus It's my new Counter-Strike 1.6 spray. Plz r8.
>>457259 7/9000

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LRH - tonight's episode: HACKER TUNES - $100 song contest! Call in LIVE! Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 02:37:52 No. 457229 [Reply]
The l0de radio hour is live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nldsLX6QlnE We are having an ASCII art and a song contest tonight. You can join us in #LRH on EFnet or by calling +1 877-293-1933

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 00:43:05 No. 455909 [Reply]
Why ex coomers suddenly go full anti-porn to a schizo level, to the point that they see everything as porn? Especially since most of them are still in sexualized art and be fully denial about said art being sexualized?
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>>455909 >ex-coomers people who are still cooming do the same shit. at this point when a man starts complaining about trannies i'm assuming he is ashamed of whatever it is he faps to, be it trannies or something else
Right-wingers are so lazy when it comes to IRL activism that they considerate no touching yourself some kind of resistance against the New world order
>>455909 They're in recovery and cannot moderate their impulses. Everything makes them aroused so they project this onto others. It's like former alcoholics who rail against bars and say everyone in them is a drunkard. They can't imagine some people have self control.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night! Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 20:53:38 No. 441963 [Reply] [Last]
can not fucking wait to see this stupid fat retarded faggot behind bars where he belongs, it's going to be the greatest sight imaginable!
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>>454142 More mixed race people are becoming hardcore racist now. We hate the nigger menace and we hate our nigger fathers who abused and abandoned us to go be niggers and so we would gladly lay our bodies on the front line in the ideological fight against niggerdom
Former President Donald Trump has not been able to get a bond to secure the $464 million fraud judgment against him, his lawyers said in a court filing Monday. Trump and his company need to post a bond for the full amount by next week in order to stop New York Attorney General Letitia James from being able to collect while he appeals. They've asked an appeals court to step in in the meantime and said Monday that they have not had any success getting a bond. "Defendants’ ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is 'a practical impossibility,'" the filing said. "These diligent efforts have included approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers."
Tell me you are a flaming liberal idiot without telling me you are a flaming liberal idiot. Nice work... flaming liberal idiot

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Art of manipulation Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 19:29:31 No. 457216 [Reply]
What are some literature I should read or videos I should watch about how manipulation tactics?

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